Shyue-An Chan

Department of Physiology and Biophysics

Case Western Reserve University

Shyue-An Chan

Dr. Shyue-An Chan is a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics in the

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. He received his Bachelor’s

degree in Biology from National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan, and Ph.D. in Anatomical

Sciences and Neurobiology from University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky.

Dr. Chan’s Ph.D. training involved in studying the cerebral effect of transient ischemia and demonstrated

the potential neuroprotective effect of fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) for the ischemic neuronal damage of

hippocampus. He join Dr. Corey Smith’s lab in late 1999 as a post-doctoral fellow in Medical College of

Georgia, Augusta, Georgia. The Smith lab moved to Case Western Reserve University at the beginning of

2001, and Dr. Chan started to work as a Research Associate in the CWRU.

The main focus of the Smith lab is in the chromaffin cell physiology, including exocytosis/endocytosis

regulation, control mechanism of catecholamine release, and the stress response of the sympathetic

system. Dr. Chan utilizes patch clamp technique studied chromaffin cells in mouse adrenal slices to

elucidate the molecular steps of catecholamine secretion. Dr. Chan’s studies also demonstrated

different calcium channel’s contribution during different chromaffin cell activity levels. For the stress

response, series of work was conducted involving PACAP was published and support that PACAP elicit

secretion catecholamine preferably under stress condition. Dr. Chan latest works are in detecting

catecholamine and neuropeptide secretion in vivo in collaboration with the UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia



الوقت الذي تم حله في الجسم الحي قياس ديناميكيات Neuropeptide بواسطة مسبار مناعي سعوي في قلب لحم الخنزير

1Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University, 2University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, 3UCLA Neurocardiology Research Program of Excellence, UCLA

JoVE 63926
