
JoVE serves the research community as a scientific methods journal for efficient dissemination, reproduction and discussion of experimental approaches in biological, medical, chemical and physical research. Video is an effective publication format as it ensures more efficient transfer of information than traditional text articles. JoVE publishes novel methods, innovative applications of existing techniques and gold standard protocols in a scholarly video and text format. Detailed text and representative results accompany every video.

Peer review is a vital component of the JoVE publishing process.

JoVE Submissions

There are two main categories of JoVE submissions. The overwhelming majority of submissions fall into the JoVE-produced category; for these submissions, JoVE produces the video portion. When we produce a video, first we have the authors submit a written manuscript. This manuscript is then sent out to reviewers; revised by the authors, incorporating reviewer and editor comments; and, if accepted, a script and storyboard are generated by JoVE based on the revised manuscript for filming. After filming and post-production, both the video and a final written protocol are published on our site. Since JoVE controls the content and production of these videos, they are not sent out for peer review.

Occasionally, authors have access to the tools necessary to produce their own videos. These author-produced videos are reviewed along with the author’s written manuscript. If revisions are necessary, authors may be asked to re-shoot and edit their video and text manuscript based on reviewer, editor, or video producer comments.

Criteria for Publication

We are interested in reviewers’ opinions on the clarity of presentation, scientific accuracy, usefulness, compliance with research standards, technical quality and efficiency, and general impact of each article submitted to JoVE. We want to publish articles that are detailed and thorough enough such that a researcher in the field could replicate the experiment. Our primary goal is to be a resource for researchers learning a new technique.

Keep in mind:

  • Manuscripts should be written in standard American English.
  • Terminology and jargon should conform to community standards within the field of expertise.
  • All animal research should comply with standard ethical guidelines. We send all articles containing animal research out for an independent veterinary review, but welcome additional comments.
  • JoVE is a methods journal. Like other methods journals, we publish expanded descriptions of techniques that have previously appeared in results-based journals. We do not republish data or results without the express permission of the original publisher. If you are concerned about the novelty of a submission, please include this in your comments.
  • Comments can be as general as suggesting, for example, that the discussion needs to be expanded, or as specific as pointing out a specific typographical error. Most reviewers provide a blend of general and specific comments.

Additional video criteria for video produced by author submissions only:

  • Within the video, all voices should be audible and understandable.
  • Like the text, the video alone should provide enough detail that the experiment can be replicated.
  • All text appearing in the video should be easily read.
  • All figures or images should be clear (e.g., not too small or pixelated) and properly labelled.
  • Standard safety protocols and aseptic technique should be consistently adhered to throughout the video.

Professional Guidelines

Reviewing for JoVE

Accepting an Invitation to Review

You will receive an email inviting you to review for JoVE. Click on the “Accept” link in the email if you agree to review the manuscript. This will direct you to our manuscript management system, Editorial Manager. You will see a confirmation message in Editorial Manager. To continue, click the “Pending Assignments” link. To view the full manuscript click “View Submission” under the “Action Links” heading (the manuscript should appear as a downloadable PDF).

Reviewing the Submission

To submit your comments, click the “Submit Recommendation” link. Write your comments in the “Reviewer Blind Comments to Author” box. If you have confidential comments for the editor, write them in the “Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editor” box. If you would like to save your comments and complete them at a later time, click the “Save & Submit Later” button. If you are satisfied with your comments and would like to submit now, click the “Proceed” button. You will then have a chance to review your comments before you submit your final review.

Submissions with Videos Produced by Authors

Most submissions are JoVE-produced. JoVE produces the video for these submissions after peer review is complete. However, in some instances researchers have the resources to produce the video. If you are reviewing an author-produced submission, please comment on the clarity and accuracy of the video. (If you are reviewing an author-produced submission, we will provide a link to the video in the peer review invitation.) Make sure to include the specific time in the video associated with each comment.

