In vivo high-resolution imaging of the pancreas was facilitated with the pancreatic intravital imaging window.
Direct in vivo cellular-resolution imaging of the pancreas in a live small animal model has been technically challenging. A recent intravital imaging study, with an abdominal imaging window, enabled visualization of the cellular dynamics in abdominal organs in vivo. However, due to the soft sheet-like architecture of the mouse pancreas that can be easily influenced by physiologic movement (e.g., peristalsis and respiration), it was difficult to perform stabilized longitudinal in vivo imaging over several weeks at the cellular level to identify, track, and quantify islets or cancer cells in the mouse pancreas. Herein, we describe a method for implanting a novel supporting base, an integrated pancreatic intravital imaging window, that can spatially separate the pancreas from the bowel for longitudinal time-lapse intravital imaging of the pancreas microstructure. Longitudinal in vivo imaging with the imaging window enables stable visualization, allowing for the tracking of islets over a period of 3 weeks and high-resolution three-dimensional imaging of the microstructure, as evidenced here in an orthotopic pancreatic cancer model. With our method, further intravital imaging studies can elucidate the pathophysiology of various diseases involving the pancreas at the cellular level.
The pancreas is an abdominal organ with an exocrine function in the digestive tract and an endocrine function of secreting hormones into the bloodstream. High-resolution cellular imaging of the pancreas could reveal the pathophysiology of various diseases involving the pancreas, including pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and diabetes mellitus1. Conventional diagnostic imaging tools such as computed tomography, magnetic resolution imaging, and ultrasonography are widely available in the clinical field1,2. However, these imaging modalities are restricted to visualizing only structural or anatomical changes, while alterations at the cellular or molecular level cannot be determined. Given that molecular changes in diabetes mellitus or pancreatic cancer in humans can initiate more than 10 years prior to the diagnosis3,4, the detection of pancreatic diseases from their molecular transition during the latent period has the potential to provide an early diagnosis and a timely intervention. Thus, imaging that will overcome the limitations of resolution and provide valuable insights into the function will remarkably gain attention by providing early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer or advanced identification of the alteration of the islets during the progression of diabetes mellitus5.
In particular with the islets, nuclear imaging, bioluminescence imaging, and optical coherence tomography have been suggested as non-invasive islet imaging techniques6. However, the resolution of these methods is substantially low, with typical values ranging from several tens to hundreds of micrometers, offering a limited capability to detect changes at the cellular level in the islets. On the other hand, previous high-resolution studies of islets were performed under ex vivo7,8 (e.g., slicing or digestion of the pancreas), non-physiologic9 (e.g., exteriorization of the pancreas), and heterotopic conditions10,11,12 (e.g., implantation under the kidney capsule, inside the liver, and in the anterior chamber of the eye), which restricts their interpretation and clinical implications. If in vivo, physiologic, and orthotopic model of high-resolution imaging can be established, it will be a critical platform for the investigation of pancreatic islets.
Intravital imaging, which reveals the pathophysiology at a microscopic resolution level in a live animal, has recently received great attention13. Of the in vivo imaging methods, the development of an abdominal imaging window14, which implants a window into the abdomen of a mouse, has allowed the discovery of novel findings (i.e., a pre-micrometastasis stage of early liver metastasis15 and mechanism of stem cell maintenance in the intestinal epithelium16). Although the abdominal imaging window provides valuable results, the applications of this window for the pancreas and the resulting intravital imaging research based on diseases involving pancreas, have not been extensively investigated.
Unlike the well-defined solid organ characteristics of the human pancreas, the pancreas of a mouse is a diffusely distributed soft tissue-like structure17. Therefore, it is incessantly affected by physiological movements including peristalsis and respiration. A previous study on the application of an abdominal imaging window for the pancreas demonstrated that wandering occurred due to motion-artifacts induced by bowel movements18. Severe blurring was observed in the resulting averaged image, which impeded the visualization and identification of the microscale structures.
Herein, we describe the use of a novel supporting base integrated pancreatic intravital imaging window combined with intravital microscopy19,20 to investigate the longitudinal cellular level events in diseases involving the pancreas. In addition to a detailed description of the methodology in the previous study18, the extended application of pancreatic imaging window for various diseases involving the pancreas will be addressed in this paper. In this protocol, a custom-built video-rate laser-scanning confocal microscopy system was utilized as an intravital microscopy system. Four laser modules (wavelengths at 405, 488, 561, and 640 nm) were utilized as an excitation source, and four channels of emission signals were detected by photomultiplier tubes (PMT) through bandpass filters (BPF1: FF01-442/46; BPF2: FF02-525/50; BPF3: FF01-600/37; BPF4: FF01-685/40). Laser scanning consisted of a rotating polygonal mirror (X-axis) and a galvanometer scanning mirror (Y-axis) that enabled the video-rate scanning (30 frames per second). Detailed information about intravital microscopy has been described in the previous studies10,18,19,20,21,22,23.
