Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson

CRMSB, UMR 5536;Pole de gérontologie clinique

University of Bordeaux/ CNRS; CHU of Bordeaux

Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson
Professr (full)

Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson is professor of geriatric medicine from 2002 in University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France). She received her MD from University of Bordeaux and is qualified in geriatrics, internal medicine and endocrinology. She also received her PhD from University of Bordeaux in the Center of Magnetic resonance in biological systems (CRMSB), from CNRS and University of Bordeaux after a master in nutrition from the University of Nancy. In parallele she is medical practitioner in CHU of Bordeaux from 1990 in geriatric medicine unit. At this time she is head of a post-emergency acute care geriatric unit and of a day hospital dedicated to comprehensive gerontological assessment in frail older patients.

She is responsible of the graduation in geriatrics in Aquitania and in Island of Reunion and she drives a French-speaking e-learning diploma of geriatric medicine.

From clinical practice prevention of loss of functional independence appeared a priority to Prof Bourdel-Marchasson accross clinical, teaching and research activities. Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy allowed metabolic explorations in human and animals in this field. She was primary investigator of several randomized clinical trials of non-drug interventions in malnutrition, diabetes and cancer in the older. She is particularly involved in the field of diabetes in the older at an international level. She chairs the Special Interest Group Diabetes from EUGMS ( with Prof S Maggi from University of Padova and she belongs to the European Diabetes in Older People Working Party chaired by Prof Alan Sinclair from Diabetesfrail (
