Quiz Home

Transform undergraduate
teaching with interactive
video quizzes

Explore our extensive library of 3,000+ expert-created videos and 30,000+ questions tailored for effective formative assessments

Transform teaching with interactive video quizzes

Explore our extensive library of 3,000+ expert-created videos and 30,000+ questions tailored for effective formative assessments

Video quiz library curated by experts

Dive into our expansive library featuring over 3,000+ videos and 30,000+ expert-verified questions designed to challenge and inspire.

Seamless experience on the website and inside the LMS

Use JoVE Quiz on the website or seamlessly integrate with any popular LMS for a hassle free experience.

Multiple ways to distribute quizzes

Distribute quizzes your way. Opt for open or closed links, email, or SCORM and LTI within your LMS to connect with students on your terms.

Choose from an extensive array of subjects








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Create a video quiz in 3 simple steps and
distribute it to your students.


Pick your favorite quiz from our library and hit 'Create New Quiz'


Give it a name, set a deadline, make minor tweaks, and click 'Save Quiz'


Ready to share! Distribute it to your students using multiple distribution options

JoVE Quiz by the numbers

Improve learning, one quiz at a time

600+ Universities in 50+ Countries Choose JoVE Quiz

2500+ professors

Worldwide choose JoVE Quiz for impactful formative assessments.

10000+ quizzes

Created by professors on JoVE Quiz is a testament to our product.

18,000+ students

Have benefitted from JoVE Quiz to improve their learning.

What Our Users Say

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial now