This protocol offers a systematic framework for the establishment of ovarian cancer organoids from different disease stages and addresses the challenges of patient-specific variability to increase yield and enable robust long-term expansion for subsequent applications. It includes detailed steps for tissue processing, seeding, adjusting media requirements, and immunofluorescence staining.
While the establishment of an ovarian cancer biobank from patient-derived organoids along with their clinical background information promises advances in research and patient care, standardization remains a challenge due to the heterogeneity of this lethal malignancy, combined with the inherent complexity of organoid technology. This adaptable protocol provides a systematic framework to realize the full potential of ovarian cancer organoids considering a patient-specific variability of progenitors. By implementing a structured experimental workflow to select optimal culture conditions and seeding methods, with parallel testing of direct 3D seeding versus a 2D/3D route, we obtain, in most cases, robust long-term expanding lines suitable for a broad range of downstream applications.
Notably, the protocol has been tested and proven efficient in a great number of cases (N = 120) of highly heterogeneous starting material, including high-grade and low-grade ovarian cancer and stages of the disease with primary debulking, recurrent disease, and post-neoadjuvant surgical specimens. Within a low Wnt, high BMP exogenous signaling environment, we observed progenitors being differently susceptible to the activation of the Heregulin 1 ß (HERß-1)-pathway, with HERß-1 promoting organoid formation in some while inhibiting it in others. For a subset of the patient’s samples, optimal organoid formation and long-term growth necessitate the addition of fibroblast growth factor 10 and R-Spondin 1 to the medium.
Further, we highlight the critical steps of tissue digestion and progenitor isolation and point to examples where brief cultivation in 2D on plastic is beneficial for subsequent organoid formation in the Basement Membrane Extract type 2 matrix. Overall, optimal biobanking requires systematic testing of all main conditions in parallel to identify an adequate growth environment for individual lines. The protocol also describes the handling procedure for efficient embedding, sectioning, and staining to obtain high-resolution images of organoids, which is required for comprehensive phenotyping.
Clinical management of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer remains challenging due to its heterogeneous clinical presentation at advanced stages and high recurrence rates1. Improving our understanding of ovarian cancer development and biological behavior requires research approaches that address the patient-specific variability during the course of the disease, treatment response, and histopathological as well as molecular features2.
Biobanking, characterized by the systematic collection and long-term preservation of tumor samples derived from ovarian cancer patients along with their clinical information offers the preservation of a large patient cohort in different disease stages, including tumor samples from primary debulking surgeries, after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and from recurrent disease. It holds valuable potential for advancing cancer research serving as a resource of promising prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets3. However, conventional biobanking methods, such as formalin fixation and freezing, are not amenable to conducting functional studies on the original tumor samples due to the loss of viability and the disruption of the native three-dimensional tissue architecture4,5.
Studies of molecular mechanisms, in oncology and beyond, crucially depend on the use of appropriate experimental models that faithfully reflect the biology of the disease and maintain in vitro properties of the tissue observed in vivo. Patient-derived organoids, based on the preservation of the renewal potential, reproduce in the lab the original structure and function of the epithelium and allow testing in a patient-specific context. Therefore, they have emerged as highly promising tools for cancer research and personalized medicine, bridging the gap between clinical diversity and laboratory research6,7,8,9. Tailored therapeutic strategies based on individual drug responses of organoid lines and testing of the functional relevance of molecular profiles, can potentially be directly applied to patient care10,11. The possibility of long-term cultivation including patient-specific characteristics and the collection of relevant prospective clinical data over time holds great promise to identify novel prognostic and predictive factors involved in disease progression and resistance mechanisms3,9.
Nonetheless, building a biobank that includes organoids from different tumor samples requires a combination of strict adherence to complex methodology and setting up protocols for easy maintenance12. Process standardization ensures that the biobank can be established and maintained efficiently by trained staff even at high turnover, while at the same time adhering to the highest quality standards13. Several studies reported the successful generation of stable ovarian cancer organoid lines corresponding to the mutational and phenotypical profile of the original tumor with varying efficiency rates. Still, routine bio banking remains challenging in practice, particularly for long-term stable growth of lines, which is a prerequisite for large-scale expansion or successful genomic editing.
In particular, the issue of expandability remains vaguely defined in the field as organoids that show slow and limited growth potential are occasionally counted as established lines. As initially demonstrated by Hoffmann et al., a study whose principal findings provided the basis for this further developed protocol, optimal handling of ovarian cancer tissue requires a unique strategy to accommodate heterogeneity14. Phenotypic characterization of the organoids obtained by this method and close similarity with parental tumor tissue were confirmed by panel DNA sequencing and transcriptomics analysis of mature cultures (4-10 months of cultivation) demonstrating the stability of the model8,9,12,14.
