The present protocol describes a friction testing device that applies simultaneous reciprocal sliding and normal load to two contacting biological counterfaces.
In primary osteoarthritis (OA), normal ‘wear and tear’ associated with aging inhibits the ability of cartilage to sustain its load-bearing and lubrication functions, fostering a deleterious physical environment. The frictional interactions of articular cartilage and synovium may influence joint homeostasis through tissue level wear and cellular mechanotransduction. To study these mechanical and mechanobiological processes, a device capable of replicating the motion of the joint is described. The friction testing device controls the delivery of reciprocal translating motion and normal load to two contacting biological counterfaces. This study adopts a synovium-on-cartilage configuration, and friction coefficient measurements are presented for tests performed in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or synovial fluid (SF) bath. The testing was performed for a range of contact stresses, highlighting the lubricating properties of SF under high loads. This friction testing device can be used as a biomimetic bioreactor for studying the physical regulation of living joint tissues in response to applied physiologic loading associated with diarthrodial joint articulation.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating, degenerative joint disease that affects more than 32 million American adults, with a healthcare and socio-economic cost of over $16.5 billion1. The disease has classically been characterized by the degradation of articular cartilage and subchondral bone; however, changes to the synovium have recently garnered appreciation as synovitis has been linked to OA symptoms and progression2,3,4. In primary (idiopathic) OA, normal 'wear and tear' associated with aging inhibits cartilage's ability to sustain its load-bearing and lubrication functions. The stresses generated by prolonged sliding contact of articular cartilage layers or sliding contact of cartilage against implant materials have been shown to facilitate delamination wear through subsurface fatigue failure5,6. As a dynamic mechanical environment exists within the joint7,8, the frictional interactions of articular cartilage and synovium may influence joint homeostasis through tissue level wear and cellular mechanotransduction. To study these mechanical and mechanobiological processes, a device has been designed to replicate the motion of the joint with tight control over compressive and frictional loading5,6,9,10,11,12,13.
The present protocol describes a friction testing device that delivers reciprocal, translating motion and compressive load to contacting surfaces of living tissue explants. The computer-controlled device permits user control of the duration of each test, applied load, range of motion of the translation stage, and translation speed. The device is modular, allowing for testing of various counterfaces, such as tissue-on-tissue (cartilage-on-cartilage and synovium-on-cartilage) and tissue-on-glass. In addition to the functional measurements obtained by the tester, tissue and lubricating bath components can be assessed before and after testing to evaluate the biological changes imparted by a given experimental regimen.
Studies of cartilage tribology have been performed for decades, and several techniques have been developed to measure friction coefficients between cartilage and glass and cartilage on cartilage14,15. The different approaches are motivated by the joint and/or the lubrication mechanism of interest. There is often a tradeoff between the control of experimental variables and the recapitulation of physiologic parameters. Pendulum-style devices utilize intact joints as the fulcrum of a simple pendulum where one joint surface translates freely over the second surface14,16,17,18. Instead of using intact joints, friction measurements may be obtained by sliding cartilage explants over desired surfaces14,19,20,21,22,23,24,25. Reported friction coefficients of articular cartilage have varied over a wide range (from 0.002 to 0.5) depending on the operating conditions14,26. Devices have been created to replicate rotary motion23,27,28. Gleghorn et al.26 developed a multi-well custom tribometer to observe cartilage lubrication profiles using Stribeck curve analysis, and a linear oscillatory sliding motion was applied between cartilage against a flat glass counterface.
This device aims to isolate frictional responses and explore the mechanobiology of living tissues under various loading conditions. The device employs a simplified test set-up simulating joint articulation through compressive sliding, which can approximate both rolling and sliding motion with the understanding that the resistance in pure rolling motion is negligible relative to the measured friction coefficient of articular cartilage29. Originally built to study the effects of interstitial fluid pressurization on the frictional response of articular cartilage9, the tester has since been used to explore topics such as frictional effects of removing the superficial zone of cartilage10, lubricating effects of synovial fluid11, cartilage wear hypotheses5,6,30, and synovium-on-tissue friction measurements13. The friction-testing bioreactor can conduct friction experiments under sterile conditions, providing a novel mechanism to explore how frictional forces affect the mechanobiological responses of living cartilage and synovium. This design can be used as a biomimetic bioreactor to study the physical regulation of living joint tissues in response to applied physiologic loading associated with diarthrodial joint articulation.
