The cross or vector product of two vectors is the product of their magnitudes and the sine of the angle. It is directed perpendicular to the vectors' plane. Geometrically, it is the area of the parallelogram spanned by the vectors. Using the right-hand rule, if the index finger and the middle fingers of the right-hand point the first and the second vectors, respectively, the thumb finger points to their cross product. The cross product of the second vector with the first has the opposite direction. Hence, order matters for cross products. The measure of a door's rotation results from a torque which is the cross product of the radial distance between the hinge and the point of application of force with the applied force. The door does not rotate if a force acts along or opposite the direction of radial distance. For the unit vector of an axis, its cross product with itself is zero. But with another, is the third one in cyclic-order. The components of the cross product of vectors A and B are AyBz minus AzBy, AzBx minus AxBz, and AxBy minus AyBx.