In contrast to the paracrine environment that regulates the homeostasis in the healthy fallopian tubes, the epithelial layer, which likely yields high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC), cancer regeneration potential, and organoid formation capacity, is less dependent on exogenous Wnt supplementation. Moreover, active Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling, characterized by the absence of Noggin in organoid medium, proved to be beneficial for the establishment of long-term cultures from ovarian cancer solid tissue deposits14,15. During systematic biobanking of solid deposits of ovarian cancer, we have confirmed these findings and set up the pipeline, with details outlined in this protocol that ensures sustained long-term expansion in the majority of cases. We find that parallel testing of different media compositions and seeding modalities when working with primary isolates are essential to improve the establishment of long-term stable organoid lines and to increase yields enabling robust propagation and expansion to multi-well formats required for downstream experiments16.
Furthermore, the purity and quality of the samples collected during surgery are of crucial importance for the translational potential of ovarian cancer organoids in basic research and molecular diagnostics. The complexity of the clinical presentation of HGSOC requires close cooperation between the surgeons, oncologists, and the scientists in the lab to ensure that relevant material is correctly identified, transport conditions are kept constant, and organoid lines are generated with high efficiency representing the most important characteristics of the disease of each patient. This protocol provides a standardized but adaptable framework to capture the full potential of ovarian cancer organoids, considering the heterogeneity that characterizes ovarian cancer16,17. Notably, this protocol enables reliable biobanking of the broad spectrum of ovarian cancer clinical presentation, including different histological types (high-grade and low-grade ovarian cancer, LGSOC), different deposits from the same patients who exhibit differences in stemness regulation, tissues from surgeries in post neoadjuvant setting, biopsy material, and samples from surgeries in the recurrent phase of disease progression.
Tumor tissue specimens from ovarian cancer surgeries were collected and patient-derived organoids were generated in compliance with the Ethics Committee of LMU University (17-471), adhering to the existing applicable EU, national, and local regulations. Each patient involved in the study has consented in written form. When working with fresh tissue samples, Biosafety Level 2 safety permission and Laminar Flow cabinets are required. Given the potentially infectious nature of the tissue samples, which cannot be ruled out due to the lack of routine testing of relevant infectious diseases, it is necessary to ensure that institutional bio-safety regulations are strictly adhered to and that adequate personal protective equipment is available for the personnel conducting the experiments.
1. Preparations
2. Initiation of an ovarian cancer organoid culture
3. Long-term organoid cultivation
After initial tissue dissociation, filtration, and counting, cells are seeded in parallel directly in 3D format, as explained above, as well as the suspension in the flask for brief 2D expansion. In some cases, the transient 2D expansion positively influences the organoid formation, and the long-term line is successfully established via this route while comparative parallel 3D seeding can result in growth arrest (Figure 1). For each donor tissue that is processed, the cells are tested according to the media matrix. Following this strategy, our biobank now contains lines representative of each standard growth condition as shown in Figure 2. By stringent implementation of this mini screening platform of testing different media and modes of seeding, we have successfully generated organoid lines from different histological types and stages of disease development of ovarian cancer (Figure 3) of primary high-grade serous, post neoadjuvant interval surgeries and from recurrent disease. Phenotypic characterization of the organoid lines by immunofluorescence staining of main markers in comparison to parental tissue convincingly demonstrates that hallmarks of epithelial tumor compartment are preserved in the organoid model: epithelial architecture and adhesion marked by (EpCAM), lineage identity (PAX8), and typical TP53 point mutation characteristic of HGSOC leading to accumulation in the nucleus (Figure 4).
Some important methodological points are also to be considered for efficient decision-making during organoid biobanking. Organoid growth potential is not only determined by the increase in organoid diameter. Additionally, phenotypic characteristics determine expansion potentials such as color, darkness, and contour integrity. The formation of cytoplasmic stress vacuoles indicates suboptimal conditions. Initial issues with respect to growth and organoid-forming potential might occur due to inappropriate transportation conditions and delay of tissue procession. As a high interindividual variability in expansion potential is observed within the tumor lines, we recommend waiting at least 14 days before making a final decision about the growth potential. If similar growth patterns are initially observed in different media, multiple conditions should be expanded. From our experience, a clear distinction of long-term stable growth potential is often possible only after cultivation of several weeks or months.