In our previous islet study18, we successfully and stably imaged the islets in live mice using a transgenic mouse model (MIP-GFP)24 in which the islets were tagged with GFP. The method enabled high-resolution visualization of the changes in the islets over a period of 1 week. It also facilitated imaging of the same islets for up to 3 weeks, which suggests the feasibility of long-term studies of the pancreatic islets for the functional tracking or monitoring during the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus18. Furthermore, we developed an orthotopic pancreatic cancer model in which fluorescent pancreatic cancer cells (PANC-1 NucLight Red)25 were directly implanted into the pancreas of the mouse. With the application of the pancreatic intravital imaging window, this model could be utilized as a platform for investigating the cellular and molecular pathophysiology in the tumor microenvironment of pancreatic cancer and for the therapeutic monitoring of novel drug candidates.
All procedures described in this paper were conducted in accordance with the 8th edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (2011)26 and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH).
1. Preparation of the window and other materials
2. Surgery
3. Intravital imaging
Intravital microscopy combined with the supporting base integrated pancreatic intravital imaging window enables longitudinal cellular level imaging of the pancreas in a mouse. This protocol with the pancreatic intravital imaging window provides long-term tissue stability that enables the acquisition of high-resolution imaging to track individual islets for up to 3 weeks. As a result, mosaic imaging for an extended field of view, three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of z-stack imaging, and longitudinal tracking of the same position can be achieved. In addition, our intravital microscopy provides four channels (405, 488, 561, and 647 nm) of acquisition, which enables simultaneous multiple cell visualization with their interactions.
For the preliminary imaging, the window was implanted in a C57BL/6N mouse with intravenously injected anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with an Alexa 647 fluorophore. Wide-area imaging (Figure 3A) and magnified 3D imaging (Figure 3B-D, Supplementary Video 1) of the pancreas were facilitated with this system. Pancreatic tissue was visualized with autofluorescence, and the adjacent vasculature labeled with the anti-CD31 antibody was identified. Oscillation due to either peristalsis or respiration was not identified, resulting in averaged imaging with a high signal-to-noise ratio (Figure 4). Acinar cells, which require visualization at a microscale resolution in the pancreas, were clearly visualized in the averaged images.
For imaging of the islets, a MIP-GFP mouse was utilized. Using the mosaic imaging method, a wide-field view with high-resolution imaging enabled the visualization of the islets with the adjacent vasculature (Figure 5). Approximately 40-50 islets were identified in the wide-field view. This stable imaging method could further facilitate the tracking of the islets for up to 3 weeks, as shown in a previous study (Figure 6)18.
For the cancer cell imaging, PANC-1 NucLight Red cells were directly implanted into the mouse pancreas during surgery (Figure 7). A dual-labeling strategy was used, consisting of PANC-1 NucLight Red cells and nearby vessels stained with anti-CD31 conjugated with Alexa 647. With our protocol, wide-field imaging of pancreatic cancer (Figure 7A), which delineates the margin of the tumor, and high-resolution 3D imaging at the single-cell level, was achieved (Figure 7B–D, Supplementary Video 2).
