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Chapter 5

Complexometric Titration, Precipitation Titration, and Gravimetry

Organometallic compounds are compounds that contain a carbon–metal bond. Carbon belongs to an organyl group like alkyl, aryl, allyl, or benzyl …
Complexometric titrations involve reactions of ligands with suitable metal ions to generate metal–ligand complexes. The titration is often performed …
In complexation reactions, although ligands of various denticities can be used, polydentate ligands are generally preferred, as they form highly stable …
Recall that EDTA exists in various forms depending on the pH of the solution. Among the different forms, the fully unprotonated species is thought of as …
EDTA titrations require high-pH conditions, under which the active complexing form of EDTA predominates. However, under alkaline conditions, many metal …
EDTA titration includes direct, back, displacement, indirect, and alkalimetric titration. In a direct titration, a metal ion solution is directly titrated …
An EDTA titration curve plots the metal ion concentration as the p function against the EDTA volume. Before the equivalence point, the free metal ion is …
End-point detection in EDTA titration includes visual and instrumental methods. A visual metal-ion indicator, which forms a stable complex with a metal …
The selectivity of EDTA reactions is improved by masking and demasking agents. A masking agent chelates with a potential interfering ion to form a more …
In precipitation titrations, the analyte mixed with visual indicators reacts with the titrant to form a colored precipitate or a soluble, colored complex …
In the titration of chloride with silver nitrate, the initial silver ion concentration is low due to the limited redissolution of the sparingly soluble …
In argentometric precipitation titrations, visual detection of the endpoint is possible by the Mohr, Volhard, and Fajans methods. In the Mohr method for …
Gravimetry is a quantitative analytical method where the analyte is isolated and weighed either directly or after conversion into a substance of known …
In precipitation gravimetry, the analyte reacts with a precipitant to yield a precipitate that is isolated and weighed. The precipitate should be of low …
In precipitation gravimetry, ideally, the precipitant reacts specifically or selectively with the analyte to yield a precipitate with certain attributes. …
Slow addition of the precipitant in a dilute solution with constant stirring lowers the solute concentration, that is, Q, decreasing the relative …
Colloidal precipitates have a large surface-to-mass ratio that encourages surface adsorption. For example, colloidal silver chloride obtained by adding …
Coprecipitation is the contamination of a precipitate by otherwise soluble species and occurs via different processes. Surface adsorption can introduce …
Following filtration, the precipitate is washed to remove coprecipitated impurities and any remaining mother liquor. Colloidal precipitates, such as …
Like direct, back, and displacement titration, indirect titration is an EDTA titration involving metal ions. In an indirect titration, anions are …
Common inorganic precipitants yield insoluble precipitates that can be used to quantify several cations and anions. The formation of precipitates such as …
Complexation titrations may employ different monodentate or polydentate ligands. Polydentate ligands, such as derivatives of amino carboxylic acids, …
The plant phloem is essential for the long-distance transport of (photo-) assimilates as well as of signals conveying biotic or abiotic stress. It …
Carbonyl compounds present in bio-oils are known to be responsible for bio-oil property changes upon storage and during upgrading. Specifically, carbonyls …
While multiple advances in mass spectrometry (MS) instruments have improved qualitative and quantitative proteome analysis, more reliable front-end …