Figure 1: Benefits of brief seeding in 2D of primary isolates for subsequent organoid generation. (A) Scheme of the experimental layout showing two-way, parallel seeding strategy: 2D/3D, and direct 3D seeding in four different media. (B) Image of adherent primary isolates before trypsinization and 3D transfer. (C) An example of the primary deposit where parallel seeding revealed the clear advantage of the 2D/3D route as long-term organoid expansion was possible only from progenitors that were initially isolated on plastic. The top left image shows a 3D culture 7 days after isolation at passage 0 (referred to as P0) with insufficient organoid forming after the first passage (referred to as P1) on the bottom left picture. After 2D seeding on plastic (refer to Figure 1B) followed by transfer to a 3D culture, a better organoid forming is already apparent at P0, while long-term expansion potential is confirmed at passage 4 (P4). Scale bar = 200 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Patient-specific medium requirement. Examples of four different long-term stable expanded lines each growing in a different medium. Scale bar = 500 µm. Abbreviations: OCM = ovarian cancer medium; her = heregulin 1β; HGSO = high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Organoid generation from all stages of the disease. Images of long-term stable expanding lines, from high-grade serous and low-grade serous ovarian cancer in primary disease presentation, from interval surgery (post neoadjuvant chemotherapy), and from recurrent cancer tissue. Scale bar = 500 µm. Abbreviations: HGSOC = high-grade serous ovarian cancer; LGSOC = low-grade serous ovarian cancer; NACT = neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Close match of phenotype of organoids and parental cancer tissue. Confocal images of immunofluorescence staining of (A) cancer tissue and (B) paired organoid line show very high similarity in staining pattern and level of expression of all markers, EpCAM (green), PAX8 (red), TP53 (magenta). Scale bar = 20 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1: Composition of the media and digestion mixture used in this protocol. Please click here to download this Table.
The designed protocol addresses previous challenges of ovarian cancer organoid biobanking with regard to organoid formation and long-term passage potential and ensures the generation of fully expandable lines from the majority of solid tumor deposits. The surgical collection process of tumor samples to be used for organoid generation significantly impacts yield and expansion potential. Tumor tissue samples can be obtained during various procedures, including multi-visceral surgery, diagnostic laparoscopy, or biopsy. The experienced gyneco-oncological surgeon should prioritize obtaining clean tumor samples from peritoneal locations. Notably, it has been observed that macroscopically necrotic areas within large tumor deposits are less suitable for the successful generation of organoid cultures. As sample purity is crucial to reflect molecular and phenotypical characteristics for downstream applications, synchronized efforts of both the clinical and the laboratory teams are required for optimal biobanking, ensuring that the lines are created from the most relevant regions of the tumor.
While this protocol covers variations in growth factor dependencies that we have observed during 2 years of biobanking, it is clear that additional refinement is warranted to further increase the efficacy as we still did not observe any organoid growth in 20% of the cases and the number of lines that demonstrated limited expansion potential suggested suboptimal maintenance of stemness. Although our organoid biobank currently includes only ovarian cancer samples of serous histology (HGSOC and LGSOC), our experience with samples from different epithelial ovarian cancer histologies prior to the structured biobanking program exhibited comparable success rates without specific differences. Notably, the majority of epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes share a similar columnar pseudostratified morphology with tissues that developed from the Mullerian tract (fallopian tube, uterus, cervix) while in contrast, the ovarian epithelium itself originates developmentally from the genital ridge and mesonephros, being covered with a single layer of cuboidal epithelium. Since developmental pathways regulating epithelial homeostasis have a central role in the control of adult stem cell potential, the differences in embryonic origin should be taken into account when developing protocols for bio-banking of organoids. Thus, we believe that progenitors from the surface of the ovary likely require organ-specific culture conditions to sustain long-term stable growth.
Notably, in our lab, the protocol has proven to be successful also for post-neoadjuvant ovarian cancer samples, although the neoadjuvant chemotherapy impacts the cell viability and tissue phenotype. These samples exhibit more debris and extracellular tissue aggregates compared to samples deriving from chemotherapy-naïve tissue of primary debulking surgeries which could affect organoid formation potential. In these cases, we experienced that an appropriate amount of surgical tissue and strict adherence to the recommended transport conditions are crucial for successful organoid generation, as the post-neoadjuvant samples might be more sensitive.
A very interesting phenomenon of the beneficial effect of brief expansion on plastic in 2D of freshly isolated progenitors on subsequent organoid growth, which we have repeatedly observed and therefore included in the standardized experimental procedure, is an important addition to the methodology of cancer organoids research field, which largely relies on direct seeding strategies. It is tempting to speculate that the sensitivity of progenitors after enzymatic digestion and the ability of growth factors to adequately prime them could be the underlying mechanisms behind this difference, which is in some cases a decisive factor if the line can be established. However, more research is needed to establish clear dependencies.
