Protocols to investigate the dynamics of chloroplast stromules, the stroma-filled tubules that extend from the surface of chloroplasts, are described.
Stromules, or “stroma-filled tubules”, are narrow, tubular extensions from the surface of the chloroplast that are universally observed in plant cells but whose functions remain mysterious. Alongside growing attention on the role of chloroplasts in coordinating plant responses to stress, interest in stromules and their relationship to chloroplast signaling dynamics has increased in recent years, aided by advances in fluorescence microscopy and protein fluorophores that allow for rapid, accurate visualization of stromule dynamics. Here, we provide detailed protocols to assay stromule frequency in the epidermal chloroplasts of Nicotiana benthamiana, an excellent model system for investigating chloroplast stromule biology. We also provide methods for visualizing chloroplast stromules in vitro by extracting chloroplasts from leaves. Finally, we outline sampling strategies and statistical approaches to analyze differences in stromule frequencies in response to stimuli, such as environmental stress, chemical treatments, or gene silencing. Researchers can use these protocols as a starting point to develop new methods for innovative experiments to explore how and why chloroplasts make stromules.
Chloroplasts are dynamic organelles in plant cells responsible for photosynthesis and a host of other metabolic processes. Signaling pathways from the chloroplast also exert significant influence on plant physiology and development, coordinating plant responses to environmental stress, pathogens, and even leaf shape1-6. Recently, biologists have gained interest in a poorly understood aspect of chloroplast structure: stromules, very thin stroma-filled tubules that extend from the surface of the chloroplast7.
The biological functions of stromules remain unknown, although stromule frequency is known to vary in response to environmental stimuli7-9, and stromules may be capable of transmitting signaling molecules between organelles6. All types of plastids (not only the green, photosynthetic chloroplasts, but also clear leucoplasts, starch-filled amyloplasts, and pigmented chromoplasts, to name a few types of plastids) make stromules, and stromules are found in all land plant species that have been examined to date. Stromules can extend and retract dynamically, appearing or disappearing within seconds, or they can remain relatively stationary for long times. One of the major hurdles facing stromule biologists is that stromules are often studied using dramatically different methods, tissues, and species, making comparisons across the stromule biology literature difficult. Going forward, standard practices and thorough descriptions of the experimental systems used to study stromules will be critical to discovering the function of these ubiquitous features of chloroplast morphology.
Here we describe methods for visualizing stromule formation in the epidermal chloroplasts of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. In the mesophyll, chloroplasts are densely packed into large, three-dimensional cells, which makes it difficult to accurately and rapidly visualize stromules by confocal microscopy. By contrast, epidermal cells are relatively flat, contain fewer chloroplasts, and are at the surface of the leaf, allowing for easy and rapid visualization of stromules. N. benthamiana is an ideal model system for these experiments because, unlike many plant species, all cells in the epidermis of N. benthamiana make chloroplasts10. In the epidermis of most plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana, only the stomatal guard cells have chloroplasts, while other epidermal cells have “leucoplasts”, plastids that are clear, relatively amorphous, and nonphotosynthetic9,11,12. Thus, whereas a single field of view of an A. thaliana epidermis might show only a handful of chloroplasts in a pair of guard cells, a field of view of an N. benthamiana epidermis will include dozens or even hundreds of chloroplasts. All of the methods described here, however, can be modified to investigate other questions in stromule biology; for example, we have used the same approach to study leucoplast stromules of A. thaliana9.