Some questions to consider when reviewing the manuscript:

  • Are the title and abstract appropriate for this methods article?
  • Are there any other potential applications for the method/protocol the authors could discuss?
  • Are all the materials and equipment needed listed in the table? (Please note that any basic lab materials or equipment do not need to be listed, e.g. pipettes.)
  • Do you think the steps listed in the procedure would lead to the described outcome?
  • Are the steps listed in the procedure clearly explained?
  • Are any important steps missing from the procedure?
  • Are appropriate controls suggested?
  • Are all the critical steps highlighted?
  • Is there any additional information that would be useful to include?
  • Are the anticipated results reasonable, and if so, are they useful to readers?
  • Are any important references missing and are the included references useful?

Conflict of Interest

JoVE recognizes a possibility of financial, professional and other conflicts confronting authors, reviewers, and editors. Therefore, JoVE requires authors, reviewers, board members, referees, and editors to disclose any association that poses a potential conflict of interests in connection with their role in the publication process. Disclosing a potential conflict provides the reader with the information necessary to independently assess the work, but usually does not invalidate the author’s submission or work done by reviewers.

Conflicts that must be declared include:

  • A financial benefit exceeding $10,000 (annual)
  • 5% ownership of a company
  • Relationships with corporations whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the article
  • Employment
  • Substantive ownership of stock
  • Service on the directors’ or advisory boards
  • Receiving consulting fees
  • Related patent applications
  • Peer review by a direct coworker, collaborator or family member (peer review by a known colleague in the field is encouraged)

JoVE reserves the right to publish an erratum disclosing a conflict of interest related to a previously published paper. Authors, referees, or editors who have deliberately or recklessly failed to disclose conflicts of interest may be banned from publishing in JoVE for a period of time. This policy applies to all material published in JoVE.

During submission of their manuscripts, authors are required to disclose any conflict of interest. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors have been asked to disclose any and all conflicts of interest. When a conflict of interest is disclosed, either by an author or an editor, it is included in the published article.

We request that peer reviewers declare any financial or personal conflict of interest prior to accepting an invitation to review a JoVE manuscript. For additional information, please see our Editorial Policies

Referees and editors should exclude themselves from handling a submission if a conflict of interest affects their ability to make an impartial scientific judgment.

The final decision on potential conflicts of interest rests with JoVE. If you have any concerns regarding a specific conflict of interest, please contact review@jove.com.


We prefer that reviewers remain anonymous throughout the entire publication process. We will not release reviewer names to authors or other reviewers, even upon request by the reviewer in question. Reviewers should keep in mind that revealing one’s identity may compromise one’s ability to provide an objective review. JoVE will not allow any attempt by authors to determine the identity of reviewers and we encourage reviewers to neither confirm nor deny any speculations as to their identity.


We ask reviewers to treat the review process as strictly confidential, and not to discuss the manuscript with anyone not directly involved in the review. It is acceptable to consult with colleagues, but please identify them to JoVE. Consulting with experts from outside the reviewer’s own laboratory may be acceptable, but please check with JoVE Peer Review before doing so, to avoid involving anyone who may have been excluded by the authors.

Reviewer Selection and Timeliness

In order to assure the timely and effective review of submissions, JoVE selects expert reviewers who have made contributions to a relevant field of research. In evaluating the quality of reviews we consider criteria such as attention to detail, conciseness, professionalism, and scientific accuracy.

We ask that reviewers submit their comments at their earliest convenience so as not to delay the publication process. If necessary, requests for deadline extensions should be made promptly. Such requests are approved solely at JoVE’s discretion.

JoVE Peer Review Board Guidelines


Professional Guidelines

Qualified Peer Review Board (PRB) candidates will:

  • Display an expert knowledge in their field demonstrated by relevant publication history or research experience.
  • Share JoVE’s mission to increase productivity and reproducibility of scientific research.
  • A preference will be given to candidates who have previously published articles in JoVE or conducted outstanding peer review on JoVE articles.