Figure 1: Design and photograph of the pancreatic intravital imaging window. (A) A 3D and cross-sectional view of the pancreatic intravital imaging window. A detailed blueprint of the size and diameter is described in the previous paper18. (B) Anterior and posterior photograph of the pancreatic imaging window. Copyright 2020 Korean Diabetes Association from Diabetes Metab J. 2020 44:1:193-198. Reprinted with permission from The Korean Diabetes Association. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Photograph of the implementation of the pancreatic intravital imaging window. A pancreatic intravital imaging window is implanted in the mouse in the XYZ translational stage and the imaging chamber holder attached to the tilting mount is connected to the pancreatic imaging window. Copyright 2020 Korean Diabetes Association from Diabetes Metab J. 2020 44:1:193-198. Reprinted with permission from The Korean Diabetes Association. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Representative intravital pancreatic imaging in C57BL/6N mouse. (A) Wide-area image and (B) magnified 3D image of the pancreas (green) and its microvasculature (red) in the C57BL/6N mouse. Vessels are labeled with an anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with the Alexa 647 fluorophore. (C) 3D reconstructed image and (D) surface-rendering image of the mouse pancreas. Scale bar: 200 µm (A) and 50 µm (B-D). Also see Supplementary Video 1. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Intravital imaging of acinar cell and adjacent vasculature. Acinar cells (green) and adjacent vasculature (red) in the C57BL/6N mouse. Vessels are labeled with Anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with the Alexa 647 fluorophore. Tissue stability accomplished with the pancreatic imaging window provides a high signal-to-noise ratio image. Scale bar: 50 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Representative intravital imaging of pancreatic islets in the MIP-GFP mouse. Wide-area mosaic and magnified image of the islets (green) and adjacent vasculature (red) processed with maximum intensity projection method in the pancreas of the MIP-GFP mouse. Vessels are labeled with an anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with the Alexa 647 fluorophore. Scale bar: 500 µm (wide area) and 50 µm (magnified). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Longitudinal intravital imaging of islets in the pancreas of the MIP-GFP mouse. Longitudinal image of the islets for up to 3 weeks in the pancreas in the MIP-GFP mouse. Each arrowhead with different colors indicates the same islets. Scale bar: 100 µm. Copyright 2020 Korean Diabetes Association from Diabetes Metab J. 2020 44:1:193-198. Reprinted with permission from The Korean Diabetes Association. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Representative intravital imaging of the pancreatic cancer model. (A) Wide-area image and (B) magnified 3D image of the implanted PANC-1 NucLight Red cells (red) in the BALB/c Nude mouse. Vessels (blue) are labeled with an anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with the Alexa 647 fluorophore. (C) 3D reconstructed image and (D) surface-rendering image of pancreatic cancer in the mouse model. Scale bar: 500 µm (A) and 50 µm (B-D). Also see Supplementary Video 2. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary video 1: In vivo 3D pancreatic imaging in C57BL/6N mouse. In vivo 3D imaging of pancreas (green) of C57BL/6N mouse intravenously injected with an anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with the Alexa 647 fluorophore (red). Scale bar is depicted in the video. This video corresponds to Figure 3C,D. Please click here to download this Video.
Supplementary video 2: In vivo 3D pancreatic cancer (PANC-1 NucLight Red) imaging in BALB/C Nude mouse. In vivo 3D imaging of pancreatic cancer (red) implanted in BALB/C Nude mouse intravenously injected with an anti-CD31 antibody conjugated with the Alexa 647 fluorophore (blue). Scale bar is depicted in the video. This video corresponds to Figure 7C,D. Please click here to download this Video.
The protocol described here consists of intravital imaging of the pancreas using a novel supporting base integrated pancreatic intravital imaging window modified from an abdominal imaging window. Among the protocols described above, the first critical step is the implantation of the intravital pancreatic imaging window in the mouse. For the application of the glue in the window, it is important to apply the glue between the margin of the window and the cover glass, but not on the pancreatic tissue, as it may significantly interrupt intravital imaging. Not only the glue itself between the glass and tissue but also adjunct dust particles may induce light scattering during imaging if the glue is directly applied to the tissue. In addition, the application of the adhesive may have toxic and non-physiological effects on the pancreas.
The second step is the amount of pancreatic tissue placed on the metal-supporting base plate. Because the pancreatic tissue is a sheet-like structure, the volume of pancreatic tissue on the plate needs to be controlled. If too large a volume is placed on the plate, the glue applied to the margin of the ring might adhere to the tissue, and the mass effect might hamper the perfusion of the pancreas. On the other hand, if too small a volume is placed on there, the field of view that can be visualized might be limited. This protocol of surgery on the window may require several trials to meet a consistent standard.
For long-term imaging over a period of 3 weeks, the most concerning issue was potential damage to the pancreatic imaging window. Unintended destruction of the cover glass in the pancreatic imaging window could occur during the long-term observation period. To prevent this, the mouse with the window must be housed separately, and hard objects with sharp edges should be removed from the cage. The euthanasia of mice should be considered should the cover glass break, if there are the severe signs of inflammation near the window, or if the animal appears to be in distress. In our experience, mice with the pancreatic imaging window were able to eat and exercise normally when the recovery after the surgery was appropriate and no other complication was developed.
In our previous experience with the abdominal imaging window, we failed to acquire high-quality cellular level imaging as well as longitudinal tracking of the same spots over multiple days. Compared to the abdominal imaging window, which provides a diverse platform for various abdominal organs, the pancreatic imaging window is further specified for imaging the pancreas as well as other organs that are soft and easily influenced by movements such as mesentery, spleen, and small bowel. However, the liver and kidney might be unfeasible in the pancreatic imaging window because of the limited space.