NOTE: For this protocol, we have focused on assaying stromule frequency in the epidermis of N. benthamiana leaves. Several stable transgenic lines have been generated that can be used for this purpose, including 35SPRO:FNRtp:EGFP13 and NRIP1:Cerulean6. Both of these lines show robust expression of fluorophores in the chloroplast stroma of leaves grown under a wide range of conditions. Alternatively, chloroplast-targeted fluorophores may be transiently expressed in N. benthamiana using Agrobacterium transformations13. This is less ideal than the transgenic lines, since Agrobacterium infiltrations induce some basal defense responses in N. benthamiana and interactions with Agrobacterium can alter stromule frequency in the leaf14, potentially complicating interpretation of results. Finally, to visualize stromule formation in vitro, chloroplasts may be extracted from any plant species, using either genetically encoded fluorophores or a fluorescent dye, as described in section 5 below.9,15
NOTE: Detailed methods for plant cultivation have been previously described.16 Briefly, grow N. benthamiana plants in 4" pots filled with any professional soil mix that provides good drainage. Cover seedlings with a clear plastic dome for the first 10-14 days to provide a humid environment for germination. Add any standard fertilizer mix following manufacturer's instructions to 14-day-old plants. Grow plants under white light, using ~100 µmol photons m-2 sec-1 light intensity. Water plants regularly.
1. Preparing Leaf Samples for Visualization
NOTE: Stromule dynamics are affected by wounding8, so tissue preparation should be conducted immediately before visualizing stromules by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Ideally, a sample should be visualized with 15 min after removal from the plant.
2. Visualizing Stromules with Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy
3. Image Processing
4. Experimental Design and Sampling
NOTE: Stromule frequency is highly variable between leaves, but several reports suggest that there is little variation in stromule frequency within an individual leaf9,17.
5. Extracting Intact Chloroplasts to Visualize Stromule Dynamics
NOTE: Several methods have been used to isolate chloroplasts from leaves, including a slightly different protocol in a recent study on stromule formation in vitro15. The protocol detailed below uses a relatively simple method that does not yield biochemically pure chloroplast samples, but does instead isolate a large quantity of intact, healthy chloroplasts9,18.
This protocol was used to visualize stromule frequency at day and at night in the cotyledons of young N. benthamiana seedlings. Slices from a z-stack were merged into a single image (Figure 1A). For visual purposes, that image was then desaturated and inverted so that stroma appears black (Figure 1B). The chloroplasts were labeled either as having no stromules (green asterisk) or having at least one stromule (magenta asterisk). Of the 87 epidermal chloroplasts visualized, 33 have stromules. Thus, the stromule frequency in this leaf is 37.9%.
Using this analysis, the protocol was repeated for another 21 plants (one leaf per plant) during the day and a total of 24 plants at night. In the day, the average stromule frequency was 20.8 ± 1.8%; at night, the average stromule frequency was 12.8 ± 0.9% (Figure 2). Stromule frequency was significantly higher during the day, as determined by the Welch's t test (n ≥ 22, p < 0.0005). Note that although over 23,000 chloroplasts and several hundred cells were observed, the sample size, n, is reported as 22, the number of independent plants examined.
Using the protocol described here, chloroplast stromules were observed in vitro after isolation from leaves of N. benthamiana expressing plastid-targeted GFP (Figure 3A), or after using CFDA to stain chloroplasts isolated from N. benthamiana (Figure 3B) or Spinacia oleracea (Figure 3C).
Figure 1. Quantifying stromule frequency in N. benthamiana leaves. (A) A z-stack from a partial field of view of the epidermis of N. benthamiana expressing stromal GFP was merged to show all epidermal chloroplasts and stromules in a single image. (B) This image was converted to black and white and inverted for visual purposes. Chloroplasts with stromules are indicated by a magenta asterisk; chloroplasts without stromules are indicated by a green asterisk. Scale bars represent 10 µm. Modified from Brunkard et al.9 Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Comparing stromule frequency across conditions. This protocol was used to determine the stromule frequency in 22 plants in the day and 24 plants at night. Stromule frequency was significantly higher during the day than at night (Welch's t test, n ≥ 22, p < 0.0005). Error bars indicate standard error. Modified from Brunkard et al.9 Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Visualizing stromules after extracting intact chloroplasts from leaves. (A) Chloroplasts from transgenic N. benthamiana leaves expressed GFP (green) targeted to the chloroplast were isolated using the protocols described here. (B) Chloroplasts were isolated from wild-type N. benthamiana leaves and stained with CFDA, which fluoresces only inside intact, viable chloroplasts (shown in yellow). (C) Chloroplasts can also be isolated from other plant species, such as spinach (S. oleracea), and then stained with CFDA (yellow). Chlorophyll autofluorescence is shown in red. Modified from Brunkard et al.9
When investigating stromules, three important factors must be considered throughout: (i) manipulation of the plant tissue must be kept to an absolute minimum, (ii) the experimental system must be kept consistent, and (iii) sampling strategies must be carefully planned to ensure robust, reproducible data are analyzed.
