The radial pulse is the easiest, quickest, and most accurate peripheral pulse to assess. Items required for a radial pulse assessment include a watch with a second hand, a pen, a vital signs flow sheet, and personal protective equipment Preprocedural preparation includes identifying the patient, determining the need for pulse assessment, arranging the equipment, and approaching the patient. After preparation, explain the procedure and encourage the patient to relax. Perform hand hygiene. Position the patient in a sitting or supine position and support the arm. Locate the pulse by placing the index, middle, and ring fingers on the radial artery between the wrist bone and thumb base. Provide light pressure on the groove to feel the pulse. Assess the pulse for rhythm, strength, and amplitude. Next, count the pulse for one minute and compare the readings bilaterally. After completion, help the patient return to a comfortable position, wash hands, and replace the articles. Document the findings and report if needed.