This study presents a configuration for synovium-on-cartilage friction testing over a range of contact stresses and in different lubricating baths. The articulating surface area of most joints is, to a great extent, synovial tissue31. While synovium-on-cartilage sliding does not occur at primary load-bearing surfaces, the frictional interactions between the two tissues may still have important implications for tissue level repair and cell mechanotransduction. It has previously been shown that fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) residing on the intimal layer of the synovium are mechanosensitive, responding to fluid-induced shear stress32. It has also been demonstrated that stretch33,34 and fluid-induced shear stress35 modulate FLS lubricant production. As such, direct sliding contact between synovium and cartilage may provide another mechanical stimulus to resident cells in the synovium.
Only a few reports on synovium friction coefficients have been published31,36. Estell et al.13 sought to expand on the previous characterization by utilizing biologically relevant counterfaces. With the friction testing device's ability to test living tissues, it is possible to mimic physiologic tissue interactions during joint articulation to elucidate the role of contact shear stress on synoviocyte function and its contribution to the crosstalk between synovium and cartilage. The latter has been implicated in mediating synovial joint inflammation in arthritis and post-injury. Due to the physical proximity of cartilage to synovium and synovial fluid, which contain synoviocytes that exhibit multipotent capacity, including chondrogenesis, it is postulated that synoviocytes play a role in cartilage homeostasis and repair by engrafting to the articular surface. In this context, physical contact and reciprocal shearing of cartilage-synovium and synovium-synovium may increase the accessibility of synoviocytes to regions of cartilage damage37,38,39,40. Studies utilizing synovium-on-cartilage configurations will not only provide insights into joint gross tissue mechanics and tribology, but they may also lead to new strategies for maintaining joint health.
Juvenile bovine knee joints, obtained from a local abattoir, were used for the present study. Studies with such bovine specimen samples are exempted from Columbia Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
1. Designing the friction testing device
NOTE: A schematic representation of the friction testing device is shown in Figure 1. The device is built on a rigid base plate (not shown), which serves as a platform for structural support.
2. Specimen preparation and mounting
3. Friction testing
NOTE: A custom LabVIEW program and associated hardware (see Supplementary coding files) are used for these tests. Please note that the custom code was built on LabVIEW 2010 and has been maintained on this same legacy version. As a result, the code may not be forward-compatible with the most recent version of the software. The following button strikes and user interface references will only be relevant to the custom code. If working with a different software version, a similar custom program can be written by modifying the code.
4. Data processing
NOTE: A custom MATLAB program is used for data processing (see Supplementary coding files). The code calls on the output files specified by the custom LabVIEW code.
A synovium-on-cartilage configuration was used to friction test juvenile bovine explants. The synovium was mounted on a 10 mm diameter acrylic loading platen such that the intimal layer would be in contact with the underlying cartilage. A tibial strip was used as the cartilage counterface (Figure 6A). Tibial strips were cut with a depth of approximately 1.4 mm and a size of 10 mm x 30 mm. The samples were tested for 1 h at 37 °C in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) bath or a bovine synovial fluid (SF) bath. The SF bath consisted of a 50/50 mixture of PBS and bovine SF. The stage acceleration was 100 mm/s2, the stage speed was 1 mm/s, and the stage path distance was 2.5 mm6,9,42. Dead weights were used to apply various normal loads resulting in contact stresses of 180, 230, and 300 kPa11,43.
After one hour, the tissues were unloaded, and the friction coefficients were assessed. An effective friction coefficient μ was calculated from the average of Ft/Fn over each reciprocating cycle and then plotted against test duration to yield a friction coefficient vs. time plot (Figure 6B). For each test, values of μ were averaged over the entire test (all cycles) to produce μavg. In a PBS testing bath, the μavg values increased as the contact stress increased. The μavg,PBS increased from 0.015 ± 0.005 at 180 kPa, to 0.019 ± 0.005 at 230 kPa, to 0.022 ± 0.010 at 300 kPa. Conversely, the μavg values remained similar as the contact stress increased in a SF bath (Figure 6C). The μavg,SF was 0.013 ± 0.002 at 180 kPa, 0.011 ± 0.001 at 230 kPa, and 0.011 ± 0.001 at 300 kPa.
Overall, the results demonstrate the ability of the friction tester device to concomitantly apply reciprocal sliding and normal load to two biological counterfaces. In this study, synovium-on-cartilage samples tested in an SF bath did not display an increase in friction coefficient when the contact stress was increased, thereby supporting the notion that SF contributes to the low wear and low friction properties of the joint through a boundary lubrication mechanism.
