Here, we describe an improvement of the semi-in vitro (SIV) method for observing pollen tube guidance and reception in Arabidopsis thaliana, which increases the receptivity of ovules. The high-throughput SIV cum septum method may be coupled with gametophyte marker lines and genetically encoded biosensors to monitor the dynamic process of fertilization.
In flowering plants, the growth and guidance of the pollen tube (male gametophyte) within the pistil and the reception of the pollen tube by the female gametophyte are essential for double fertilization and subsequent seed development. The interactions between male and female gametophytes during pollen tube reception culminate in pollen tube rupture and the release of two sperm cells to effect double fertilization. As pollen tube growth and double fertilization are deeply hidden within the tissues of the flower, this process is difficult to observe in vivo.
A semi-in vitro (SIV) method for the live-cell imaging of fertilization in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has been developed and implemented in several investigations. These studies have helped to elucidate the fundamental features of how the fertilization process occurs in flowering plants and which cellular and molecular changes occur during the interaction of the male and female gametophytes. However, because these live cell imaging experiments involve the excision of individual ovules, they are limited to a low number of observations per imaging session, making this approach tedious and very time-consuming. Among other technical difficulties, a failure of the pollen tubes to fertilize the ovules in vitro is often reported, which severely confounds such analyses.
Here, a detailed video protocol for the imaging of pollen tube reception and fertilization in an automated and high-throughput manner is provided, allowing for up to 40 observations of pollen tube reception and rupture per imaging session. Coupled with the use of genetically encoded biosensors and marker lines, this method enables the generation of large sample sizes with a reduced time investment. Nuances and critical points of the technique, including flower staging, dissection, medium preparation, and imaging, are clearly detailed in video format to facilitate future research on the dynamics of pollen tube guidance, reception, and double fertilization.
The generation of genetically unique offspring in sexually reproducing organisms is dependent on the successful fusion of male and female gametes. In flowering plants, the interaction of two male gametes (sperm cells) with two female gametes (egg cell and central cell) during double fertilization depends on sperm release from the pollen tube (the male gametophyte). This process, called pollen tube reception, is largely controlled by the synergid cells that reside within the embryo sac (the female gametophyte)1,2. As pollen tube reception takes place deep inside the flower, a method allowing for live-cell imaging of the process, called semi-in vitro (SIV) pollen tube reception, has been established3. With this method, excised Arabidopsis ovules are placed on semi-liquid pollen germination medium and targeted by pollen tubes that grow through the stigma and style of a pistil severed at the style-transmitting tract junction3,4. Since the development of this technique, detailed observations have led to several discoveries surrounding pollen tube guidance, reception, and fertilization. Among others, these discoveries include the acquisition of pollen tube targeting competence by growth through the stigma3, the onset of intracellular calcium oscillations in the synergids upon pollen tube arrival5,6,7,8,9, and the dynamics of sperm cell release and fertilization upon pollen tube burst10. Nevertheless, because this technique relies on the excision of ovules, the observations of fertilization are limited in number, and pollen tube reception is often aberrant, resulting in the failure of pollen tube rupture (Video 1 and Supplementary File 1). Therefore, there is a need for a more efficient approach allowing for high-throughput analyses of pollen tube reception and fertilization.
In developing this protocol, several new approaches to analyze pollen tube reception, spanning from the most "in vitro" to the most "in vivo" methods, were tested, and an efficient technique based on the excision of the entire septum was settled upon, which allows for up to 40 observations of fertilization per day. Here, the nuances and critical points of the technique are outlined, including flower staging, dissection, medium preparation, and imaging settings. By following this protocol, research focusing on pollen tube guidance, pollen tube reception, and double fertilization should be facilitated. The higher sample sizes the method allows for are expected to bolster the scientific soundness of the conclusions drawn from live imaging experiments. The potential applications of this technique include, but are not limited to, performing observations of the molecular and physiological changes in cytosolic calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]cyt), pH, or H2O2 during gametophyte interactions through the use of genetically encoded biosensors. Furthermore, cytological changes, such as degeneration of the receptive synergid, sperm cell migration, or karyogamy, can be more easily observed using this improved method. Finally, the timing of the different stages of fertilization can be monitored under widefield microscopy, and then more detailed analyses using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) or two-photon excitation microscopy (2PEM) can be conducted for higher resolution and 3D reconstruction.
NOTE: See the Table of Materials for a list of the materials and equipment used in this protocol.
