
Publishing with JoVE is simple. You submit your manuscript. If accepted by editorial and peer review, your article will be published. JoVE will then film a video of your technique if you are located within our Videographer Network. We have videographers located across 5 continents. If you’re outside our videographer network, you can produce and submit your own video. Any questions? Contact us here.

Manuscript Preparation and Review

  • Write your manuscript using this template. Submit it here.

  • All submitted manuscripts undergo editorial review to verify compliance with JoVE’s guidelines.

  • After passing editorial review, your manuscript will be peer-reviewed by experts in relevant fields of research. You will revise your manuscript based on peer review and editorial review comments.

  • Your manuscript will be considered in-press once it successfully passes the review process. On average, this process takes about 2 months after submission.

Filming & Video Production

After your manuscript is accepted, JoVE starts the video production process. If your institution is within our videographer network, your video is eligible to be a JoVE Produced Video. However, even if you are located outside of our network, JoVE offers two additional production models that you can choose from to create your video.

This is our most common production model. After the manuscript is accepted, JoVE’s professional video production team handles the scriptwriting, videography, and editing of your video.

  • A JoVE scriptwriter will create a video script for filming your experiments. You will approve the script prior to filming.
  • Our production coordinator will schedule filming at your laboratory.
  • On the day of the filming, a JoVE videographer will come to your laboratory (or filming location) and film your experiments according to the video script. The filming typically takes 6-8 hours.
  • After filming, our team edits the video, adds professional voice over, and shares the video with you for your approval. You will have the opportunity to request changes to the video before it is published.

This is a hybrid production model. After the manuscript is accepted, JoVE scripts and edits your video while you are responsible for filming. This is a good model for authors outside our videographer network.

  • A JoVE scriptwriter will create a video script for filming your experiments. You will approve the script prior to filming.
  • A JoVE producer will meet with you to offer advice on filming. You will film and then send your video footage to JoVE.
  • Our team edits the video, adds a professional voice-over, and presents the video for your approval. You will have the opportunity to request changes to the video before it is released on our website.

A fully author-based production model. You, the author, are responsible for scripting, filming, and editing the video and submitting it to JoVE for approval. This is a good model for authors outside our videographer network.

  • You create your video according to JoVE’s ASV guidelines and send the video to JoVE. Both the manuscript and the video are peer-reviewed simultaneously. JoVE’s production team also reviews the video.
  • You make the necessary revisions and send the updated video to JoVE.
  • After passing peer review and production review, the video is released on our website.

Publication and Indexing

  • After your approval, your article and video will be published on the JoVE website. Your article abstract will appear in PubMed approximately two weeks after publication. JoVE is indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, SciFinder, and other scientific indexing services.

Ready to Submit?

Please click here