The Top 5 Science Jokes According to JoVE

Phil Meagher
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Monday got you down? Here’s the top-5 list of science jokes going around the JoVE office. Enjoy.

#1 — “Have you heard the one about the sick chemist? If you can’t helium, and you can’t curium, you’ll probably have to barium.” — Madeline in Marketing.

Science Jokes by JoVE#2 — “A photon checks into a hotel and the receptionist asks, ‘Do you need help with any luggage?’ The photon responds, ‘No thanks, I am traveling light.'” — Nam in Editorial.

#3 — “How come you can never trust atoms? Because they make up EVERYTHING!!” — Daniel in Libraries.

#4 — Riddle (the answer is at the bottom of the page): What does the following mean? (NaCl)(aq)2 / C-C-C-C-C-C-C — Justin in IT.

#5 — “I was going to make a salt joke but then I thought Na.” — Ben in Accounting.

Note: Know a better science joke? Do one of two things: (A) submit it in a comment below, and if we love it we’ll send you some SWAG, or (B) apply for one of our open positions, and simply tell us in person following your interview…because we’re hiring!








Answer for #4: “Saline, saline, over the seven C’s.”