1. Considerations for designing the imaging experiment
2. Pollen germination medium preparation
3. Floral staging of septum donors, stigma donors, and pollen donors
Figure 1: Floral staging of septum donors, stigma donors, and pollen donors. (A) Stages of Arabidopsis flowers (Ler-0) within an inflorescence. Buds at stage 12B, which have petals that are about to open and yellow indehiscent anthers, should be emasculated by removing all the sepals, petals, and stamens. Pistils (harboring the female gametophyte maker) are then usable as septum donors 24 h later. (B) Stages of Arabidopsis flowers (Col-0) within an inflorescence. Buds at stage 12B, which have yellow indehiscent anthers and stigmas that are just barely emerging from the petals, should be emasculated by removing all the sepals, petals, and stamens. The pistils are then usable as stigma donors 24 h later, when they should be pollinated by flowers (harboring the male gametophyte marker) that are open and shedding pollen. Pollinated stigmas should be dissected within 1 h of pollination. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
4. Septum dissection
Figure 2: A quick guide to septum and stigma dissection. (A) Steps of septum dissection. Pin the pistil on double-sided tape with an insulin syringe needle, and make cuts at the style-ovary junction and the ovary-pedicle junction, followed by a shallow cut along the septum of either carpel (Step 1). Peel the carpel walls back onto the tape (Step 2). Cut the replum under the top septum (Step 3). Cut the septum at the style, and remove using forceps at the pedicel (Step 4). Place the septum on agar media, and embed gently with forceps. (B) Steps of stigma dissection. Pin the pistil (pollinated <1 h before) on double-sided tape, and cut at the style-ovary junction with a razor blade (Step 6). Place the stigma on agar medium with an insulin needle next to the septum, and adjust the distance to about 250 µm (Steps 7-8). Ensure that a semi-liquid pool forms around the micropyles and base of the styles (Step 9). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
5. Stigma dissection
6. Imaging
Figure 3: SIV cum septum imaging scheme. (A) Full SIV cum septum setup with 12 pollinated stigmas and 3 septa, as seen through a stereoscope. (B) Merged images of the full SIV cum septum setup seen in A 5 h after incubation using a 10x objective, with the five overview areas (~1 mm each) marked for multistage acquisition. The green boxes show the ovules that received pollen tubes undergoing an explosive burst in the synergids. (C) Closer view of overview area 2 at different time points. Approximately 3 h after incubating in the humidity chamber on the microscope, the pollen tubes should arrive near the micropyles, and by 6 h of imaging, most ovules should have properly received pollen tubes (green squares); these ovules then undergo explosive pollen tube burst (asterisk). Scale bars = (A) 5 mm, (B,C) 500 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
To assess the timing of nuclear degeneration in the receptive synergid with respect to pollen tube rupture in Arabidopsis, as well as to observe whether the left or right synergid is predestined to become the receptive synergid, the SIV cum septum method described here was employed using a female gametophyte nuclear marker stacked with a synergid cytosolic marker (pFG:roGFP2-ORP1-NLS, pMYB98:roGFP2-ORP1) as the septum donor and a male gametophyte marker (pLAT52:R-GECO) as the pollen donor. The septa and pollinated stigmas were dissected 24 h after emasculation, according to sections 4-5 of the protocol, and placed onto glass bottom dishes with a medium prepared the day before. Each dish was placed in a humidity chamber on the microscope, and a multistage experiment was performed using a 10x objective lens (numerical aperture: 0.4) with five overview areas (Figure 3). Images of each area were taken every 60 s for 9 h with four fluorescent channels: Channel (1) 560/640 for R-GECO (25 ms), Channel (2) 488/520 for roGFP2-ORP1 (60 ms), Channel (3) 387/520 for roGFP2-ORP1 (60 ms), and Channel (4) 387/640 for background subtraction (60 ms) (Table 1). An autofocus function using a 100 µm range with 7 µm coarse stepping and 1 µm fine stepping was employed for each minute before image acquisition. The five image files were opened in FIJI, the channels were separated, and then the images were manually tiled together (Video 2 and Supplementary File 1).
