Here, a critical hindlimb ischemia experimental model is presented followed by a battery of functional, histologic and molecular tests to assess the effectiveness of angiogenic therapies.
Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is a serious condition that entails a high risk of lower limb amputation. Despite revascularization being the gold-standard therapy, a considerable number of CLI patients are not suited for either surgical or endovascular revascularization. Angiogenic therapies are emerging as an option for these patients but are currently still under investigation. Before application in humans, those therapies must be tested in animal models and its mechanisms must be clearly understood. An animal model of hindlimb ischemia (HLI) has been developed by the ligation and excision of the distal external iliac and femoral arteries and veins in mice. A comprehensive panel of tests was assembled to assess the effects of ischemia and putative angiogenic therapies at functional, histologic and molecular levels. Laser Doppler was used for the flow measurement and functional assessment of perfusion. Tissue response was evaluated by the analysis of capillary density after staining with the anti-CD31 antibody on histological sections of gastrocnemius muscle and by measurement of collateral vessel density after diaphonization. Expression of angiogenic genes was quantified by RT-PCR targeting selected angiogenic factors exclusively in endothelial cells (ECs) after laser capture microdissection from mice gastrocnemius muscles. These methods were sensitive in identifying differences between ischemic and non-ischemic limbs and between treated and non-treated limbs. This protocol provides a reproducible model of CLI and a framework for testing angiogenic therapies.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affects predominantly the lower limbs. PAD is caused by atherosclerosis, an artery obstruction that can cause severe restriction to the blood flow in the lower limbs1. Intermittent claudication is the first manifestation of PAD and refers to muscle pain when walking. CLI is the most severe stage of PAD, being diagnosed in patients that show ischemic rest pain, ulcers or gangrene2. Patients with CLI have a high risk of amputation, especially if untreated3. Lower limb revascularization (either by open surgery or an endovascular procedure) is currently the only way to achieve limb salvage. However, around 30% of CLI patients are not suited for these procedures, for reasons that include the location of the lesions, the pattern of arterial occlusion and extensive comorbidity4,5. Therefore, new therapies are needed for these otherwise untreatable patients, with the promotion of angiogenesis being the strategy under more intense investigation.
Before testing in humans, the effectiveness and safety of new therapies in vivo must be considered in animal models. Several models have been developed for the study of CLI, mostly by inducing hindlimb ischemia (HLI) in mice6,7,8,9,10. However, these models differ in several aspects including the nature of the arteries that are ligated and/or excised and whether the veins and nerves surrounding are dissected as well6,7,8,9,10. Taken together, these aspects will affect the severity of the ischemia-reperfusion injury in each animal, making the results difficult to be compared. Therefore, it is critical to develop an effective protocol in which the procedure to induce ischemia and the evaluation of different targets should be standardized to assess whether a given angiogenic therapy will be effective. An experimental protocol designed to cover all these aspects would provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms by which angiogenic therapies exert their effects and a measure of their efficacy at each of their outcomes. Two distinct works recently published by our team are a good example11,12, in which different approaches to induce therapeutic angiogenesis were assessed using the same protocol that will be described with more detail in this protocol.
The overall goal of this protocol is to describe a reproducible experimental model that can mimic the effects of CLI and lay the experimental foundation for a comprehensive assessment of the functional, histologic and molecular effects of putative angiogenic agents.
All animal procedures are in accordance with Directive 2010/63/EU and have been approved by the Institutional Animal Welfare Body and licensed by DGAV, the Portuguese competent authority for animal protection (license number 023861/2013)
CAUTION: Several of the chemicals used in the protocols are toxic and harmful. Please use all appropriate safety practices and personal protective equipment (gloves, lab coat, full-length pants, and closed-toe shoes)
1. The murine model of hindlimb ischemia
NOTE: All experiments are performed on 22-week-old C57BL/6 female mice.
2. Assessment of the angiogenic effect
NOTE: After ischemia induction, apply the therapeutic agent in the study and achieve the following procedures. Steps undertaken at other time points are detailed under the corresponding section.
Using the described protocol, umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and low-dose ionizing radiation (LDIR) were tested as putative angiogenic therapies 11,12. Laser Doppler perfusion readings were obtained before ischemia induction and at pre-specified timepoints ranging from immediately after ischemia induction to 45 days post-ischemia. Tissue perfusion readings by laser Doppler were recorded as color-coded images, with no perfusion displayed as dark blue and the highest perfusion level displayed as red. As shown in Figures 2A and 3A and quantified in Figures 2B and 3B, a complete loss of hindlimb perfusion was observed in all mice immediately after induction of hindlimb ischemia, ensuring the reproducibility of the technique for inducing hindlimb ischemia. Importantly, the severity of ischemia is similar in all animals. An ROI was drawn around the ischemic hindlimb and a comparable ROI was drawn around the non-ischemic hindlimb to perform the quantification of perfusion. Perfusion is expressed as a ratio of the perfusion in the ischemic limb to that in the non-ischemic limb. Changes in the perfusion ratio are measured over time.
