Librarian Impact Newsletter: September 2019

Marc Songini
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Welcome to our newsletter: A free, monthly, STEM-librarian focused publication for academic, corporate, and medical audiences! We offer articles, Q&As, librarian blogs, and more, all to promote your STEM librarian career. To receive the newsletter directly, sign up here!

Databases Power Turkish Librarians Outreach

At Istanbul’s Bezmialem Vakif University, library staff make its wealth of print and electronic resources more visible and accessible to end users. Key to this is the use of the library database, as this blog by award-winning librarian Kubra Zayim Gedik explains.

Video Changing STEM K-12

JoVE isn’t just great for higher education institutions and corporations! We also change how science is done in public and private high schools. A new blog shows how video is helping teach students through visualization and making life easier for teachers and admins!

Here for Your Success

Did you know there’s a dedicated group of JoVE specialists available to enable you and your faculty/research colleagues to succeed with our videos? It’s true, and the group’s head Claire Winthrop has been the person behind it over the past year. Read an informative Q&A with her and see what JoVE can do for you!

Share JoVE With Deserving High Schools!

To boost your local high school STEM programs and promote science, JoVE offers the STEM College-Ready Partnership. This allows you to select high schools in your region to receive full access to JoVE’s 10,000-plus Science Education and article videos — at no extra cost to you or them! Want to learn more? Talk to Dave Cox today!

Webinar: Librarians Support Pre-health Students/Advisors

Pre-health sciences undergrads are under a heavy burden, tasked with doing the difficult course work needed for entry into a medical profession. For those facing the MCAT, the challenge is especially tough. But you, as a librarian with special skills and resources, can help — and we’re offering a free webinar with experts sharing tips how. Watch today!