In Video 2 (also see Supplementary File 1), 41 examples of explosive pollen tube rupture in the synergids can be seen within the ovules, with green squares marking the regions of interest. Using the calcium biosensor line pLAT52:RGECO as the pollen donor, instances of explosive pollen tube rupture were seen at the tips of the pollen tubes where they lyse. Notably, there was a rapid increase in the brightness of the biosensor as a result of its sudden exposure to high levels of calcium. Explosive pollen tube rupture can also be analyzed with GFP-based or RFP-based sperm cell or cytosolic markers, which also show rapid release of the sperm or cytoplasmic content. Upon pollen tube rupture, the nucleus of the receptive synergid was observed to degrade simultaneously (within the 1 min time resolution in the experiment), and migration of the egg cell nucleus toward the micropyle was also seen upon pollen tube rupture as a result of karyogamy (Video 3 and Supplementary File 1). Both the left and right synergids were able to serve as the receptive synergid, and instances of two pollen tube bursts were observed, firstly in the receptive synergid and secondly in the persistent synergid. Video 2 (also see Supplementary File 1) shows 10 examples of defective pollen tube reception, which can be seen in the ovules, with the regions of interest marked by red squares. Thus, the overall efficiency of pollen tube reception was ~80% with respect to the ovules that attracted pollen tubes. In these unsuccessful cases, the pollen tubes either arrest their growth in the micropyle, arrest their growth after the fast growth into the synergids, or fail to arrest their growth and continue growing and coiling within the embryo sac. The ovules without any indicated regions of interest failed to attract pollen tubes or were not in an accessible orientation. Enlarged examples of negative and positive outcomes can be seen in Video 3 (also see Supplementary File 1), showing two instances of defective pollen tube reception (Video 3A,C and Supplementary File 1), and two instances of successful pollen tube reception (Video 3B,D and Supplementary File 1).
Figure 4: Comparison of SIV method efficiencies. Eight technical replicates of the SIV excised ovules method (71 total ovules) showed only ~28% ovules with explosive pollen tube bursts, resulting in an efficiency ranging from ~10%-50%. Five technical replicates of the SIV cum septum method (8 septa and 102 ovules) showed ~79% ovules with explosive pollen tube burst, resulting in an efficiency ranging from ~70%-100%. Only ovules that attracted pollen tubes to the micropyle and ovules that had enough recorded time to receive the attracted pollen tube were counted. The "X" denotes the mean and the center line the median value (50th percentile), respectively. The lines outside the upper and lower quartiles show the minimum and maximum percentages of successful pollen tube reception. The percentage of ovules with pollen tube burst was significantly different (p < 0.001) between the two methods based on an unpaired t-test. Abbreviation: SIV = semi-in vitro. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Equipment/Setting | Supplemental Video 2 & 3 |
Microscope | Olympus IX-81F-ZDC2 inverted microscope |
Temperature control | Life Imaging Services GmbH Cube & Box (22C) |
Humidity control | Life Imaging Services GmbH Brick (92% relative humidity) |
Software | Olympus cellSens Dimension 2.3 |
Real time controller | Olympus U-RTC |
Laser | MT20- 150 W xenon arc burner |
Objective lens | 10x air immersion U Plan SApo objective lens (0.4 NA), working distance 3.1 mm |
Mirror Cube | GFP/RFP |
Filter Wheel | Olympus U-FFWO |
Channel 1 (25 ms) : reflected (560/25) observation (624/40) | |
Channel 2 (60 ms): reflected (485/20) observation (525/30) | |
Channel 3 (60 ms): reflected (387/11) observation (525/30) | |
Channel 4 (60 ms): reflected (387/11) observation (624/30) | |
Detector | Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion Digital CMOS camera |
Autofocus | 100 µm range, 7 µm coarse step, 1 µm fine step |
Time interval | 1 min |
Table 1: The microscope systems and settings used in this manuscript.
Video 1: Timelapses of the SIV excised ovules method. Merged timelapse from eight technical replicates of SIV using excised ovules showing the growth of pollen tubes (harboring pLAT52:R-GECO) and pollen tube reception within the ovules. The 20 green boxes show instances of explosive pollen tube burst in the synergids, and the 51 red boxes show instances of failed pollen tube burst and overgrowth. The time lapses are between 260 min and 400 min, and the scale bar is 100 µm. Please click here to download this Video.
Video 2: SIV cum septum timelapse. (A) Merged timelapse from all five overview areas (see Figure 3) of pollen tube growth and reception within the ovules with just the RFP channel (Channel 1). The pollen is harboring pLAT52:R-GECO and the ovules pFG:roGFP2-ORP1-NLS; pMYB98:roGFP2-ORP1. The 41 green boxes show instances of explosive pollen tube burst, and the 10 red boxes show instances of failed pollen tube burst and pollen tube overgrowth. (B) The same timelapse with both the RFP and GFP channels (Channel 1 and Channel 2), showing the nuclear dynamics in the gametes and synergid cells during pollen tube reception. The numbers on the top right indicate the time (h:min). Scale bar = 500 µm. Please click here to download this Video.
