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Published: January 18, 2011 doi: 10.3791/2325












これらの実験は、コースで使用されている実験室のマニュアル、トロントの動物学、大学の学科で、博士HLアトウッドによって編成から変更されました。演習も使用して、"基礎神経科学 6 集中IBROワークショップ"のために制作されたと1993年に高麗大学、ソウル、韓国(Cooper 、1993)で開催されたマニュアルから変更されました。現在の変更は、さまざまな大学で一日の学生向け研究室を提示する一般的な機器を使用する必要がありました。ケンタッキー州の大学、生物学科、学部及び芸術科学大学のOfficeでサポート。


Circuit board

  1. Electronics listed below for the breadboard experiments can be obtained at an local electronics store such as Radio Shack.
  2. Bread board, resistors, capacitors, batteries and wires that can serve as junctions for the breadboard as outlined in the experiments.
  3. A common voltmeter (Wavetek Meterman voltmeter)
  4. A/D board for on line recording to a computer. Electrical signals are recorded on line to a PowerLab/4s interface (ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA). We use standard software from ADInstruments named Chart or Scope.

Physiology experiments

  1. Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Atchafalaya Biological Supply Co., Raceland, LA., USA.
  2. Standard crayfish saline: Modified from Van Harreveld's solution (1936). (in mM) 205 NaCl; 5.3 KCl; 13.5 CaCl22H2O; 2.45 MgCl26H2O; 5 HEPES and adjusted to pH 7.4. All saline chemicals were obtained from Sigma chemical company (St. Louis, MO).
  3. Dissection tools: Fine #5 tweezers, fine scissors, knife blade holder, #26002-20 insect pins (all obtained from Fine Science Tools (USA), Inc., 373-G Vintage Park Drive, Foster City, CA 94404-1139)
  4. A nerve chamber dish (ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA) to hold the nerve. The wires that come with the nerve chamber dish can be used to stimulate the nerve.
  5. A suction electrode is used to record the signals.
  6. The manipulator or a clamp on a ring stand will also serve as a holder for the suction electrode.
  7. Faraday Cage
  8. Dissecting Microscope
  9. High Intensity Illuminator (light source)
  10. Microscope Platform
  11. AC/DC Differential Amplifier (A-M Systems Inc. Model 3000)
  12. PowerLab 26T (AD Instruments)
  13. Extracellular amplifier (AD Instruments)
  14. LabChart 7 (ADI Instruments)
  15. Dissecting tools
  16. A ring stand and clamp to serve as a holder for the recording suction electrode



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Robinson, M. M., Martin, J. M.,More

Robinson, M. M., Martin, J. M., Atwood, H. L., Cooper, R. L. Modeling Biological Membranes with Circuit Boards and Measuring Electrical Signals in Axons: Student Laboratory Exercises. J. Vis. Exp. (47), e2325, doi:10.3791/2325 (2011).

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