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Chapter 7

The Nursing Process II

The two sources for collecting information are primary and secondary. After gathering information, interpretation and validation help to complete the …
Data collection gathers information needed to make accurate judgments about a patient's present condition. During a health history interview, …
The nursing history captures and records the patient's health status, so that a care plan evolves to meet the patient's individual needs. The …
The physical assessment examines the patient for objective data that defines the patient's condition, and aids in formulating the nursing care plan. …
Data validation is an essential part of a comprehensive assessment. Validation is confirming or verifying and opening the door to gathering more …
Reporting and recording are crucial in data documentation. The timely, thorough, and accurate documentation of facts is essential when recording patient …
Following assessment, a nursing diagnosis is the next step in the nursing process. It begins after the nurse has collected and recorded the patient data. …
A nursing diagnosis is written when the nurse recognizes a cluster of essential patient data indicating health problems treated with independent nursing …
Nursing diagnoses represent a problem validated by major defining characteristics. There are four categories of nursing diagnoses: problem-focused, risk, …
The nurse documents nursing diagnoses and enters them into the patient record. The identified patient's nursing diagnosis is either written out with a …
Diabetes mellitus is a major independent risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality in the hospitalized patient, and elevated blood glucose …
Improving patient education focusing on bowel preparation before a colonoscopy leads to cleaner colons. Endoscopy units must obtain informed consent and …
TBase is an electronic health record (EHR) for kidney transplant recipients (KTR) combining automated data entry of key clinical data (e.g., laboratory …