大小谱是平均身体质量(M)与生态社区或食物网内个体密度(D)之间的反向、均等缩放关系。重要的是,大小谱假定个体大小,而不是物种的行为或生命历史特征,是生态系统内丰度的主要决定因素。因此,与侧重于物种级数据(例如,平均物种的体型与种群密度)的传统等值关系不同,大小光谱分析是”非正数”-单个标本仅按其大小进行识别,而不考虑分类标识。尺寸光谱模型是传统复杂食品网的有效表示形式,可用于描述性和预测性上下文(例如,预测大型消费者对基础资源变化的反应)。来自不同水生生态系统的实证研究也报告,大小光谱斜率的中度到高水平相似程度,表明共同过程可能调节在非常不同的环境中小型和大型生物体的丰度。这是一种在可涉水流中模拟社区级大小频谱的协议。该协议由三个主要步骤组成。首先,收集定量底栖鱼类和无脊椎动物样本,用于估计局部密度。其次,通过将所有个体转换为非塔克单位(即按大小识别的个人,而不考虑分类身份),并在日志2大小箱内对个体进行求和,使鱼类和无脊椎动物数据标准化。第三,使用线性回归来建模非税M和D估计值之间的关系。 此处提供了详细说明,以完成每个步骤,包括自定义软件,以方便D估计和大小光谱建模。
体型缩放关系,如身体质量和代谢率之间的正关联,在个体生物体水平上是众所周知的,目前正在组织1,2,3的较高层次进行研究.这些等分关系通常是形式Y = aMb的功率定律函数,其中Y是感兴趣的变量(例如,新陈代谢、丰度或家庭范围大小),M 是单个或平均值的体质量单个,b 是缩放系数,a 是常量。 为了便于统计,Y 和M数据通常在分析之前进行对数转换,然后用形式日志 (Y) 的线性方程 + 日志 (a) = b日志 (M) 进行建模,其中b和日志 ( a) 分别成为线性模型斜率和截距。
大小谱是一种等值关系,用于预测密度(D,单位面积的个体数量)或生物量(B,单位面积的个体总质量)作为M的函数(参见第 4节,用于增加关于使用”标准化”D 或B估计的信息。与M和D之间或M和B之间的其他缩放关系一样,大小谱在基础生态学和应用生态学中起着核心作用。在种群一级,生物学家经常将负D M关系解释为密度依赖生存的证据,或解释为生态系统承载能力的模型(即”自我稀释规则”)4, 5.在社区一级,B
大小谱的一个特别重要的特点是它完全是无税的9,10。在比较D M或B
M数据的散点图时,很容易遗漏这一点,但分类模型和非税模型之间的区别至关重要。在分类模型中,单个M值用于表示给定物种或 taxa11中每个人的平均身体质量。在 ataxic 模型中,数据集中的所有个体都分区在一系列正文大小间隔或M bin 之间,而不管其分类标识12 。后者,无税方法在水生生态系统中是有利的,因为许多分类动物表现出不确定的生长,在喂养行为中经历一种或多次遗传变化;在这些情况下,单个物种级M平均值将掩盖一个事实,即一个物种可以在其生命史9、13、14中扮演不同的功能角色。
在这里,我们提出了一个完整的协议,以量化在可涉水溪流和河流的大小频谱。该协议从现场采样方法开始,以收集必要的鱼类和底栖巨脊椎动物数据。鱼将通过”三通耗竭”取样过程收集。然后,将从使用 Zippin 方法15的损耗数据中估计丰度。在消耗取样中,封闭研究范围内的单个鱼类(即,个人不能进入或离开封闭接触)通过连续三个样本从接触点中取出。因此,剩余的鱼类数量将逐渐枯竭。从这个消耗趋势,可以估计研究范围内的总丰度,然后根据研究范围的已知表面积转换为D(以每米2的鱼)。底栖巨脊椎动物将采用标准固定区域取样器收集,然后在实验室中识别和测量。
接下来,组合的鱼和宏无脊椎动物数据将在大小箱之间划分。传统上,倍频程或对数2刻度(即双倍间隔)用于设置大小 bin 边界16。建立大小箱列表后,将单个底栖宏脊椎动物划分到各自的大小箱中非常简单,因为无脊椎动物直接枚举为单位区域的个体数。然而,估计大小箱内的鱼类丰度更抽象,因为这些估计是从消耗数据中推断的。因此,提供了详细的说明,以便从损耗样本数据中估计大小箱内的鱼类丰度,而不论分类特征如何。
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Chest waders | Multiple options | n/a | Personal protective equipment for use during electrofishing. Do NOT use 'breatheable' waders as electrical current will pass through them. |
Rubber lineman's gloves | Multiple options | n/a | Personal protective equipment for use during electrofishing. |
Dip nets with fiberglass poles | Multiple options | n/a | Used to capture stunned fishes during electrofishing. |
Backpack electrofishing unit | Smith-Root; Halltech; Midwest Lake Management; Aqua Shock Solutions | www.smith-root.com; www.halltechaquatic.com; https://midwestlake.com; https://aquashocksolutions.com/ | Backpack electrofishers are currently manufactured and distributed by four independent companies in North America. Prices and warranty/technical support are the most important factors in choosing a vendor. |
Block nets/seines (×2) | Duluth Nets | https://duluthfishnets.com/ | Necessary length will depend on stream width. 3/8 inch mesh is recommended. |