Figure 1: Schematic of two-axis custom friction testing device (left) and cross-section of loaded sample in Petri dish (right). The stage is attached to a motor which induces sliding motion and causes the bottom contacting surface to articulate against the top contacting surface. The load cell collects real-time load measurements, while the loading stage linear encoder collects real-time creep displacement measurements. The figure has been modified with permission from Reference10. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Bovine synovium harvest. (A) The patellar tendon is severed using a horizontal incision superior to the tibia. (B,C) The patella is removed by making two anterior-to-posterior cuts in the shape of a V (dotted lines). (D) The outline of the synovium is traced with a scalpel blade. (E) The synovium is then stretched distal to the underlying bone and removed. Scale bar = 5 cm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Bovine femoral cartilage plug harvest. (A) A 15.9 mm diameter biopsy punch is inserted normal to the femoral condyle articular cartilage surface until the bone is reached. (B) The punch and plug are removed. Scale bar = 16 mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Bovine cartilage tibial strip harvest. (A) The meniscus is removed from the tibial plateau. (B) The plateau edges are cut to make straight sides (inset). (C) The inside of the plateau is scored to create a strip. (D) A cut is made at the cartilage-bone interface. (E) A screwdriver is inserted below the cut. (F) The strip is removed. Scale bar = 10 mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: LabVIEW user interface. The custom program allows for controlling various test parameters such as stage acceleration, stage speed, travel path, and test duration. (A) Real-time applied load plot (Fz vs. t where Fz is the normal load Fn), (B) stepper position (ux vs. t), and (C) hysteresis plot (Fx vs. ux, where Fx is the tangential force Ft) are shown. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Synovium-on-cartilage friction measurements. (A) The friction testing device configured for juvenile bovine synovium (inset) on a tibial cartilage strip. (B) Representative friction coefficient (μ) as a function of time plot. (C) The friction coefficient for various contact stresses (180 kPa, blue; 230 kPa, red; 300 kPa, green) in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, closed circle) or bovine synovial fluid (SF, open circle) bath. Error bars are mean with standard deviation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Friction bioreactor. (A) Schematic of friction bioreactor with stationary top counterfaces and moving bottom counterfaces. (B) A side-view and (C) bottom view of the bioreactor applying physiologic shear in a synovium-on-cartilage configuration. (D) The bioreactor is housed inside of a tissue culture incubator. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Coding Files. Please click here to download this file.
A dynamic mechanical environment exists within the joint as cartilage is subjected to compressive, tensile, and shear forces, and hydrostatic and osmotic pressures44,45. Although cartilage is the main load-bearing tissue of the joint, the synovium also undergoes frictional interactions with the cartilage surface and with itself in regions where the tissue folds. The physical interactions between cartilage and synovium are likely responsible for transferring cells and releasing mesenchymal stem cells into the joint environment, offering a potential cell source to contribute to (limited) articular cartilage repair mechanisms37,38,39,40. The frictional properties of both cartilage and synovium have important implications for joint maintenance and degeneration through tissue wear13. A device capable of delivering reciprocal translating motion and compressive loading is presented to study the mechanical and mechanobiological processes responsible for joint homeostasis and disease progression.
The selection of testing parameters and specimen mounting are two critical steps of the protocol. The device applies a compressive load with either dead weights or a voice coil actuator. The custom software program allows for control over various parameters such as test duration, stage speed, and travel path. An issue may arise if the test duration is too short; when this is the case, the short duration does not allow the friction coefficient μ to reach equilibrium (μeq). If the μeq output is desired, the user must select an appropriate test duration that will be able to capture the tissue behavior until it becomes constant. Samples can reach equilibrium within a few hours of testing, depending on the size of the contact area on the tissue46. The type of test must also be considered. The device has been used in the stationary contact area and migrating contact area configurations to study cartilage friction properties5,6,9,11,12,47. The travel path, stage speed, and congruence of the two counterfaces can be manipulated to produce the desired testing mode. It is recommended to create real-time plots in the LabVIEW program user interface to assist in monitoring a test. Helpful plots include horizontal stage position vs. time, normal force vs. time, and tangential force vs. horizontal stage position (hysteresis, Figure 5C). For example, the top counterface must only rest on the bottom counterface to ensure the full prescribed load is applied. The applied load value can be confirmed by viewing the normal load real-time plot (Figure 5A). The mounting of specimens must be secure to prevent tissue slipping or tearing that will provide erroneous measurements. Synovium tearing due to improper mounting will result in an incorrect friction coefficient, as the mounting surface underneath the synovium will be exposed. This error may be detected by monitoring real-time hysteresis curves. The device's real-time assessment of functional properties is distinct from other friction testing systems.
