Stephanie Woo

Molecular Cell Biology

University of California Merced

Stephanie Woo

Stephanie Woo earned her B.S. in molecular biology at the University of Texas Austin. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin Madison, working in the lab of Timothy Gomez to examine integrin-dependent adhesion dynamics of neuronal growth cones during development of the nervous system. For her postdoc, Dr. Woo joined the lab of Didier Stainier at the University of California San Francisco where she further developed her expertise in cell motility to include in vivo, multicellular systems by studying the morphogenesis of zebrafish embryos. Also at UCSF, she worked with Orion Weiner to develop a zebrafish-optimized optogenetic gene expression system. In 2017, Dr. Woo joined the faculty in the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at UC Merced.
