Yrr Mørch

Biotechnology and Nanomedicine


Yrr Mørch

Chemical engineer by training with a PhD in biotechnology and biopolymer chemistry. Has since 2011 focused on research within nanomedicine by developing novel nanoformulations of drugs and bioactives. Project manager of numerous national and international research projects within the field of nanomedicine, and leads the nanomedicine strategic area at SINTEF.


طرق المجهر متعددة الوقت لتوصيف الفقاعات الدقيقة ذات العلامات الفلورية لإطلاق المخدرات التي تسببها الموجات فوق الصوتية

1Physics of Fluids group, Department of Science and Technology, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology and Technical Medical (TechMed) Center, University of Twente, 2BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip group, Max Planck Center Twente for Complex Fluid Dynamics, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology and Technical Medical (TechMed) Center, University of Twente, 3Department of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine, SINTEF Industry, 4Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 5Department of Health Research, SINTEF Digital, 6Cancer Clinic, St. Olav’s Hospital, 7Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

JoVE 62251
