If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
oVE Biology publishes methods used in the fields of cellular, molecular and organismal biology, ranging from new applications of standard techniques to novel approaches aimed at understanding basic biological functions of living organisms.
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
JoVE Environment publishes research methodologies and techniques to study Earth’s processes and ecosystems and to address environmental problems. This section features lab and field-based methods from a broad range of interdisciplinary environmental research fields, as well as agricultural and food science.
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
If your research falls within this scope, and you would like to contact an editor about publishing, please email
JoVE accepts articles based on scientific validity and degree of usefulness to the scientific community, with particular emphasis placed on the ability to provide detailed information on how a given research procedure is performed. Other important criteria for publication include coherence and clarity of presentation, compliance with research standards, technical quality, and general impact. These qualities are assessed by JoVE’s editors and external peer reviewers.
To learn more about JoVE’s objectives and scope, please see our About page or e-mail with questions.
JoVE editors work with authors, external peer reviewers and editorial board members to publish the best scientific practices in our journal. While we greatly value the input of our peer reviewers and editorial boards, final editorial decisions are made by JoVE’s in-house editorial and production staff.
Since JoVE articles contain both video and text components, authors must have explicit, written permission to show animals on film from the regulatory groups overseeing their studies. This permission may be in the form of an approved animal protocol, an addendum to a protocol, a letter from the animal use committee, or the equivalent. For protocols that use live animals (i.e. vertebrates and higher invertebrates), authors must state that all experiments were completed in accordance and compliance with all relevant regulatory and institutional guidelines. All manuscripts and videos must include a statement that the demonstrated protocol was approved by the authors’ animal use governing body. All articles involving laboratory animals are reviewed by JoVE’s independent Veterinary Advisory Board to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
If questions or concerns arise regarding the use of animals or human subjects, reviewers may be contacted to provide advice in addition to JoVE’s independent Veterinary Advisory Board. See the Author License Agreement or the Author License Agreement UK for additional information.
JoVE relies on a strong editorial and peer review process to select manuscripts for publication. Only those articles that fit within the aim and scope of JoVE will be considered for publication. Each submitted manuscript initially undergoes a quality evaluation to ensure compliance with JoVE’s Manuscript Instructions for Authors. Submissions may be returned to authors with revision suggestions at this stage and will not be sent for further peer review until passing quality control. Following peer review, authors will be provided with comments and suggestions from reviewers and editors. Peer reviewers are instructed to focus on accuracy, rationale, limitation and comparisons to existing methods in their reviews.
JoVE editorial staff will make the final decision regarding all peer review selections and exclusions. Please see our peer review guidelines and our policy on conflict of interest for more information.
"投稿後、各原稿は編集審査および査読を受けます。これは通常1〜2か月のプロセスです。文章論文がレビューに合格すると、脚本が作成されます。通常、撮影日は受理後4〜8週間以内に予定されています。手順のデモンストレーションを撮影するために、映像作家が著者のいる場所に派遣されます。撮影が1日以内に行われるように、著者はすべてを準備する必要があります。撮影当日は、関係者全員が時間通りに到着し、撮影の準備をしていただくようお願いします。準備には、試薬の調製と調達、機器の操作性の確保、脚本作成プロセス中の協力、クリーンで見栄えのするラボの設置、実験対象が利用可能であることの確認が含まれますが、これらに限定されません。クライアントの準備不足により撮影が遅れた、中止した、または再撮影が必要になった場合、JoVEは関連する日の撮影費用を請求する権利を留保します。さらなる作業を行うために撮影場所を再訪問すると、最大$1,000の追加費用が発生する可能性があります。 "
撮影後、映像はビデオ編集スタジオに送り返され、そこで継ながれ、プロのナレーション、テキスト、グラフィックが追加されます。ラフカットが生成されると(通常、撮影後6〜8週間)、著者はビデオをレビューして、自分の方法が正しく表現されていることを確認する機会があります。必要な科学的変更はすべてビデオに組み込まれます。著者の最終承認後、ビデオと文章論文はJoVE ウェブサイトで公開され、PubMed / MEDLINE、Web of Science、SciFinder、およびScopusで索引付けされます。投稿から出版までの時間は、通常5〜8か月かかります。動物実験を伴う手順には、追加の動物実験のレビューが必要であり、公開されるまでに、より時間がかかる場合があることに注意してください。
After submission of the manuscript and a low resolution version of your video (<50 MB), the manuscript and video will be reviewed by both our editorial and production staff. This review can take several weeks. Authors should only select this publication option if they are located outside of our videographer network and they or their colleagues have the technical expertise to edit video and audio. Authors will only have two rounds of revisions to comply with our stringent Video Produced by Author Criteria. If the text and video comply with our guidelines, both the text and a full resolution version of the video will be sent out for peer review. If accepted, the video and text article will be published on the JoVE website and indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, SciFinder, and Scopus. Submission to publication generally takes 4-7 months. Please note that any protocol with animal work requires an additional veterinary review; these articles may take longer to be published.
JoVE の活動は、部分的に掲載料の支払いにより成り立っています。論文の掲載の可否は、その科学的な価値と査読によってのみ判断されます。
For manuscripts submitted after January 1, 2025, the publication fee is $2,400. If authors choose the open access option for their full-text article, an additional fee of $1,800 will apply.
著者が制作した映像でも、JoVEが制作した映像でも、料金は同じです。オープンアクセスを選択した場合、論文全文および著者提出の動画は、JoVE のウェブサイト上で自由に閲覧することができ、購読料はかかりません。
Authors own the copyright to their article, but grant JoVE the exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual use of the article regardless of access type. Full license information for articles is available in our Author License Agreement. UK authors funded by UKRI can use our UK Author License Agreement.
If the Author’s funding is a subject to the requirement of the NIH Public Access Policy, the Author retains the right to provide a copy of their final peer-reviewed manuscript to the NIH for archiving in PubMed Central 12 months after publication by JoVE.
If the Author’s funding is a subject to the requirement of the UKRI Policy, Authors retain the right to self-deposit their final Accepted Manuscript in any repository immediately after publication and without restriction on non-commercial reuse.
If the Author’s funding is a subject to the requirements of Plan S, JoVE acknowledges that the Author retains the right to provide a copy of the Author’s accepted manuscript for archiving in a Plan S approved repository under a Plan S approved license.
The videos produced by JoVE production services are governed by the Video Release Form.
JoVE does allow publication of corporate sponsored articles with the inclusion of necessary disclosures. Each manuscript, regardless of sponsorship, undergoes the same rigorous review process. Disclosing of corporate sponsorships provides the reader with the information necessary to independently assess the work, but does not invalidate the author’s submission and work done by reviewers.
Under JoVE’s article and video license agreement, authors may only use their article and video for noncommercial purposes. Should the author wish to use the article or video for commercial purposes (i.e. using it for marketing a product or any other for-profit venture), the authors should contact our business development team at
JoVE does encourage its authors to use their JoVE publication for academic and educational purposes, as this fulfills our mission of increasing the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Authors can embed the video on their lab website and use the video at educational and scientific meetings. If you need help, then please contact your editor or
We comply fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome, and NIHR. Where required by their funder, authors retain the right to distribute their author-accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository.
Green route: Authors can self-deposit the final accepted manuscript in any repository, without restriction on non-commercial reuse, immediately after publication if required by their funding mandate.
The UK Author License Agreement is available こちら. For further questions, please contact us at