Ensaios de caracterização de romance endoteliais reguladores envolvidos na resposta inflamatória de triagem
JoVE Journal
Immunology and Infection
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JoVE Journal Immunology and Infection
Screening Assays to Characterize Novel Endothelial Regulators Involved in the Inflammatory Response

Ensaios de caracterização de romance endoteliais reguladores envolvidos na resposta inflamatória de triagem


12:50 min

September 15, 2017


12:50 min
September 15, 2017

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The overall goal of this screening assay is to characterize novel endothelial regulators involved in the inflammatory response of interest for designing new therapeutic strategies against inflammatory disorders.This method can help answer key questions in the pathology field such as defining novel endothelial-targeting drugs able to attenuate inflammatory-related diseases.The main advantage of this endothelial protocol is that describes assay technology that establishes the basis for exploring novel mechanisms involved in the regulation of the inflammatory response.Demonstrating this methodology will be Maria Angeles Higueras, a post-doc from our lab and Sandra Herranz, a technician from our lab.To begin, culture MLEC-04 cells in complete DMEM F12 medium supplemented with 10%FBS and Pen-Strep.Incubate the cells in a biological incubator at 37


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Endotélio vascular controla firmemente o recrutamento de leucócitos. Extravasamento de leucócitos inadequado contribui para doenças inflamatórias humanas. Portanto, à procura de novos elementos reguladores de ativação endotelial é necessária projetar terapias melhoradas para desordens inflamatórias. Aqui, descrevemos uma metodologia abrangente para caracterizar o romance reguladores endoteliais que podem modificar leucócitos tráfico durante a inflamação.

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