Responsibilities and Commitment

PRB members will complete the following:

  • Return their reviews within 2 weeks.
  • Review 3 JoVE manuscripts per year

Review comments from PRB members will:

  • Draw attention to scientific inaccuracies in the submission (first priority).
  • Demonstrate a familiarity with JoVE’s scope by reviewing each manuscript based on criteria appropriate for a methods journal, i.e. scientific rigor and accuracy of the scientific method rather than novelty.
  • Provide constructive, concise and detailed criticism outlining the ways in which an author can improve their manuscript. Please read the JoVE Peer Review Guidelines for detailed information.

Failure to meet the expectations as outlined may result in exclusion from the JoVE Peer Review Board.

If you are interested in being considered for addition to our Peer Review Board, please e-mail review@jove.com with a cover letter describing why you believe you qualify and a copy of your CV.

JoVE Peer Review Board

Arjun Adhikari

Postdoctoral Fellow

Yoshihiro Akimoto


Frank Alexis

Assistant Professor

Declan William Ali


Pachiappan Arjunan

Junior Faculty/ARS

Hassan Azari

Assistant Professor

Anthony Bell

Assistant Professor

Marjan Boerma

Assistant Professor

Michael Breadmore


Lauren Broom

Postdoctoral Fellow

Sreekanth Chalasani

Associate Professor

Bo Dai

Postdoctoral Scholar

Robert Damoiseaux

Scientific Director

Jean-Paul Dehaye


Monika Deshpande

Postdoctoral Fellow

Agnes Drochon

Research Fellow

Martin Duennwald


Janet Duerr

Associate Professor

Molly Duman-Scheel

Associate Professor

Louise Dunn

Senior Postdoctoral Scientist

Edward Emmott

Research Associate

Elisa Floriddia

Postdoctoral Fellow

Freddy Frischknecht

Research Group Leader

Marta Fumagalli

Assistant Professor

Christopher Gabel

Assistant Professor

Deni Galileo

Associate Professor

Qiang Gan

Postdoctoral Fellow

Troy Ghashghaei


Nandu Goswami

Head of Research Unit

Joshua Gross

Assistant Professor

Michael Grotewiel

Associate Professor

Linlin Gu

Postdoctoral Scholar

Hua Guo

Postdoctoral Associate

Vijay Gupta

Senior Research Associate

Bradley Hersh

Associate Professor

Neil Hukriede

Associate Professor

Maria-del-Mar Inda

Postdoctoral Fellow

Douglas Keene

Assistant Investigator

Deborah Kelly

Assistant Professor

April Kloxin

Assistant Professor

James Korkola

Assistant Professor

Patrick Lewis

Research Fellow

Wei Liu

Assistant Professor

David Loane

Associate Professor

Laura Lorentzen

Associate Professor

Amir Manbachi

Research Fellow

Jean-René Martin

Research Director

Joaquin Martinez

Senior Research Scientist

Luis Martinez-Sobrido

Assistant Professor

Mark Masino

Associate Professor

Gary Mawe


Jered McGivern

Assistant Professor

Kenneth Miller

Professor and Chair

Yoshiyuki Minamide


Thomas Misgeld


Maria Luz Montesinos

Associate Professor

Andrew Murphy

Associate Professor

Balaji Narasimhan


Michael Nonnemacher

Associate Professor

Zi Ouyang

Research Fellow

Hyoungshin Park

Principal Investigator

Donatella Pietrella


Marco Purbhoo


Girija Raman

Senior Scientist

Suchit Sahai

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey

Associate Professor

Seila Selimovic

Program Director

Sarmiza Elena Stanca

Research Fellow

Samantha Steelman

Postdoctoral Associate

Rachita Sumbria

Research Associate

Swanand Tupsakhare

Principal Investigator

Menno van Zelm

Associate Professor

Rajat Varma

Group Leader

Randall Walikonis

Assistant Professor

Jing Wang

Associate Professor

Michael Welte


Ifor Williams


Emma Wilson

Assistant Professor

Li Chin Wong

Postdoctoral Fellow

Frank Yates

Principal Investigator

Ping Yip

Research Fellow

Xiaohong Zhu

Research Scientist

Vincent Zijnge
