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Trois dimensions d'analyse confocale de marqueurs microglies / macrophages de polarisation dans Experimental Brain Injury

Published: September 4, 2013 doi: 10.3791/50605
* These authors contributed equally


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Rat Anti-mouse CD11b Kindly provided by Dr. A. Doni, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy
Rat Anti-mouse CD68 AbD Serotec MCA 1957
Rabbit Anti-mouse Ym1 Stem Cell Technologies 1404
H–chst 33342 Life technologies H21492
Mouse Anti-Neural Nuclei (NeuN) CHEMICON MAB377
Biotinilated Goat Anti-Rat antibody Jackson Immuno Research 112-065-143
TSA Cyanine 5 System Perkin Elmer NEL705A001KT
Prolong Gold Invitrogen P36930
Anti-rat alexa 546 Invitrogen A-11081
Anti mouse Alexa 488 Invitrogen A-21121
Anti-rabbit Alexa 594 Invitrogen A-11037
Normal Goat Serum Vectors Laboratories S-1000
Tritin X-100 Sigma T8787
Phosphate Buffered Saline Sigma P4417-100
Cryostat CM1850 Leica
Olympus IX81 confocal microscope Olympus
AnalySIS software Olympus
Imaris software 5.0 Bitplane
Photoshop cs2 Adobe Systems
Software packages GraphPad Prism version 4.0 GraphPad Software Inc.



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Trois dimensions d'analyse confocale de marqueurs microglies / macrophages de polarisation dans Experimental Brain Injury
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Perego, C., Fumagalli, S., DeMore

Perego, C., Fumagalli, S., De Simoni, M. G. Three-dimensional Confocal Analysis of Microglia/macrophage Markers of Polarization in Experimental Brain Injury. J. Vis. Exp. (79), e50605, doi:10.3791/50605 (2013).

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