Video 3: Examples of positive and negative outcomes from SIV cum septum. (A,C) Example ovules taken from Video 2 showing two instances of failed fertilization. In A, the pollen tubes fail to arrest growth and continue coiling in the embryo sac. In C, a second category of pollen tube overgrowth is seen, where the first pollen tube undergoes fast growth as it grows into the synergid but arrests growth without rupturing. (B,D) Example ovules taken from Video 2 showing two instances of successful pollen tube reception. The wild-type-like pollen tube burst shows the explosive rupture of the pollen tube in the synergids, and the migration of the egg cell nucleus toward the micropyle indicates karyogamy. The numbers on the top right indicate the time (h:min). The arrowheads indicate the receptive synergid nuclei (rSN), and the arrows indicate the migration of the egg cell nucleus (EN) after pollen tube burst (lysis). Scale bar = 30 µm. Please click here to download this Video.
Supplementary File 1: Still images of Video 1, Video 2, and Video 3. Please click here to download this File.
This manuscript introduces an efficient protocol for the imaging of pollen tube reception and double fertilization in Arabidopsis. The improved method, SIV cum septum, greatly increases the percentage and total number of successful pollen tube reception events that are observable per imaging session. The representative results shown here demonstrate an imaging session with 41 successful pollen tube reception events and 10 ovules showing reception defects (~80% efficiency). This is over double the number of successful pollen tube reception events captured in a total of eight imaging sessions using the original SIV excised ovules method (Video 1). Using the SIV cum septum method in five technical replicates for a total of eight septa, we achieved an average pollen tube reception efficiency of 79% in comparison to an average of 28% using the SIV excised septum method with eight technical replicates (Figure 4).
While the efficiency of pollen tube reception is much greater for the SIV cum septum method, instances of pollen tube overgrowth still occur at varying rates, depending on several factors. Most importantly, the synergid cells must be kept alive and receptive for the several hours over which they are being imaged. Maintaining a humid environment during dissection and imaging, using freshly made medium, embedding the ovules and septum into the semi-liquid agar, and avoiding heat generated by excessive light exposure during image acquisition are all crucial factors to ensure successful pollen tube reception. The accessibility and attraction of pollen tubes to the micropyles of the ovules are also key factors that limit the number of successful pollen tube reception events. Minimizing the disturbance of the ovules on the septum during dissection, orienting the septum such that the micropyles are facing upward, and the formation of a semi-liquid pool between the ovules and the opening of the style are key for pollen tube attraction. The formation of this pool could vary between brands of low-melting point agar, and it is, therefore, recommended to begin the experiments with varying percentages of agar from 1% to 1.5%. Finally, the difficulty of the dissection means it requires some practice, and it is recommended to stay patient, practice relaxing and deep breathing before the dissection, and, importantly, to keep note of the techniques that improve stability and consistency (e.g., hand positioning, slide orientation).
This detailed protocol of the SIV cum septum method should greatly improve the efficiency and sample number for experiments aimed at the live imaging of pollen tube reception and double fertilization. Applications include the use of genetically encoded biosensors, mutant analysis, and descriptive observations of cytological events before, during, and just after double fertilization. We hope that this method may be expanded upon and extended to other flowering plant species where maintaining ovules on the ovary's placenta could be of benefit.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Sara Simonini and Stefano Bencivenga for donating the pFG:roGFP2-ORP1-NLS construct and Christof Eichenberger, Johann Almendinger, Vincent Sutter, and Celia Baroux for their advice on microscopy. We kindly acknowledge advice from Ravi Palanivelu, Philipp Denninger, Sharon Kessler, Mark Johnson, Tomokazu Kawashima, and everyone else at the International Conference on Sexual Plant Reproduction 2022 who showed interest in a protocol on SIV cum septum. This work was supported by the University of Zurich and grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation to U.G.
1 mm glass slide | Epredia | 16211551 | |
35 mm glass bottom dish (14 mm well) | Mattek | P35G-1.5-14-C | |
Calcium Chloride | Roth | CN93.1 | |
Columbia (Col-0) | Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC) | stigma donor | |
Dissecting Scope | Olympus | SZX2-ILLT | |
Insulin needle (0.3 G) | BD | 304000 | |
Landsberg erecta (Ler-0) | Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC) | septum donor | |
Magnesium Sulfate | Merck | 5886 | |
Potassium Chloride | Roth | 6781.1 | |
Razor blade | Beldura | 7026797 | |
Scotch double sided tape | Scotch | 768720 | Less thick and good for stigma dissection |
Sodium Chloride | Roth | 3957.1 | |
Sucrose | ITW reagents | A2211,1000 | |
Tesa double sided tape | Tesa | 05681-00018 | Very sticky and good for septum dissection |
Ultra low gelling temperature agarose | FMC SeaPrep | 50302 |