While the combination of a fluorescent mouse, cells, and antibody probes enables the visualization of the dynamic interactions between endothelial cells and either the islets or cancer cells, the protocol described here could be reproduced with other compositions of fluorescent-labeled cells or molecular probes suitable for each respective condition. Furthermore, expansive applications integrated with our method are expected, such as the CpepSfGFP reporter mouse with insulin secretion9,30, AAV8-mediated gene delivery targeting reactive oxygen species (ROS)31, or orthotopic tumor model32,33,34 in which the tumor in situ can fully stimulate the tumor microenvironment, including tumorigenesis, development, and metastasis35. Furthermore, patient-derived xenograft models can also be studied using our platform36.
There are a few limitations to be addressed in this study. First, even when we utilized the metal base for stabilization, we were unable to determine the mechanical stress induced on the tissue by the base and cover glass, which could affect blood flow. However, as depicted in the above figures, intravenous injection of a fluorescence-conjugated antibody (CD31) or dextran adequately labeled the vessel with no distinguishable non-perfused area, suggesting a minimal impact of mechanical stress on the normal blood flow inside the pancreatic tissue. Second, adverse reactions due to the adhesive could not be assessed in the pancreatic tissue. Nevertheless, we attempted to avoid touching pancreas with adhesives as carefully as possible to avoid any additional effects. Third, as discussed above, the unintended impact of anesthetic agents might affect insulin sensitivity and secretion, as described in the previous study9,27. In our experience, a mixture of ketamine and xylazine induced hyperglycemia compared to the mixture of tiletamine, zolazepam, and xylazine. A further study investigating the effect of anesthesia on insulin secretion should be performed and proper anesthesia with minimal adverse effects should be selected according to each experiment. Fourth, imaging of the pancreas is focused on the tail portion, and imaging of the head portion of the pancreas could be limited with our window.
In summary, a stabilized longitudinal imaging of the pancreas at the cellular level for up to several weeks was facilitated by our imaging system integrated with the pancreatic intravital imaging window optimized for in vivo pancreas imaging. Because intravital imaging provides dynamic insights into cell biology, immunology, and tumor biology, this protocol could be a useful method for investigating the pathophysiology of various diseases involving the pancreas.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This study was supported by grant No. 14-2020-002 from the SNUBH Research Fund and by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-2020R1F1A1058381, NRF-2020R1A2C3005694).
Alexa Fluor 647 Succinimidyl Esters (NHS esters) | Invitrogen | A20006 | Fluorescent probe for conjugate with antibody |
BALB/C Nude | OrientBio | BALB/C Nude | BALB/C Nude |
BD Intramedic polyethylene tubing | BD Biosciences | 427401 | PE10 catheter for connection with needle |
C57BL/6N | OrientBio | C57BL/6N | C57BL/6N |
Cover glasses circular | Marienfeld | 0111520 | Cover glass for pancreatic imaging window |
FITC Dextran 2MDa | Merck (Former Sigma Aldrich) | FD200S | For vessel identification |
IMARIS 8.1 | Bitplane | IMARIS | Image processing |
Intravital Microscopy | IVIM tech | IVM-C | Intravital Microscopy |
IRIS Scissor | JEUNGDO BIO & PLANT CO, LTD | S-1107-10 | This product can be replaced with the product from other company |
Loctite 401 | Henkel | 401 | N-butyl cyanoacrylate glue |
Micro Needle holder | JEUNGDO BIO & PLANT CO, LTD | H-1126-10 | This product can be replaced with the product from other company |
Micro rectractor | JEUNGDO BIO & PLANT CO, LTD | 17004-03 | This product can be replaced with the product from other company |
Microforceps | JEUNGDO BIO & PLANT CO, LTD | F-1034 | This product can be replaced with the product from other company |
MIP-GFP | The Jackson Laboratory | 006864 | B6.Cg-Tg(Ins1-EGFP)1Hara/J |
Nylon 4-0 | AILEE | NB434 | Non-Absorbable Suture |
Omnican N 100 30G | B BRAUN | FT9172220S | For Vascular Catheter, Use only Needle part |
PANC-1 NucLightRed | Custom-made | Custom-made | Made in laboratory |
Pancreatic imaging window | Geumto Engineering | Custom order | Pancreatic imaging window – custom order |
Physiosuite | Kent Scientific | PS-02 | Homeothermic temperature controller |
Purified NA/LE Rat Anti-Mouse CD31 | BD Biosciences | 553708 | Antibody for in vivo vessel labeling |
Ring Forceps | JEUNGDO BIO & PLANT CO, LTD | F-1090-3 | This product can be replaced with the product from other company |
Rompun | Bayer | Rompun | Anesthetic agent |
TMR Dextran 65-85kDa | Merck (Former Sigma Aldrich) | T1162 | For vessel identification |
Window holder | Geumto Engineering | Custom order | Window holder – custom order |
Zoletil | Virbac | Zoletil 100 | Anesthetic agent |