Comparing Two Temperature Field-Solving Modules to Address the Temperature Rise Problem of the Ring Main Unit
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Comparing Two Temperature Field-Solving Modules to Address the Temperature Rise Problem of the Ring Main Unit

Comparing Two Temperature Field-Solving Modules to Address the Temperature Rise Problem of the Ring Main Unit


02:52 min

July 05, 2024


02:52 min
July 05, 2024

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Automatically generated

Begin the protocol by setting up the ice pack model. To do so, right click on the selected component, click edit, and then go to properties to set the material for both the surface and solid materials. First, set the material properties by designating all circuit solid materials with surfaces using copper polished surface as copper pure.

For the panel components, select Aluminium606 1-T6 material with a surface coating of Paint-AL surface having an emissivity of 0.35. Select the model, and click on set in the edit menu. Then, choose multi-level meshing level to adjust the mesh settings.

Set the external cabinet and all boundaries to a mesh level of two. For all other components, set the mesh level to three. Finally, open mesh control and click generate to create the mesh.

Import the geometric model of the temperature field enclosure, established using the design software for meshing. Determine the grid size to balance efficiency and accuracy. For solution setup, set the directions of the solution domain cabinet to opening.

In the software, select problem step. Under basic parameters, check the surface to surface radiation model. Choose zero equation for turbulent flow regime, select the gravity option for natural convection, and set the ambient temperature to 20 degrees Celsius.

In the file settings, choose volumetric heat losses for EM mapping, and select all objects shown to complete the loss settings. To set up the steady state thermal model, maintain the displayed material properties in the material settings. By clicking on thermal load generation, generate the ohmic losses, resulting from the eddy current field simulation analysis in the steady state thermal module.

Click on the convective temperature value and set it to 20 degrees Celsius, with a convective coefficient of five watt per square meter Celsius applied to the inner walls of the cabinet, components, and external cabinet. Apply the settings and click on the generate option to generate a cloud map of the temperature distribution. Set the output to solve for temperature by clicking on solve and output results.

Compare the temperature values obtained from the steady state thermal temperature field solving module with those from the ice pack temperature field solution module.

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