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Encyclopedia of Experiments

B Cell Activation on an Antigen-Coated Coverslip


This video demonstrates B cell activation in vitro. The process involves antigen interaction with B cell receptors, leading to cytoskeleton remodeling, immune synapse formation, lysosome movement, antigen internalization, processing, and subsequent presentation on MHC molecules for B cell activation.


1. Preparation of poly-L-lysine coverslips

  1. Before the B cell activation assay with Ag-coated beads, prepare poly-L-lysine-coated coverslips (PLL-coverslips). Use a 50 mL tube containing 40 mL of 0.01% w/v of PLL solution and immerse the 12 mm-diameter coverslips into the solution. Rotate overnight at RT.
  2. Wash the coverslips with 1xPBS and leave to dry on a 24-well plate lid covered with paraffin film. Proceed with B cell activation.

2. B cell activation on antigen-coated coverslips

  1. Preparation of antigen-coated coverslips
    1. Before activation, prepare the antigen solution (1x PBS containing 10 µg/mL BCR-ligand+ and 0.5 µg/mL rat anti-mouse CD45R/B220).
    2. NOTE: Consider preparing the coverslips the day before the assay. B220 improves B cell adhesion, however, the BCR-Ligand+ is sufficient to generate the spreading response.
    3. Place the 12 mm coverslip onto a 24-well plate lid covered with paraffin film, add 40 µL of antigen solution onto each coverslip, and incubate at 4 °C overnight. Seal the plate to avoid evaporation of antigen solution.
    4. Wash the coverslips with 1x PBS and air dry.
  2. B cell activation
    1. To start the activation, dilute IIA1.6 B cells to 1.5 x 106 cells/mL in CLICK medium + 5% FBS.
    2. Add 100 µL of cells onto an antigen-coated coverslip (Ag-coverslip) and activate for different time points in a cell incubator at 37 °C / 5% CO2. The typical activating time points are 0, 30, and 60 min.
      NOTE: As in section 1, we recommend starting with the longest activating time point in order to fix all the samples at the same time.
    3. For time 0, place the 24-well plate lid containing the Ag-coverslip on ice and add the cells. Incubate for 5 min on ice.
    4. Carefully aspirate the media on each Ag-coverslip and then add 100 µL of cold 1x PBS to stop the activation.

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Name Company Catalog Number Comments
IIA1.6 (A20 variant) mouse B-lymphoma cells ATCC TIB-208 Murine B-cell lymphoma of Balb/c origin that expresses an IgG-containing BCR on its surface without FcγIIR
CaCl2 Winkler CA-0520
Glycine Winkler  BM-0820
HyClone Fetal bovine serum Thermo Fisher Scientific SH30071.03 Heat inactivate at 56 C for 30 min
KCl Winkler PO-1260
NaCl Winkler SO-1455
Parafilm M P1150-2
Penicillin-Streptomycin Thermo Fisher Scientific 15140122 Liquid
Poly-L-Lysine Sigma P8920 Dilute with sterile water
RPMI-1640 Biological Industries 01-104-1A
Sodium pyruvate Thermo Fisher Scientific 11360070
Tube 50 ml Corning 353043
2-mercaptoethanol Thermo Fisher Scientific 21985023
Glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific 35050061
Goat-anti-mouse IgG antibody Jackson ImmunoResearch 315-005-003 IIA1.6 positive ligand


B Cell Activation on an Antigen-Coated Coverslip
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Source: Ibañez-Vega, J., et al., Studying Organelle Dynamics in B Cells During Immune Synapse Formation. J. Vis. Exp. (2019)

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