Stromules are remarkably dynamic: they can extend and retract rapidly before an observer's eyes under the microscope. Moreover, stromule frequency varies significantly in response to a wide range of treatments, including stimuli that cannot be avoided in order to visualize stromules (such as leaf wounding). The primary solution to this problem, which is addressed with the protocols described here, is to conduct well-controlled experiments, keeping all variables consistent. This includes, for example, preparing each sample for visualization immediately before bringing it to the microscope; plants should not be damaged until immediately before visualization. The second solution to this problem is to minimize the complexity of protocols: ideally, any treatments should be applied directly to the plant without removing the leaf or causing any damage.
Stromules have been studied in a dizzying array of species and cell types, including wheat root hairs, tomato fruits, and etiolated tobacco seedlings8,19. These pioneering studies advanced the understanding of stromule dynamics during plant development and explored the range of stromule activity. Drawing comparisons from these various experimental systems, however, can lead to misinterpretations, since different types of plastids are involved in considerably different biological processes.
For example, chloroplasts make stromules in response to oxidative stress caused by the photosynthetic electron chain, but since leucoplasts lack the photosynthetic machinery, they are not sensitive to the same stimuli9. Any experimental system may be used to investigate stromules, but the experimental system must be kept consistent throughout the study if any comparisons are to be drawn. Factors to consider include species, cell type, developmental stage or age of the plant, and method of staining stromules (whether through stable transgene expression, transient transgene expression, or an external fluorophore); even slight variations of these factors can confound later interpretation of results.
Finally, any study of stromule biology must use a robust, reliable sampling strategy to ensure that results are reproducible and biologically relevant. Sampling repeatedly from a single plant, e.g., taking images from several regions of one leaf, will apparently improve statistical power, but can be misleading. As shown in the representative data above, the stromule frequency of a single leaf may vary dramatically from the mean stromule frequency across many leaves: in that leaf, which was visualized during the day, 37.9% of chloroplasts made stromules, although the mean stromule frequency across leaves during the day was almost half that, only 20.8%.
Moreover, given how little is known about stromule dynamics at this time, any experiment should be entirely replicated at least three times, and more if possible, to ensure that unforeseen variables are not responsible for any changes in stromule activity that are observed. Above all else, since the stromule biology field is just beginning to take off, researchers should carefully document and report all aspects of experimental design, including creative deviations from the simple protocol outlined here.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
J.O.B. and A.M.R. were supported by predoctoral fellowships from the National Science Foundation.
Hepes | Sigma-Aldrich | H3375 | |
NaOH | Fischer-Scientific | S320-1 | |
Sorbitol | Sigma-Aldrich | S1876 | |
EDTA | Fischer-Biotech | BP121 | |
MnCl2 | Sigma-Aldrich | 221279 | |
MgCl2 | Sigma-Aldrich | M0250 | |
KCl | Sigma-Aldrich | P3911 | |
NaCl | Sigma-Aldrich | S9625 | |
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope | Carl Zeiss Inc | Model: LSM710 | |
Carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) | Sigma-Aldrich | 21879 | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) | EMD | MX1458-6 | |
Waring blender | Waring | Model: 31BL92 | |
Fiji | | Open-source software for analyzing biological images |