All raw data needs to be written to a file that can be imported and processed by the desired data processing software. It is recommended to collect data at a frequency of at least 10 data points/second and to save raw data to a .csv or .txt file. The friction coefficient can be calculated for each position in each cycle by using the equation where t and n refer to the tangential and normal forces, respectively, and where + and – refer to the forward and backward strokes, respectively, per cycle5. This formula recognizes that the sign of F-t is opposite to that of F+t. Normal force (Fn) is defined as the force in line with the applied load (z-direction, Figure 1), while tangential force (Ft) is the force parallel with sliding (x-direction, Figure 1). The cycle-average friction coefficient can be calculated by taking the mean of μ for all positions in a given cycle. The creep displacement is calculated by normalizing the vertical displacement of the top counterface such that the initial displacement is zero and the subsequent displacements are relative to the initial displacement. If desired, standard tissue assessments and media analyses can be performed on the tested explants and aliquots of the testing bath solution. Prior to analysis, it is recommended to record the testing bath volume to be used in data processing or normalization.
The modular counterfaces have enabled the adaptation of multiple testing configurations. Early studies used glass-on-cartilage testing to elucidate the role of interstitial fluid load support in cartilage tribology9,10. The importance of interstitial fluid pressurization was further validated by comparing stationary and migrating contact area tests for cartilage-on-cartilage and cartilage against glass11. Oungoulian et al.6 evaluated the wear mechanism of articular cartilage against metal alloys used in hemiarthroplasties and showed that the stresses generated by sliding contact for 4 h facilitated delamination wear through subsurface fatigue failure. This work was followed by Durney et al.5, who demonstrated that delamination wear can still occur when friction remains low under a migrating contact area configuration. Most recently, Estell et al.13 reported for the first time the friction properties of the synovium in testing conditions that mimicked native interactions with underlying tissues (cartilage and synovium) and in conditions that mimicked an osteoarthritic state (diluted synovial fluid bath with cartilage wear particles). Ultimately, the design flexibility of the friction testing device has permitted a wide range of experiments to be conducted, contributing to the greater understanding of cartilage and synovium tribology.
One limitation of the current system is that it can only maintain aseptic testing conditions for a few hours. This is achieved through the acrylic enclosure, sterilizing media-contacting components via autoclave, and spraying the testing device with 70% ethanol. The acrylic enclosure also includes a heating element and constant temperature monitoring capabilities. The heating element heats the air within the box, controlling the temperature of the inside environment, and can be controlled externally to avoid exposing the samples to the outside environment. Aseptic conditions can be further achieved by harvesting the specimens in a sterile biological safety cabinet (BSC) and assembling the specimens inside the BSC within a sterile container that can interface with the support rod and fixed base. For long-term studies, the acrylic enclosure can be outfitted with the necessary materials to provide a more sterile environment (ultraviolet light, proper airflow and filtration, and self-regulating temperature control). Another limitation is that the current friction testing device is configured to test a single top and bottom counterface. A multi-specimen counterface approach can be attained by altering the loading platen and removable base design, converting the current friction testing device to a bioreactor with a multi-well capacity to apply physiologic loading of cartilage-on-cartilage and synovium-on-cartilage. A working prototype using a 6-well plate has been created (Figure 7). The design reserves the ability to modulate top and bottom counterfaces as desired. The top of the plate is stationary and secured to a tissue culture incubator rack, while the bottom of the plate is attached to a translating stage. Similar to the current friction testing device, dead weight can be added to prescribe a normal load. With the bioreactor in a sterile environment, media can be sampled over time to evaluate biological responses to loading regimens. The next design iteration will look to create a stand-alone bioreactor that incorporates computer-controlled translation. If the complexity of the friction testing device were to be maintained in the bioreactor, changes to tissue mechanical and mechanobiological properties could be measured longitudinally.
A friction testing device that permits control over the delivery of reciprocal translating motion and normal load to two contacting biological counterfaces is described. In this study, a synovium-on-cartilage configuration was utilized to demonstrate the modularity of the device and the ability to study the frictional responses of living tissues. The representative results reaffirmed the role of synovial fluid in providing boundary lubrication to reduce wear and friction of the diarthrodial joint. The device permits the execution of multi-scale experiments ranging from bulk friction to mechanotransduction. The design can operate under sterile conditions for a few hours and can be converted to a long-term bioreactor to recapitulate the compressive sliding of the joint, thereby facilitating the study of biomechanics, mechanobiology, and physical regulation of living joint tissues. Future studies will contribute to understanding how healthy and diseased physical environments influence joint maintenance.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by the Orthopaedic Scientific Research Foundation, NIH 5R01 AR068133, NIH TERC 5P41EB027062, and NIGMS R01 692 GM083925 (Funder ID: 10.13039/100000057).