Immunohistochemistry was performed between 15 and 90-days post-ischemia. Diaphonization was undertaken between 19- and 90-days post-ischemia and capillary microdissection between 45- and 70-days post-ischemia induction ensuring that the different pro-angiogenic therapies induced a sustained and prolonged proangiogenic effect.
Quantification of CD31-positive capillaries in histological sections of gastrocnemius muscle assessed the capillary density and this was expressed as the number of capillaries per number of muscle fibers. As shown in Figure 4, capillary density was greater in the ischemic versus the non-ischemic limb.
In order to evaluate collateral vessel density, mice were diaphonized and an equivalent ROI, corresponding to 20 % of the limb area, was selected for quantification. Collateral vessel density consistently increased in the ischemic limb, so data pertaining to treated and control limbs were expressed as the percentage of collateral vessel density increase in the ischemic limb relatively to the non-ischemic one (Figure 5).
Expression of pro-angiogenic genes by ECs was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR of CD31-positive cells. Transcripts for Vegfr2, Vegfr1, Fgf2, Angpt2, Pdgfc, Tgfb2, Hgf, and Met showed a clear variation in expression between ischemic and non-ischemic limbs, exclusively in mice exposed to the pro-angiogenic stimulus (Figure 6).
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the anatomy of the mouse hindlimb vasculature showing the ligation sites. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: LDIR increases perfusion recovery. After surgical induction of unilateral HLI, both hindlimbs of C57BL/6 mice were sham irradiated or irradiated with four daily fractions of 0.3Gy, in consecutive days and allowed to recover. (A) Representative laser Doppler flow images pre-HLI, and at days 0 (d0) and 15 (d15) post-HLI induction. (B) Quantitative evaluation of blood flow expressed as a ratio of ISC to NISC limb demonstrated significantly enhanced limb blood perfusion in irradiated mice vs. sham-irradiated ones both at days 15 (d15) and 45 (d45) post-HLI. Between-group changes were assessed by two-way repeated measurements ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test (n = 12 mice per group). Means ± SEM are shown. *** P < 0.001; ns, nonsignificant. HLI, hindlimb ischemia; ISC, ischemic; NISC, non-ischemic; Pre-HLI, before hindlimb ischemia. Adapted from 11. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCX) increase perfusion recovery. UCX or their vehicle (as a control) were administered in the ischemic gastrocnemius muscle 5 hours after HLI induction. (A) Representative laser doppler flow images before (PRE-HLI), immediately after (d0 POST-HLI) and at 7, 14 and 21 days post-HLI induction (d7 POST-HLI, d14 POST-HLI, d21 POST-HLI). (B) Quantitative evaluation of blood flow expressed as a ratio of ISC to NISC limb demonstrated significantly enhanced limb blood perfusion in umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells -treated mice at 7, 14 and 21 days post-HLI. (n=16 for each experimental group; D7: t (22.69) = 4.26; ***P ˂ 0.001; effect size was 1.51 and power 0.98; D14: t (30) = 4.7; ***P ˂ 0.001; effect size was 1.66 and power 0.99; D21: t (30) = 7.22; ***P ˂ 0.001; effect size was 2.56 and power 0.99). HLI, hindlimb ischemia; ISC, ischemic; NISC, non-ischemic. Adapted from11. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: LDIR increases capillary density. (A) Representative sections from sham-irradiated and irradiated ischemic gastrocnemius muscles at day 45 post-HLI. Capillaries and myocytes were identified by CD31 immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin, respectively. Scale bar, 150 μm. (B) Quantitative analysis revealed increased capillary density (capillaries/myocyte) in irradiated ischemic gastrocnemius muscles compared to sham-irradiated ischemic ones at days 15 and 45 post-HLI. Mixed ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test was conducted with a within-subject factor of ISC and between-subject factors of day and irradiation (n=6 mice per group). Individual data and means ± SEM are shown. ***P<0.001; ns, nonsignificant. ISC, ischemic; NISC, non-ischemic. Adapted from11. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: LDIR increases collateral density. (A) Illustrative images of selected ROIs for sham-irradiated and irradiated mice. ISC and NISC limbs at day 90 post-HLI are shown. Scale bar, 300 μm. (B) Data are represented as the percentage of CVD increase of the ISC limb relatively to the NISC one. At days 15 and 90 post-HLI, irradiated mice presented a significantly higher CVD increase (%) vs. sham-irradiated mice. Two-way ANOVA was conducted followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test with a between subject factors of day and irradiation (n=6 mice per group). Individual data and means ± SEM are shown. *P<0.05; ***P<0.001; ns, nonsignificant. HLI, hindlimb ischemia; ISC, ischemic; NISC, non-ischemic. Adapted from11. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: LDIR upregulates the expression of angiogenic genes in ECs isolated from irradiated ischemic gastrocnemius muscles. After surgical induction of unilateral HLI, both hindlimbs of C57BL/6 mice were sham-irradiated or irradiated with four daily fractions of 0.3Gy, in consecutive days and allowed to recover. At day 45 post-HLI, the expression of pro-angiogenic factors and their receptors was evaluated by qRT-PCR exclusively on ECs. Gastrocnemius muscle sections were stained for CD31. Individual endothelial CD31+ cells were visualized, dissected, and isolated using a laser microdissection system. Each bar represents the relative gene expression in one animal. White and gray bars represent sham-irradiated and irradiated mice, respectively. Values were normalized to 18S to obtain relative expression levels. Results expressed as log2 fold changes between ischemic and non-ischemic samples demonstrated the relative abundance of the transcripts in irradiated mice; in contrast, a down-regulation is observed in sham-irradiated mice. Adapted from11. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1: Primers used for the study.