Cam-action utility straps with 1 inch nylon webbing (×4) | Multiple options | n/a | Used to secure/anchor block nets. Available at auto supply, hardware, and department stores. |
Large tent stakes (×4) | Multiple options | n/a | Used to secure/anchor block nets. Available at camping and department stores. |
5 gallon plastic buckets (×5) | Multiple options | n/a | Used to hold and transport fish during electrofishing. Available at hardware and paint supply stores. |
10-20 gallon totes (×3) | Multiple options | n/a | Used as livewells, sedation tanks, and recovery bins for captured fishes. Available at hardware and department stores. |
Battery powered 'bait bucket' aeration pumps | Cabelas | IK-019008 | Used to aerate fish holding bins during field processing. |
Fish anesthesia (Tricaine-S) | Syndel | www.syndel.com | Used to sedate fishes for field processing. Tricaine-S is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. |
Folding camp table and chairs | Cabelas | IK-518976; IK-552777 | Used to process fish samples. |
Pop-up canopy | Multiple options | n/a | Used as necessary for sun and rain protection. |
Fish measuring board | Wildco | 3-118-E40 | Used to measure fish lengths. |
Battery powered field scale with weighing dish | Multiple options | n/a | Used to weigh fishes. Must weigh be accurate to 0.1 or 0.01 grams. |
Clear plastic wind/rain baffle | Multiple options | n/a | Used to shield scale in rainy or windy conditions. Must be large enough to cover the scale and a weighing dish. |
White plastic or enamel examination trays | Multiple options | n/a | Trays are essential for examining fishes in the field. |
Stainless steel forceps | Multiple options | n/a | Forceps are helpful when examining small fishes and in transfering invertebrates to specimen jars. |
Hand magnifiers | Multiple options | n/a | Magnification is often helpful when identifying fish specimens in the field. |
Fish identification keys | n/a | n/a | Laminated keys that are custom prepared for specific locations are most effective. |
Datasheets printed on waterproof paper | Rite in the Rain | n/a | Waterproof paper is essential when working with aquatic specimens. |
Retractable fiberglass field tapes | Lufkin | n/a | Used to measure stream channel dimensions. |
Surber sampler or Hess sampler | Wildco | 3-12-D56; 3-16-C52 | Either of these fixed-area benthic samplers will work well in shallow streams with gravel or pebble substrate. |
70% ethanol or isopropyl alcohol | Multiple options | n/a | Used as invertebrate preservative. |
Widemouth invertebrate specimen jars (20-32 oz.) | U.S. Plastic Corp. | 67712 | Any widemouth plastic jars will work but these particular jars are durable and inexpensive. |