

Published: November 17, 2023











中山大学第三附属病院の治験審査委員会は、プロトコルを承認しました(ID:[2022]02-356-01)。対象となったすべての患者は、インフォームドコンセントフォームに署名する必要がありました。 1.外科的適応症 対側凹部狭窄症または椎間板ヘルニアを有する腰椎脊柱管狭窄症の患者、または対側神経圧迫を有する患者を含める。 <stron…

Representative Results

T-UBE法を典型的なケースで実演します。65歳の男性は、下肢の両側のしびれを伴う腰痛を10か月間訴えました。しびれは右側でより顕著であり、50 m歩いた後に起こる断続的な跛行を伴います。左側の症状は鎮痛剤と神経栄養薬の治療で緩和されましたが、右側の症状は持続しました。身体検査では、棘突起の軽度の圧痛と、腰椎L4-5レベルでの打楽器時の痛みが明らかになりました。腰椎の屈?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Bone dissector Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-BLQ001 Used for soft tissue expansion and laminar bone surface soft tissue stripping. Curved streamline design, better hand holding, one device and two uses, one end as soft tissue expansion, the other end as bone tissue dissection, fully expand and dissect the lamina and facet soft tissue.
Electric surgical equipment for osseous tissue Viewall VP7110 Used to grind off vertebral plate and partial facet bone; in the device channel, it is used for processing bone tissue; grind bone tissue at high speed, without damage to soft tissues such as nerve vessel; even grind close to nerve root, without damage to nerve; it is safer and faster.
Expandable Channel Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-KZG001 Perform channel dilation
Handle of scalpel Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-DB001 Used to Install scalpel
Mouth gag Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-KKQ001 Used to handle annulus breaks prior to disc
Nerve hook Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-LG001 Used for traction of nerve root in surgery; under endoscopic surgical field, pull apart and protect nerve root in instrument channel and can simultaneously enter other instruments for processing intervertebral disc.
Nucleus pulposus forceps Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-SHQ003 Used for clamping soft tissue and nucleus pulposus tissue of intervertebral disc during operation. Different angles and sizes allow easier grasping of soft tissue in various locations during surgery, and the finger loop design is ergonomic and easy to perform, along with gunshot forceps.
Osteotome Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-GZ001 During the operation, handle the lamina and facet, osteotomes with different angles and sizes can efficiently and flexibly chisel the facet and laminar bone
Radiofrequency electrode GAOTONG DZX-T2430-A160 Used for hemostasis ablation, cutting and cleaning soft tissue under endoscope during operation
Rongeur Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-YGQ002 During the operation, the laminar and facet bones were bitten and cut, the bone window was enlarged, and different sizes and angles were different. The bitewing mouth of the large incision easily bitewed off different bony tissues and calcified tissues, greatly saving the operation time, gun design, better hand holding sensation, and more forceful biting of bony tissues during the operation
Scalpel Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-SSD001 Used to cut the annulus fibrosus
Tissue Liberator Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. PMT-BLQ002 Used for stripping soft tissue in surgery, bidirectionally at different angles; used for stripping and separating mucosal tissue under instrument channel.


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