Yuejin Li

School of Public Health

Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences

Yuejin Li
Postgraduate Student

Yuejin Li , an Postgraduate Student in the School of Public Health, Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences. He studied the roles of IgG N-glycans with systemic lupus erythematosus in Chinese Han Population.Mainly responsible for the experimental operation and management of Center for Glycomics and Chronic Disease Research.


अल्ट्रा-परफॉर्मेंस लिक्विड क्रोमेटोग्राफी द्वारा इम्यूनोग्लोबुलिन जी एन-ग्लाइकन विश्लेषण

1Beijing Key Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, 2School of Public Health, Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, 3School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University

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