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Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis for Enhanced Detection of Protein-RNA Complexes

Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis for Enhanced Detection of Protein-RNA Complexes

Article DOI: 10.3791/56031-v 06:36 min July 28th, 2017
July 28th, 2017



Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is a fundamental tool for analyzing RNA-protein interactions. Traditionally most experiments have used vertical gels. However, horizontal gels provide several advantages, such as the opportunity to monitor complexes during electrophoresis. We provide a detailed protocol for generating and using horizontal native gel electrophoresis.


Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Protein-RNA Complexes RNA Biochemistry Gel Box Casting Tray Combs TBE Running Buffer Acrylamide Gel Temed Ammonium Per Sulfate Polymerize Gel
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