Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a physical parameter, often used in routine health checks and medical diagnosis. A theoretical model that allows to extract physically-meaningful parameters from the whole sedimentation curve, based on modern colloidal knowledge, has recently been developed. Here, we present a protocol to automatically collect the ESR over time, and extract the parameters of this recent model from this automated data collection. These refined parameters are also likely to improve the medical testimony.
Erythrocyte (or red blood cell) sedimentation rate (ESR) is a physical derived parameter of blood which is often used in routine health checks and medical diagnosis. For instance, in the case of inflammation, a higher ESR is observed due to the associated increase in fibrinogen and other plasma proteins. It was believed that this increase was due to the formation of larger aggregates of red blood cells (RBCs) caused by the increase in fibrinogen. Indeed, fibrinogen is an agent-fostering aggregation of RBCs and in the Stokes regime-assumed to be observed in blood-larger aggregates sediment faster. However, all models of ESR measurements based on this hypothesis require further specific physical assumptions, not required in any other system. Besides, modern studies in the field of colloidal suspensions have established that attractive particles form percolating aggregates (i.e. aggregates as wide as the container). The sedimentation of these colloids then follows a so-called "colloidal gel collapse". Recently, it has been shown that RBCs actually follow the same behavior. This hypothesis also allows to efficiently and analytically model the sedimentation curve of RBCs, from which robust and physically-meaningful descriptors can be extracted. This manuscript describes how to perform such an analysis, and discusses the benefits of this approach.
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a medical in vitro clinical tool, formally introduced in evidenced-based medicine during the twentieth century1,2,3,4. It is currently used worldwide as a nonspecific inflammatory test, or to monitor the evolution of some specific conditions5,6,7,8. This is mainly due to an increase in the fibrinogen concentration, but also in other plasma components such as IgM1,9,10,11. According to the current Westergren standard protocol, ESR values are reported as the measurement of the cell-free plasma layer at a given time point (30 min or 1 h) after leaving a vertical tube of a typical size of 20 cm vertically at rest12. However, this measurement method has been criticized since qualitatively different stages in the sedimentation process have been reported, including a delay before reaching the maximum settling velocity13. This delay lasts more than 1 h in approximately half of healthy samples14. The velocity during this phase obeys a different scaling than during the second, faster phase of the sedimentation15. Restricting the readout to the average settling velocity during the first hour then compares a different mix of various blood properties between different individuals.
Moreover, it has recently been demonstrated that the usual theoretical considerations behind this protocol were erroneous16,17,18. At physiological hematocrit (above approximately 25%), red blood cells (RBCs) do not sediment as separate aggregates, but rather as a continuous, so-called percolating, network of RBCs17,18, obeying a different set of physical equations than the usually mentioned Stokes sedimentation16,17. It has been shown that considering a physical description based on the time-resolved measurements of the sedimentation (whole curve) was more robust in some novel medical contexts19,20. Moreover, these measurements could be used to shed light on the physical mechanisms altering the ESR in pathologies in which cell shapes are altered19,20. Additionally, a slow ESR can have a useful medical interpretation, as indicated in the measurements of a cohort of neuroacanthocytosis syndrome patients19,20. This article reviews how to practically implement the measurement of physically-meaningful parameters, based on the whole ESR kinetics. More accurately, the method presented here extracts the maximum sedimentation speed Um, the value of which can be corrected to consider the effect of the hematocrit of the donor16,17. This parameter is more accurate and thus more reliable than the traditional measurement16,17,19,20.
In addition, in some fundamental research, instead of monitoring the inflammation state of a given patient, it is interesting to exclude the effect of hematocrit on the ESR21,22,23, or to investigate the role of RBCs in a modified ESR19,20,24,25 between different donors. It might be useful to compare samples which are not directly full blood samples from patients. Therefore, resuspending RBCs with a controlled hematocrit in the autologous plasma, or in a plasma-substituent, might be used as the first step of ESR measurement. For instance, solutions of Dextran 70 kDa with a concentration of 55 mg/mL in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) produces a sedimentation range within the control range for healthy cells19. This manuscript also shows how such steps should be conducted, and that the presented analysis is also relevant in these cases.
