Oral Submucous Fibrosis Tissue Sample Preparation for Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining
JoVE Journal
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JoVE Journal Medycyna
Oral Submucous Fibrosis Tissue Sample Preparation for Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining

Oral Submucous Fibrosis Tissue Sample Preparation for Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining


Automatycznie wygenerowane


02:14 min

August 11, 2023


02:14 min
August 11, 2023

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Automatically generated

To begin, using a microtome, cut the formalin fixed paraffin embedded oral submucous fibrosis tissues into continuous sections of three in 10 micrometers thickness, then unfold the sections in water. Place three micron sections on the adhesion microscope slide or slide A, and 10 microns on pen membrane slide or slide B.Place both slides on a hot plate at 60 degrees Celsius. After two hours, place slides A and B in xylene for 10 minutes, then hydrate the slides in graded ethanol concentrations for one minute in each concentration.

Next, place the slides in ultrapure distilled water for 30 seconds. Soak slides in Harris hematoxylin dye solution for 90 seconds. Again wash the slides thrice in ultrapure distilled water for 30 seconds each.

After that, submerge the slides in div-hematoxylin solution for two seconds. Return slides into ultrapure distilled water for 30 seconds, repeating three times. Next, immerse slides A and B in 1%re-blue solution for two seconds.

After washing the slides with distilled water, place them in an eosin solution for two seconds. Again immerse slides in ultrapure distilled water for 30 seconds before dehydrating and increasing ethanol concentrations, then immerse slide A in xylene for three minutes. Finally, apply a drop of the mounting medium to slide A, and cover it with a glass cover.

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