The method outlined below aims to provide a comprehensive protocol for the preparation of nonhuman primate (NHP) neurosurgery using a novel combination of three-dimensional (3D) printing methods and MRI data extraction.
In this paper, we outline a method for surgical preparation that allows for the practical planning of a variety of neurosurgeries in NHPs solely using data extracted from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This protocol allows for the generation of 3D printed anatomically accurate physical models of the brain and skull, as well as an agarose gel model of the brain modeling some of the mechanical properties of the brain. These models can be extracted from MRI using brain extraction software for the model of the brain, and custom code for the model of the skull. The preparation protocol takes advantage of state-of-the-art 3D printing technology to make interfacing brains, skulls, and molds for gel brain models. The skull and brain models can be used to visualize brain tissue inside the skull with the addition of a craniotomy in the custom code, allowing for better preparation for surgeries directly involving the brain. The applications of these methods are designed for surgeries involved in neurological stimulation and recording as well as injection, but the versatility of the system allows for future expansion of the protocol, extraction techniques, and models to a wider scope of surgeries.
Primate research has been a pivotal step in the progression of medical research from animal models to human trials1,2. This is especially so in the study of neuroscience and neural engineering as there is a large physiological and anatomical discrepancy between rodent brains and those of nonhuman primates (NHP)1,2,3. With emerging genetic technologies such as chemogenetics, optogenetics, and calcium imaging that require genetic modification of neurons, neural engineering research studying neural function in NHP’s has gained special attention as a preclinical model for understanding brain function2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. In most NHP neuroscience experiments, neurosurgical measures are required for the implantation of various devices such as head posts, stimulation and recording chambers, electrode arrays and optical windows4,5,6,7,10,11,13,14,15,17,18.
Current NHP labs use a variety of methods that often include ineffective practices including sedating the animal to fit the legs of a head post and approximate the curvature of the skull around the craniotomy site. Other labs fit the head post to the skull in surgery or employ more advanced methods of gaining the necessary measurements for implantation like analyzing an NHP brain atlas and magnetic resonance (MR) scans to try to estimate skull curvatures2,10,11,16. Neurosurgeries in NHPs also involve fluid injections, and labs often have no way to visualize the projected injection location within the brain2,4,5,13,14 relying solely on stereotaxic measurements and comparison to MR scans. These methods have a degree of unavoidable uncertainty from being unable to test the physical compatibility of all the complex components of the implant.
Therefore, there is a need for an accurate noninvasive method for neurosurgical planning in NHPs. Here, we present a protocol and methodology for the preparation of implantation and injection surgeries in these animals. The whole process stems from MRI scans, where the brain and skull are extracted from the data to create three dimensional (3D) models that can then be 3D printed. The skull and brain models can be combined to prepare for craniotomy surgeries as well as head posts with an increased level of accuracy. The brain model can also be used to create a mold for the casting of an anatomically accurate gel model of the brain. The gel brain alone and in combination with an extracted skull can be used to prepare for a variety of injection surgeries. Below we will describe each of the steps required for the MRI based toolbox for neurosurgical preparation.
All animal procedures were approved by the University of Washington Institute for Animal Care and Use Committee. Two male rhesus macaques (monkey H: 14.9 kg and 7 years old, monkey L: 14.8 kg and 6 years old) were used.
1. Image acquisition
2. Brain extraction
3. Brain modeling
4. Brain molding
5. Skull modeling
6. Craniotomy creation in the 3D skull model
7. 3D printing
NOTE: Two types of 3D printers for physical prototypes (Table of Materials) are used. For the following specifications, all 3D printer and printing software settings should be default unless otherwise mentioned.
8. Preparation of agarose
9. Agarose molding
NOTE: The agarose molding process outlined below is the same for the full hemisphere and upper half hemisphere molds
10. Injection into agarose gel model
The manipulation and analysis of MRIs as a preoperative craniotomy planning measure has been used successfully in the past2,5,10,16. This process, however, has been greatly enhanced by the addition of the 3D modeling of the brain, skull, and craniotomy. We were able to successfully create an anatomically accurate physical model of the brain that reflected the area of interest for our studies (Figure 1). We were similarly able to create an anatomically accurate physical model of the primate skull extracted from the MR images (Figure 2).
The two physical models of the skull and brain combined with a tight interference fit, validating the accuracy of the two models relative to each other and legitimizing the extrapolated MRI analysis data (Figure 3A,B). With the combined model we were able to insert a craniotomy into the skull prior to printing and visualize the predicted anatomy in the craniotomy (Figure 3). The accuracy of the predicted anatomy in the craniotomy was validated through a comparison of the physical model and the predicted craniotomy from MRI analysis (Figure 3B). Additionally, we were able to combine all of the parts of our example interface and evaluate the geometry of the various components in relation to the skull and brain (Figure 3C,D).
