10:45 min
January 22, 2018
The overall goal of this intervention is to demonstrate the feasibility of commercially available, wearable, physiological monitoring technology in a non-laboratory setting. To evaluate the effectiveness of intentional rhythmic breathing techniques, and a guided relaxation body scan. This method can help answer key questions in the field of human performance.
Such as how breathing and meditation techniques may play a role in preserving compensatory mechanisms to optimize physiological function. The main advantage of this study is that commercially available wearable devices can be utilized to collect physiological data in a non-laboratory setting. The implications of these techniques extend from patients with chronic diseases to healthy individuals interested in optimizing physical and cognitive performance.
As these techniques such as shown to balance the autonomic nervous system. I have been practicing rhythmic breathing for 40 years. And with today’s technology, we can now study it’s underlying physiology.
Demonstrating the techniques will be Dr.Robert Carter from UT health. After taking baseline measurements, teaching breathing and relaxing techniques, and completing end point visits with selective participants according to the text protocol. Set up an EEG control panel that allows the user to monitor the status and features of the headset EEG.
Including facial expressions and emotions. Before starting the recording of EEG data, switch on the EEG headset and ensure that the battery is fully charged. In preparation for an EEG session, begin by hydrating the 12 sensors.
Then, assemble the headset. Use 0.5 saline solution to thoroughly saturate the felt pads. Which should feel wet when the headset is worn.
Then place the headset on the users head. And make sure that the EEG electrodes make good contact on the scalp of the operator. Adjust the headset until each sensor impotence is below five kilo-ohms.
Indicated by a green color on all of the electrodes. Position the reference sensors to touch the skin behind the ear. It is critical that the reference sensors make contact with the skin behind the ear with the sensor impotence below five kilo-ohms.
To capture and record the pulse oximetry, ensure that the volunteer is in an upright position with both feet on the floor. Expose the interior of the pulse oximeter sensor, and insert a non-dominant finger. Then, position the finger, so that the finger tip approaches the sensors end.
Gently close the device so that the finger contacts with the sensor pad. And place the hand comfortably on the thigh. Once the portable pulse oximeter is closed on the finger, the device should show heart rate, respiratory rate, profusion index, and the pleth variability index.
And can be displayed via bluetooth on a smart tablet or computer. To carry out alternate nostril breathing, sit comfortably with the spine erect. Left hand on the left knee.
And the eyes closed. Bring the right hand to the face, and place the index and middle fingers between the eyebrows. Then, place the ring and little fingers gently on the left nostril and place the thumb on the right nostril.
Next, take a deep breath in. Then, press the thumb down on the right nostril to close it off. And exhale through the left nostril.
Then, inhale through the left side of the nose. Now use the ring finger to press on the left nostril, and close off the left side of the nose. Then, release the thumb, and breathe out through the right side.
Before using the right nostril to inhale. Repeat the alternate nostril breathing. Continually alternating inhalations and exhalations for five minutes.
Recognize the presence of emotions and thoughts without responding to them in a physical or mental manner. And continue to bring your attention to air entering and exiting the nose. To perform victorious breathing, sit comfortably with the spine erect.
Slowly take in a long breath. With the mouth closed, breathe out through the nose. Constricting the back of the throat.
This mild constriction of the throat creates resistance to the passage of air. Gently breathe in. Pushing the breath in against the resistance produced by constricting the back of the throat.
Then, breathe out against the same constriction. While in a seated posture, continue this breathing cycle for five minutes. Gently inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply against the constriction at the back of the throat creates a soothing sound like ocean waves rising and falling.
Recognize the presence of emotions and thoughts without responding to them physically or mentally. And continue to bring your attention to the air entering and exiting the nose. For bellows breath, sit up tall with relaxed shoulders.
Slowly and deeply breathe in through the nose. Then, with eyes closed, breathe out and in from the nose. Flex the arms to bring the elbows close to the rib cage.
And place loose fists close to the shoulders. Then, with active inhalation, raise the arms ups above the head while opening the fists. With vigorous exhalation, lower the arms to bring the elbows close the ribcage.
And the fists by the shoulders again. Repeat the breathing and arm movements consecutively. 15 to 20 times as one set.
Then, pause ten to fifteen seconds before carrying out a second and third set with a pause in between each repetition. The primary findings of the study presented in this video show that heart coherence and alpha variables were significantly correlated after the primary end point. The baseline after four weeks, and the end point after four weeks of the breath based meditation stress protocol.
But not during the baseline measurement. As a result, this protocol produced significant increases in alpha brain activity. Consistent with meditative states.
The brain’s physiological changes were in line with the PVI changes, suggesting the ability of the human body to enter into a meditative state. And effectively manage stress. When participants were assessed after four weeks of daily practice, improvements in all five facets including observing, describing, acting with awareness, non judging of inner experience, and non reactivity to inner experience.
Increased on average by 0.9 to 1.3 points on a scale of one, representing never, to five, which represents often. Once mastered, this procedure can be done in 90 minutes if it is performed properly. While attempting this procedure, it’s important to remember to minimize any external distractions during the EEG and PVI pulse oximeter recording.
As the devices may produce unwanted results and excessive noise to the physiological recordings. Following this procedure, other interventions like bio feedback, meditation, and Qigong can be studied and ordered to answer additional questions, like how does bio feedback in yoga alter brain activity and physiological function. After it’s developed this technology paved the way for researchers in the field of human performance or physiological function during exercise or yoga outside of the laboratory.
After watching this video, you should have a good understanding of how wearable physiological monitoring devices can be used to study interventions outside of laboratory settings. Don’t forget that some individuals have reported moderate discomfort from wearing the EEG headset during extensive periods of time. During this investigation, volunteers should always be observed while performing breathing techniques.
As some have reported feeling light headed or mild dizziness.
O stress é um componente inevitável e persistente da vida e estão sendo consideradas abordagens holísticas para a sua gestão. Uma metodologia padronizada foi criada para demonstrar a viabilidade de um protocolo de gerenciamento de estresse baseado na respiração que pode ser usado com tecnologia portátil comercialmente disponível.
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Carter III, R., Carter, K. S., Holliday, J., Holliday, A., Harrison, C. K. A Community-based Stress Management Program: Using Wearable Devices to Assess Whole Body Physiological Responses in Non-laboratory Settings. J. Vis. Exp. (131), e55816, doi:10.3791/55816 (2018).