In meeting the challenges posed by high cell adhesion and functional junctions in 3D ovarian cancer organoids, which are difficult to digest, a combination of mechanical and enzymatic dissociation with needle and syringe may help when large clumps remain after trypsinization. Experimenting with different enzymatic conditions could lead to further improvements.
After long-term storage, organoid lines can be thawed and brought into culture according to the experimental design and used for subsequent applications. This enables access at any time to already generated organoid lines for specific research purposes and is particularly interesting for investigating the long-term behavior of certain lines in light of the patient's disease progression. However, cryopreservation of ovarian cancer organoids remains a challenge. Temperature variations during freezing and thawing cycles can negatively affect organoid viability, functionality, and expansion potential. Long-term storage is more stable in liquid nitrogen, where very low temperatures minimize the risk of degradation so that the integrity of the organoids can be maintained. However, ongoing optimization is warranted to establish consistent procedures for freezing, storage, and thawing, to further improve these processes.
Despite the mentioned outstanding issues, this protocol demonstrates the capacity to consistently generate stable organoid lines from solid tumor samples of patients with ovarian cancer. In our laboratory, we processed to date 120 primary ovarian cancer tissue samples achieving success in approximately 50% of cases including a wide range of histological subtypes and stages of the disease with primary debulking, recurrent disease, and postneoadjuvant surgical specimens. By providing a structured framework for the generation of organoids derived from various patient samples, parallel seeding in different media, and implementation of different seeding strategies, this protocol provides an opportunity to assess individual differences in stemness potential, thus providing additional information about tumor biology. To our knowledge, the vast majority of studies usually follow the reverse approach of testing the medium components on a small number of samples and choosing for simplicity mostly one optimal medium. Our systematic testing of the effect of HER1ß, the effect of RSPO1 and FGF10 supplementation, and 2D/3D seeding demonstrates conclusively that ovarian cancer tissue has a degree of interpatient variability in stemness properties, and the optimal medium is indeed patient-specific. Therefore, systematic parallel testing of different media compositions providing different exogenous paracrine signaling environments is essential.
Establishing a living biobank with an extensive panel of organoids derived from various ovarian cancer patients together with their prospectively collected clinical information, serves as a valuable resource for a wide range of research applications and reflects the heterogeneous clinical landscape that is potentially applicable to a larger patient population17. Long-term cultivation and cryopreservation enable experimental consistency and the repeated accessibility of the same organoid line over time, serving as the base for longitudinal experimental designs with unaltered tumor-line cellular properties.
By retaining epithelial architecture and polarization, the organoid lines are an adequate model to study cell-cell communication and context-dependent cell fate decision-making mediated by paracrine signaling pathways. Embedding of the organoids in the histological gel is a practical and efficient intermediate step to avoid loss of material post-fixation and ensures that downstream processing (embedding in paraffin and sectioning) can be performed in parallel with tissue samples. The loss of organoids during the fixation procedure is a critical issue when the number of organoids is very limited. However, this loss can be counteracted by thoroughly removing the organoids from the extracellular matrix by washing in a cold basal culture medium and by pooling at least two full-grown wells of a 24-well format plate before fixation. The immunofluorescence staining protocol allows high-resolution confocal imaging to correspond molecular and phenotypical characteristics of the ovarian cancer organoids with the parental tumor tissue but is also a valuable tool to study the cellular response to chemical compounds or characterization of genetically modified lines. The method is also suitable for histology staining without any specific modifications. Depending on the purpose of the study, thinner sections cut with a microtome (2-3 µm) should be considered.
Importantly, stable long-term culture is a prerequisite for gene editing experiments and functional assays about drug response and resistance to novel and standard therapies17,21. In particular, organoids generated from re-biopsies that are performed during disease progression and recurrence, offer the possibility for direct comparative analyses between the therapy-naive original tumor and the newly acquired characteristics observed during relapse. Identification of patient-specific treatment responses and the formation of therapy resistance in vitro advance the field of precision medicine in ovarian cancer research21.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The study is funded by the German Cancer Research Center DKTK, Partner site Munich, a partnership between DKFZ and University Hospital LMU Munich. The study is also supported by the German Cancer Aid grant (#70113426 and #70113433). Paraffin embedding of tissue and organoids has been performed at the Core facility of the Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, Munich. Confocal Imaging has been performed at the Core facility Bioimaging at the Biomedical Center (BMC). The authors want to thank Simone Hofmann, Maria Fischer, Cornelia Herbst, Sabine Fink, and Martina Rahmeh, for technical help.
