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High-resolution Echocardiography in Mice: Left Ventricular Function Evaluation

Mariangela Peruzzi, Giacomo Frati, Ursula Tuderti, Federica Papetti, Giuseppe Cifelli, Giuseppe Lembo, Andrea Marcantonio


Small animal models such as rats or mice represent the principal resource in cardiovascular research, mainly for their low cost and short reproductive cycle. Genetically and/or surgically altered animal models, created to mimic human cardiac disease such as myocardial infarction or heart failure, offer a great potential for the investigation and treatment of various cardiac disorders. Quantification of myocardial dysfunction represents a valuable tool for monitoring experimental results. Echocardiography represents a useful non-invasive technique in assessing cardiac chamber morphology and function 1-2 in experimental animal models. An ultra high-frequency transducer (30-40 MHz probe), providing high-resolution echocardiography for small and rapid beating hearts, such those of mice and rats, recently became available 3. Because of the simplicity and speed of acquisition, our method is applicable as an accurate and reproducible technique. We describe the basic protocol for performing high-resolution echocardiography in mice, with particular emphasis on the images view and measurements assessment of left ventricular function.
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