In order to test the skull model, a physical model of the skull of Monkey L was extracted using the methods outlined above and 3D printed to plan for a head post implantation surgery. The feet of the head post were then manipulated and fitted to the curvature of the skull at the location of the implantation (Figure 3E). As a result of the preoperative fitting of the head post, the surgery time was reduced from approximately 2.5 hours to 1 hour (216% faster) from opening to implantation, greatly reducing the risk of operative complications22.
By manipulating the 3D model of the brain in SolidWorks, we were able to create a mold that accurately reflected the anatomy of both the printed brain and the brain model extracted from the MRI (Figure 4A−C). This mold was used to cast an agarose mixture model of the brain (Figure 4D,E). Using these molds of the brain, we were able to inject in different areas of the brain and estimate the volume of the infusion of an injection procedure modeled with a yellow dye (Table of Materials). The half-hemisphere gel model of the brain was successfully used to capture a clear view of the spread of the dye in a model virus injection, allowing us to measure an approximate volume of the dye over time as it was injected (Figure 5A). Injection of dye into the brain model was combined with a 3D printed skull to model viral vector injection surgery (Figure 5B,C). This was combined with an electrocorticography array placement on top of the injection to guide the implantation in preparation for surgery7,10.
Figure 1: Models of extracted brain.
(A) Layered series of T1-QuickMPRAGE coronal slices of the brain of Monkey H. (B) Layered series of MR slices of the extracted brain of Monkey H using the BET plugin and Mango software as outlined in the Methods section. (C) Axial, sagittal, and skewed view of a model of the gray matter of Monkey H created using the surface building functionality in Mango. (D) Axial, sagittal, and skewed view of a 3D printed model of the gray matter of Monkey H created using a Dremel 3D45 extruding printer. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Skull extraction.
(A) Layered series of T1-QuickMPRAGE coronal slices of the brain of Monkey H. (B) Layered series of binary mask after simple thresholding MR slices. (C) Layered series of binary mask after removing “musculature layer”. (D) Layered series of binary mask of skull after processing as outlined in the Methods section. (E) 3D model generated from binary mask. (F) 3D model with simulated craniotomy removed. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Surgical preparation using 3D printed prototypes.
(A) Combination of the 3D printed brain extracted with Mango inside of a 3D printed skull extracted from MRI of Monkey L as outlined in the Methods section. (B) Comparison of craniotomy targeting between our 3D models and MR planning in Monkey L. (C,D) An example of using our toolbox to prepare for chamber (C) and array (D) implantation15. (E) 3D printed model of the skull of Monkey L used for pre-bending the head-post prior to surgery. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Gel brain modeling.
(A, B) 3D model of the mold for Monkey H. (C) 3D printed molds from A and B. Pictured left is a mold used to create the upper portion of the right hemisphere. Pictured right is a mold to create the right hemisphere (D) Agarose models of the upper portion of the right hemisphere (left) and the whole right hemisphere (right). (E) Agarose model of the right hemisphere placed inside of a 3D print of an extracted skull from Monkey L, demonstrating the accurate representation of the brain and craniotomy. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Injection modeling.
(A) Time lapse images of the injection procedure. Top left panel pre-insertion. Top right panel post-insertion. Lower four panels show the spread of the dye over time. (B) Gel model of a section of the brain positioned within a 3D printed skull with a craniotomy such that injections of food coloring may be observed in relation to the cortical structures and electrode placement. (C) 3D print of a chamber fit to the skull and observed in relation to the electrode array, gel model, and injection. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Coding Files. Please click here to download these files.
This article describes a toolbox for preparation for neurosurgeries in NHPs using physical and CAD models of skull and brain anatomy extracted from MR scans.
While the extracted and 3D printed skull and brain models were designed specifically for the preparation of craniotomy surgeries and head post implantations, the methodology lends itself to several other applications. As described before, the physical model of the skull allows for pre-bending of the head post before surgery, which creates a good fit with the skull. Moreover, the extracted skull from MRI can be used to generate a 3D designed head post with a higher fidelity to the skull anatomy. While CT imaging is traditionally a better modality for skull extraction, in the proposed method, the brain and skull anatomy come from the same imaging modality, which could contribute to enhanced anatomical consistency between the bone and soft-tissue models. This anatomical consistency could enhance precision and ensure that the craniotomy will cover the cortical region of interest and that all the implanting components, such as stimulation and recording chambers, fit the skull curvature. This is supported by extant studies that quantitatively compared MRI-extracted skull topography to extractions from other scan types23,24. Other work in the field has outlined methods for the creation of models and 3D printed prototypes for head post implantation25,26, but they do not use solely MR scans to create an adaptable model for the preparation for both head posting and craniotomy. It is important to note that the MRI acquisition parameters used here are critical in successful skull extraction as outlined in the protocol. Previous work in the field of brain extraction and skull stripping offers alternatives to the widely available BET brain extraction used in this protocol27. Similarly, skull extraction custom scripts exist, however, they require the manual removal of non-skull voxels compared to a completely automated protocol28. While here we show only a few examples, these tools are applicable to a variety of other surgeries such as electrode and chamber implantations in NHPs2,4,5,7,10,15,18,29,30, as well as other animal models31,32.