100 Sterican 26 G | Braun, Melsungen, Germany | 4657683 | |
100 Sterican 27 G | Braun, Melsungen, Germany | 4657705 | |
293T HA Rspo1-Fc | R&D systems, Minneapolis, USA | 3710-001-01 | Alternative: R-Spondin1 expressing Cell line, Sigma-Aldrich, SC111 |
A-83-01 (TGF-b RI Kinase inhibitor IV) | Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | 616454 | |
Advanced DMEM/F-12 Medium | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 12634028 | |
Anti-p53 antibody (DO1) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Texas, USA | sc-126 | |
Anti-PAX8 antibody | Proteintech, Manchester, UK | 10336-1-AP | |
B-27 Supplement (50x) | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 17504-044 | |
Bottle-top vacuum filter 0.2 µm | Corning, Berlin, Germany | 430049 | |
CELLSTAR cell culture flask, 175 cm2 | Greiner Bio-one, Kremsmünster, Austria | 661175 | |
CELLSTAR cell culture flask, 25 cm2 | Greiner Bio-one, Kremsmünster, Austria | 690160 | |
CELLSTAR cell culture flask, 75 cm2 | Greiner Bio-one, Kremsmünster, Austria | 658175 | |
Collagenase I | Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 17018029 | |
Costar 48-well Clear TC-treated | Corning, Berlin, Germany | 3548 | |
Cryo SFM | PromoCell – Human Centered Science, Heidelberg, Germany | C-29912 | |
Cultrex Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Extract, Type 2, Pathclear | R&D systems, Minneapolis, USA | 3533-005-02 | Alternative: Matrigel, Growth Factor Reduced Basement membrane matrix Corning, 356231 |
Cy5 AffiniPure Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG | Jackson Immuno | 715-175-151 | |
DAKO Citrate Buffer, pH 6.0, 10x Antigen Retriever | Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | C9999-1000ML | |
DAPI | Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 62248 | |
Donkey anti rabbit Alexa Fluor Plus 555 | Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | A32794 | |
Donkey anti-Goat IgG Alexa Fluor Plus 488 | Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | A32814 | |
Dulbecco´s Phosphate-Buffered Saline | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 14190-094 | |
Epredia Richard-Allan Scientific HistoGel | Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | Epredia HG-4000-012 | |
Falcon 24-well Polystyrene | Corning, Berlin, Germany | 351447 | |
Feather scalpel | Pfm medical, Cologne, Germany | 200130010 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 10270106 | |
Formalin 37% acid free, stabilized | Morphisto, Offenbach am Main, Germany | 1019205000 | |
GlutaMAX | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 35050038 | |
HEPES (1 M) | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 156630080 | |
Human EpCAM/TROP-1 Antibody | R&D systems, Minneapolis, USA | AF960 | |
Human FGF10 | Peprotech, NJ, USA | 100-26 | |
Human recombinant BMP2 | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | PHC7146 | |
Human recombinant EGF | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | PHG0311L | |
Human recombinant Heregulin beta-1 | Peprotech, NJ, USA | 100-03 | |
LAS X core Software | Leica Microsystems | | |
Leica TCS SP8 X White Light Laser Confocal Microscope | Leica Microsystems | ||
N-2 Supplement (100x) | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 17502-048 | |
Nicotinamide | Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | N0636 | |
Omnifix 1 mL | Braun, Melsungen, Germany | 3570519 | |
Paraffin | |||
Parafilm | Omnilab, Munich, Germany | 5170002 | |
Paraformaldehyd | Morphisto, Offenbach am Main, Germany | 1176201000 | |
Pen Strep | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 15140-122 | |
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) | Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | P4333-100 | |
PluriStrainer 400 µm | PluriSelect, Leipzig, Germany | 43-50400-01 | |
Primocin | InvivoGen, Toulouse, France | ant-pm-05 | |
Red Blood Cell Lysing Buffer | Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | 11814389001 | |
Roticlear | Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany | A538.5 | |
Surgipath Paraplast | Leica, Wetzlar, Germany | 39602012 | |
Thermo Scientific Nunc Cryovials | Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 375418PK | |
Triton X-100 | Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | T8787 | |
Trypan Blue Stain | Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | T8154 | |
TrypLE Express Enzyme | Gibco, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | 12604-013 | |
Tween-20 | PanReac AppliChem, Darmstadt, Germany | A4974-0100 | |
Y-27632 | TOCRIS biotechne, Wiesbaden, Germany | 1254 | |
Zeocin | Invitrogen, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, USA | R25001 |