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General Laboratory Techniques

This collection exhibits how to use standard pieces of laboratory equipment essential in many experiments.

Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology

This collection demonstrates how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology.

Biology I: yeast, Drosophila and C. elegans

This unique collection features three model organisms commonly used in life sciences research; also covering methodology to maintain them in the laboratory.

Biology II: Mouse, Zebrafish, and Chick

This collection features three vertebrate species commonly used in life sciences research; also covering methodology on how they are maintained in the laboratory.

Lab Animal Research

This collection is a comprehensive video guide for appropriate lab animal care and use. Since a majority of biomedical research is focused on studies involving rodents, it is critical that every scientist learns the essential procedures demonstrated in these videos.

Lab Safety

This collection provides safety guidelines to be followed when working with hazardous materials and equipment. It covers universal topics such as PPE, electrical safety, and general emergency guidelines, as well as some specific safety procedures for chemistry and biology laboratories.