Murine models of CLI have mostly consisted in ligation of the femoral artery just distal to the origin of the profunda femoris 4,5,6,7,8,9. This has shown to leave most of the collateral circulation intact, which restores blood flow to the limb within 7 days 9. Removal of the collateral bed can be achieved by excision of the femoral artery. However, up to a third of the original blood flow can be restored as soon as 7 days after the procedure, given that most collateral vessels arise from the internal iliac artery 7. Lejay et al have proposed sequential ligations with a second ligation performed on the common iliac artery, effectively reducing the collateral perfusion provided by the internal iliac artery 4. Critical steps within this protocol include not only the identification of the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament, but also the ligation and excision of the distal external iliac and femoral arteries and veins, which serves a double purpose: to increase the severity of ischemia as well as to improve the technical reproducibility of the model, as exposure of the femoral artery alone often results in tearing of the vein.
One limitation of this technique is the acute interruption of the blood flow to the limb, which differs from the protracted process associated with the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque leading to arterial stenosis and occlusion. Still, reduction of blood flow was present well after 2 weeks, the established timepoint for the diagnosis of chronic ischemia. Also, collateralization was increased with the ischemic insult alone, which mimics the process of collateral formation observed in chronically ischemic limbs.
Neovascularization of ischemic limbs involves a complex interplay of biological events, namely, angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. This protocol includes a variety of assays that assessed the interference of putative angiogenic therapies on angiogenic sprouting (capillary vessel density) and collateral vessel development (arteriogenesis), the most important mechanism in human tolerance to lower limb ischemia. Simultaneously, laser Doppler is used for unveiling the function of these new or enlarged vessels, and for the first-time laser microdissection of capillaries is used to collect ECs disclosing the molecular mechanisms that underlie functional recovery. This protocol yields a reproducible animal model that can mimic the effects of CLI a standard of testing when the animals are treated with possible angiogenic therapies that could be applied in a clinical context in the future.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank José Rino and Tânia Carvalho, heads of the Bioimaging Facility and Histology and Comparative Pathology Laboratory of Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes, respectively. We also thank Vyacheslav Sushchyk from the Department of Anatomy of Nova Medical School/Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Funding reference: project funded by UID/IC/0306/2016 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Paula de Oliveira is supported by a fellowship (SFRH/BD/80483/2011) from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR | Applied Biosystems | Instrument | |
Acetone | Merk | 1000141000 | Reagent; Caution – highly flammable |
Adenosine | Valdepharm | Reagent | |
Atipamezole | OrionPharma | Reagent | |
Barium sulphate (Micropaque) | Guebert | 8671404 (ref. Infarmed) | Reagent |
Buprenorphine | RichterPharma | Reagent | |
Carl Zeiss Opmi-1 FC Surgical Microscope | Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany | Instrument | |
cDNA RT2 PreAMP cDNA Synthesis kit | Qiagen | 7335730 | Reagent |
Cryostat Leica CM | Leica Microsystems | 3050S | Instrument |
DAB peroxidase substrate kit | DAKO;Vector Laboratories | K3468 | Reagent |
hydrogen peroxidase | Merk | 1072090250 | Reagent; Caution – nocif |
hydrophobic pen | Dako | 411121 | Reagent; Caution – toxic |
Ketamidor | Richterpharma | CN:580393,7 630/01/12 Dfvf | Reagent |
Laser Doppler perfusion imager moorLDI2-HIR | MoorLDI-V6.0, Moor Instruments Ltd, Axminster, UK | 5710 | Instrument |
Leica DM2500 upright brightfield microscope | Leica Microsystems | Instrument | |
Medetor | Virbac | 037/01/07RFVPT | Reagent |
methanol | VWR | UN1230 | Reagent; Caution – toxic and highly flammable |
Papaverine | Labesfal | Reagent | |
Pentano Isso | Merk | 1060561000 | Reagent; Caution – highly flammable |
Power SYBR® Green | Applied Biosystems | 4309155 | Reagent |
Purified rat anti-mouse CD31 | Pharmingen | 550274 | Reagent |
RNeasy Micro kit | Qiagen | 74004 | Reagent |
Surgic-Pro 6.0 | Medtronic (Coviden) | VP733X | Suture |
VECTASTAIN ABC HRP Kit (Peroxidase, Rat IgG) | Vectastain ABC kit; Vector Laboratories | PK-4004 | Reagent |
Vicryl5.0/ Vicryl 6.0 | Medtronic (Covidien) | UL202/ UL101 | Suture |
Zeiss PALM MicroBeam Laser Microdissection System | Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany | 1023290916 | Instrument |
Stereotaxic microscope | Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany | Instrument | |
Digital camera | Linux | Instrument |