Aluminum foil | Reynolds Group Holdings | Reynolds Wrap | Sterile tissue harvest |
Aluminum-framed acrylic enclosure | Custom made | Friction tester component | |
Autoclavable instant sealing sterilization pouches | Fisherbrand | 01-812-54 | Sterilization of tools |
Autoclave | Buxton | Sterilization of tools | |
Beaker (250 mL) | Pyrex Vista | 70000 | Tissue harvest |
Betadine (Povidone Iodine Prep Solution) | Medline Industries, LP | MDS093906 | Sterile tissue harvest |
Biological safety cabinet | Labconco | Purifier Logic+ Class II, Type A2 BSC | Sterile tissue harvest |
Biospy punch | Steritool Inc. | 50162 | Tissue harvest |
Box cutter | American Safety Razor Company | 94-120-71 | Tissue harvest |
Circular acrylic-sillicone post (synovium) | Custom made | Tissue mounting | |
Culture media | Custom made | DMEM (Cat No. 11-965-118; Gibco) supplemented with 50 μg/mL L-proline (Cat. No. P5607; Sigma), 100 μg/mL sodium pyruvate (Cat. No. S8636; Sigma), 1% ITS (Cat. No. 354350; Corning), and 1% antibiotic–antimycotic (Cat. No. 15-240-062, Gibco) | |
Cyanoacrylate (Loctite 420 Clear) | Henkel | 135455 | Tissue mounting |
Dead weights | OHAUS | Normal load | |
Ethanol 200 proof | Decon Labs, Inc. | 2701 | Dilute to 70 % |
Fixed base | ThorLabs, Inc. | SB1T | Friction tester component |
Forceps (synovium harvest) | Fine Science Tools | 11019-12 | Tissue harvest |
Forceps (synovium mounting) | Excelta | 3C-S-PI | Tissue mounting |
Horizontal linear encoder (for translating stage) | RSF Electronics, Inc. | MSA 670.63 | Friction tester component; system resolution of 1 µm |
Hot glue gun and glue | FPC Corporation | Surebonder Pro 4000A | Tissue mounting |
LabVIEW | National Instruments Corporation | LabVIEW 2010 | Friction testing program |
Load cell | JR3 Inc. | 20E12A-M25B | Friction tester component; 0.0019 lbs resolution in x&y, 0.0038 lbs resolution in z |
Loading platen | Custom made | Tissue mounting | |
O-ring | Parker | S1138AS568-009 | Tissue mounting |
Petri dish (60 mm) | Falcon | 351007 | Tissue mounting |
PivotLok Work Positioner (tibia holder) | Industry Depot, Pivot Lok | PL325 | Tissue harvest |
Removable base | ThorLabs, Inc. | SB1B | Friction tester component |
Ring stand | Tissue harvest | ||
Scalpel blades | Havel's Inc. | FSC22 | Tissue harvest |
Scalpel handle | FEATHER Safety Razor Co., Ltd. | No. 4 | Tissue harvest |
Screwdriver | Wera | 3334 | Tissue harvest |
Stage | JMAR | Friction tester component | |
Stepper motor | Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. | PK266-03B | Friction tester component |
Suction tool | Virtual Industries, Inc. | PEN-VAC Vacuum Pen | Tissue mounting |
Support rod | Custom made | Tissue mounting | |
Surgical scissors | Fine Science Tools | 14061-09 | Tissue mounting |
Synovial fluid (bovine) | Animal Technologies, Inc. | Friction testing bath | |
Testing bath | Custom made | Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS) with protease inhibitors: 0.04% isothiazolone-base biocide (Proclin 950 Cat. No. 46878-U; Sigma) and 0.1% protease inhibitor – 0.05 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA (Cat. No. 0369; Sigma) | |
Tissue culture incubator | Fisher Scientific | Isotemp | Sterile culture |
Vertical linear encoder (for loading stage) | Renishaw | T1031-30A | Friction tester component; 20 nm resolution |
Voice coil actuator | H2W Technologies | NCC20-15-027-1RC | Friction tester component |