When combined with the agarose mixture brain models, the surgical preparation toolbox can be applied to prepare for surgical procedures involving fluid injections such as optogenetics and chemogenetics2,4,5,10,33,34. Although here we had success with using PLA to 3D print the molds, this process can be further improved by using an ABS filament, which has a higher glass transition temperature that will make the molding process more efficient. Prior work has proposed agarose gel as an artificial material that can mimic some of the mechanical properties of the brain relevant to fluid infusion20,21. However, previous work has not combined the agarose with a brain-realistic mold to provide a surgical preparation tool. The molded agarose mixture gel brains can be used to give qualitative cortical context to the injection location and visualize the volume and location of fluid diffusion. The gel brains can also be used to practice the injection motion and location within the stereotaxic frame. This can be applied not only to optogenetics but translated into other experiments requiring injection into the brain2,4,34. The model can also be used to enhance the current CED standard practice by optimizing injection speed and cannula thickness. This model can also be strengthened by the quantitative validation of the agarose gel mixture to accurately represent diffusive and convective flow in the brain5,10. In future efforts we can also incorporate vasculature information into our 3D models by including contrast-enhanced imaging to our imaging procedure which can provide critical information on injection planning.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This project was supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shiver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number K12HD073945, the Washington National Primate Research Center (WaNPCR, P51 OD010425), the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT, a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center under Grant EEC-1028725) and University of Washington Royalty Research Funds. Funding to the Macknik and Martinez-Conde labs for this project came from a BRAIN Initiative NSF-NCS Award 1734887, as well as NSF Awards 1523614 & 1829474, and SUNY Empire Innovator Scholarships to each professor. We thank Karam Khateeb for his help with agarose preparation, and Toni J Huan for technical help.
3D Printing Software (GrabCAD Print) | Stratasys | Version 1.36 | Used for High quality 3D printing |
3D Printing Software (Simplify 3D) | Simplify3D | Version 4.1 | Used for PLA 3D printing |
Agarose | Benchmark Scientific | A1700 | Used for making gel brains |
Black Nail Polish | L.A. Colors | CNP637 | Used for gel molding |
Cannula (ID 320 um, OD 432 um) | Polymicro Technologies | 1068150627 | Used to inject dye into gel brain |
Cannula (ID 450 um, OD 666 um) | Polymicro Technologies | 1068150625 | Used to inject dye into gel brain |
Catheter Connector | B Braun | PCC2000 | Perifix for 20-24 Gage epidural catheters; Units per Cs 50 |
Dremel 3D Digilab 3D45 printer | Dremel | F0133D45AA | Used for prototyping in PLA |
ECOWORKS | Stratasys | 300-00104 | Used to dissolve QSR support structures |
Erlymeyer flask | Pyrex | 4980 | Used for gel molding |
Ethyl cyanoacrylate | The Original Super Glue Corp. | 15187 | Used to make combined cannula |
Graduated cylinder | 3023 | Used for gel molding | |
HATCHBOX PLA 3D Printer Filament | HATCHBOX | 3DPLA-1KG1.75-RED/3DPLA-1KG1.75-BLACK | 1kg Spool, 1.75mm, Red/Black |
Locust Bean Gum | Modernist Pantry | 1018 | Gumming agent for gel brain mixtures |
MATLAB | MathWorks | R2019b | Used for skull extraction |
McCormick Yellow Food Color | McCormick | Used for dye injection | |
Microwave | Panasonic | NN-SD975S | Used for agarose curing |
MR Imaging Software (3D Slicer) | 3D Slicer | Version 4.10.2 | Used for 3D model generation |
MR Imaging Software (Mango with BET plugin) | Reasearch Imaging Institute | Version 4.1 | Used for brain extraction |
Philips Acheiva MRI System | Philips | 4522 991 19391 | Used to image non-human primates |
Phosphate Buffered Solution | Gibco | 70011-044 | 10X diluted with DI water to 1X |
Pump | WPI | UMP3T-1 | Used for dye injection |
Pump driver | WPI | UMP3T-1 | Used for dye injection |
Refrigerator | General Electric | Used to preserve agarose gel | |
Scientific Spatula | VWR | 82027-494 | Used to extract gel molds |
SolidWorks | Dassault Systemes | 2019 | |
Stratasys ABS-M30 filament | Stratasys | 333-60304 | Used for high quality 3D printing |
Stratasys F170 3D printer | Stratasys | 123-10000 | Used for high quality 3D printing |
Stratasys QSR support | Stratasys | 333-63500 | Used to create supports with ABS model |
Syringe | SGE | SGE250TLL | Used for dye injection |