도시된 이미지는 촉매의 부재(적색 곡선) 및 존재(blue 곡선)에서 진행되는 동체 화학 공정에 대한 반응 다이어그램을 나타낸다.두 곡선 모두 동일한 전체 적인 반응을 나타내며 동일한 에너지로 시작되고 끝납니다. (이 경우, 제품은 반응물질보다 더 많은 에너지를 가지고 있습니다. 따라서 반응은 벤더스(endothermic)입니다. 그러나, 그들의 반응 메커니즘은 다르다. 비촉매 반응은 1단계 메커니즘을 통해 진행됩니다(관찰된 전환 상태가 하나만 있음). 대조적으로, 촉매 반응은 특히 더 적은 활성화 에너지와 2 단계 메커니즘 (두 개의 전이 상태가 관찰되는) 따릅니다. 반응 경로의 이러한 차이는 낮은 활성화 에너지를 가진 대체 반응 메커니즘을 제공하는 촉매의 역할을 보여 주므로 반응을 가속화시합니다.촉매 반응 메커니즘은 비촉매 메커니즘보다 더 많은 수의 기본 단계를 포함 할 필요가 없습니다. 그러나 속도 결정 단계가 더 빠른 대체 반응 경로를 제공해야 합니다(E또는 활성화 에너지가 낮을수록).촉매 반응은 촉매 과정 중에 존재하는 촉매및 반응제가 존재하는 물리적 상태에 기초하여 균질성 또는 이질성으로 분류될 수 있다.동질성 촉매제동질성 촉매에서 촉매는 반응체와 동일한 단계에서 존재합니다 - 고체, 액체, 또는 가스. 공정 도중, 촉매는 재반응제와 상호 작용하여 중간 물질을 형성한 다음, 하나 이상의 단계에서 다른 반응제와 분해 또는 반응하여 원래 촉매를 재생하고 최종 생성물을 형성한다.동질성 촉매의 예는 지구의 상부 대기권에서 발생하는 오존의 분해와 관련된 화학 공정이다. 오존은 비교적 불안정한 분자로 분해되어 원자 산소를 산출합니다. 이러한 분해 반응은 다음 2단계 메커니즘과 일치합니다." />

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13.11: 촉매

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13.11: Catalysis

The presence of a catalyst affects the rate of a chemical reaction. A catalyst is a substance that can increase the reaction rate without being consumed during the process. A basic comprehension of a catalysts’ role during chemical reactions can be understood from the concept of reaction mechanisms and energy diagrams.


The illustrated image represents the reaction diagrams for an endothermic chemical process progressing in the absence (red curve) and presence (blue curve) of a catalyst.

Both curves represent the same overall reaction – they begin and end at the same energies. (In this case, products have more energy than reactants. Hence, the reaction is endothermic). However, their reaction mechanisms are different. The uncatalyzed reaction proceeds via a one-step mechanism (with only one observed transition state). In contrast, the catalyzed reaction follows a two-step mechanism (two transition states are observed) with notably lesser activation energy. This difference in the reaction pathways illustrates the catalyst’s role in providing an alternative reaction mechanism with lower activation energy, thereby accelerating reactions.

The catalyzed reaction mechanism does not need to involve a higher number of elementary steps than the uncatalyzed mechanism. However, it must provide an alternate reaction path whose rate-determining step is faster (with a lower Ea or activation energy).

A catalytic reaction may be categorized as homogeneous or heterogeneous, based on the physical states that catalysts and reactants exist during the catalytic process.

Homogeneous Catalysis

In homogeneous catalysis, the catalyst is present in the same phase as the reactants – solid, liquid, or gas. During the process, the catalyst interacts with the reactant to form an intermediate substance, which then decomposes or reacts with another reactant in one or more steps to regenerate the original catalyst and form the final product.

An example of homogeneous catalysis is the chemical process involving the decomposition of ozone occurring in the earth’s upper atmosphere. Ozone is a relatively unstable molecule that decomposes to yield diatomic oxygen. This decomposition reaction is consistent with the following two-step mechanism:


Many substances can catalyze the decomposition of ozone. For example, the nitric oxide–catalyzed decomposition of ozone is believed to occur via the following three-step mechanism:


However, the overall reaction is the same for both the two-step uncatalyzed mechanism and the three-step NO-catalyzed mechanism:


In the catalyzed reaction, notice that NO is a reactant in the first step of the mechanism and a product in the last step. This is another characteristic trait of a catalyst: Though it participates in the chemical reaction, it is not consumed by the reaction. Additionally, in this homogeneous catalysis, both the reactant and the catalyst exist in a gaseous phase.

Heterogeneous Catalysis

In heterogeneous catalysis, the catalyst is present in a different phase (usually a solid) than the reactants. Such catalysts generally function by furnishing an active surface upon which a reaction can occur. Gas and liquid phase reactions catalyzed by heterogeneous catalysts occur on the catalyst's surface rather than within the gas or liquid phase.

Heterogeneous catalysis typically involves the following processes:

  1. Adsorption of the reactant(s) on the surface of the catalyst
  2. Activation of the adsorbed reactant(s)
  3. The reaction of the adsorbed reactant(s)
  4. Desorption of product(s) from the surface of the catalyst


The illustrated image represents the reaction mechanism involving the heterogeneous catalysis of ethene and hydrogen gas on a solid nickel surface, forming ethane gas (C2H4 + H2 ⟶ C2H6):

(a) Hydrogen adsorbs on the nickel surface. During the process, hydrogen-hydrogen bonds are broken to form nickel-hydrogen bonds.
(b) Ethene also adsorbs on the nickel surface by breaking the carbon-carbon pi-bond and forming nickel–carbon bonds.
(c) Hydrogen atoms diffuse across the surface and form new carbon-hydrogen bonds when they collide to form ethane (C2H6).
(d) Ethane molecules desorb from the nickel surface.

Heterogeneous catalysis is used to industrially manufacture chemical products such as ammonia, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and methanol. Heterogeneous catalysts are also used in the catalytic converters found on most gasoline-powered automobiles.

This text is adapted from Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 12.7: Catalysis.


Catalysis Reaction Mechanisms Kinetics Speed Of Reaction Temperature Concentration Decomposition Side Products Catalysts Rate Constant Activation Energy Chemical Reactions Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction Mechanism Homogeneous Catalysts Heterogeneous Catalysts

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