Blood sample collection and experiments were approved by the "Ärztekammer des Saarlandes", ethics votum 51/18, and performed after informed consent was obtained according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Standard measurements should be performed with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-anticoagulated blood (standard EDTA concentration of 1.6 mg/mL blood, European norm NF EN ISO 6710), in Westergren tubes. The volume required to fill the Westergren tube depends on the manufacturer (as lower parts sometimes contain a wider reservoir); The volume should be about 1 mL of full blood, and 800 µL for the tubes indicated in the Table of Materials. The method described below is however valid no matter the specific suspension and container shape, as long as the hematocrit of the probed samples is higher than 25%16. Volumes, containers, suspending medium, and additives should therefore be selected according to the specific objectives of the performed research.
1. Experiments and measurements
NOTE: Record the sedimentation rate of the sample every minute.
2. Image analysis
NOTE: Once the images are recorded, extract the ESR curve. An example of Matlab code is provided as Supplementary File 1 (MatlabCodeImageAnalysisSampled.m).
3. Fitting of the physical model
An example of an image sequence correctly acquired is provided as Supplementary Movie 1 (MovieS1.avi). A series of characteristic fits of the model is shown for various conditions in Figure 2. Fibrinogen concentration was determined from the fibrinogen concentration in the plasma Fib0, assuming that the serum does not have any fibrinogen at all. Hence, Fib = C Fib0, where C is the plasma volume fraction in the plasma-serum mixture. In previous studies16, Fib0 was determined by standard methods in the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory of Saarland University Hospital (Homburg, Germany). If it is necessary to measure such a quantity independently, a convenient method to determine fibrinogen concentration includes (semi-)automated ball coagulometers, which might also require obtaining a citrate-anticoagulated sample of blood from the donor30. The ESR curves from the studies which generated these curves could be fitted with a Pearson coefficient R2 [0.974, 0.9996], with an average of 0.996 and a standard deviation of 0.004 (only one curve out of 35 gave a R2 < 0.99). The parameters eventually extracted are the final hematocrit in the RBC phase Φm, the delay time t0-required for the gel to fracture and start to collapse-and the maximum instantaneous velocity , reached at the start of the collapse. The dimensionless parameter γ is associated with the inverse of the pore area in the compacting network of RBCs (expressed in multiples of particle radius), Δρ is the difference in density between the plasma and RBCs of the donor, a is the RBC characteristic diameter, η is the plasma viscosity at room temperature, and Φ is the donor's hematocrit. The fit is actually performed by fixing Δρ,a,η and Φ and then determining the best γ, Φm and t0. The hematocrit should be determined independently via another standard method, while the other can be fixed at standard values (Δρ80kg/m3 31,32, η1.5 mPa s 33, and a4 μm). Any deviation of the other parameters would simply modify the determined value of γ by a corresponding factor, but would not change the final determination of Um, which is then a robust parameter in that regard.
Collections of parameter values collected in previous fundamental studies, showing the trends of the parameters as a function of the hematocrit and fibrinogen levels, are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Figure 1: Image processing. (A) Ideal view of several samples, with relevant ROIs, highlighted for one sample. (B) Zoom on the selected ROI. (C) Conversion of the colored ROI into grey-level. (D) Binarized picture obtained with the Otsu threshold. (E) The horizontally-averaged intensity of the binary picture as a function of the height (per the usual convention in image processing, the origin is considered to be on the top of the picture; see also step 2.4 of the protocol.) (F) Smoothed intensity by performing a moving average on a 50 pixel vertical neighborhood (see also step 2.5 of the protocol). (G) Variations of the smoothed intensity along the vertical direction. The position of the absolute maximal value is taken as the position of the interface (see also step 2.5 of the protocol). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Characteristic fits. (A) Curves and fits obtained for a healthy donor, with various adjusted hematocrits. The curves are adapted from a previous study17. (B) Curves and fits obtained for a healthy donor, with various fibrinogen concentrations. Various fibrinogen concentrations were obtained by mixing autologous plasma and serum in various proportions. The curves and data are from a previous study16. Error bars (obtained from pixel resolution or fit statistics) are smaller than the symbol size. The figures have been reprinted with permission from Dasanna et al.16 (18 samples from four independent blood drawings) and Darras et al.17(16 samples from seven independent blood drawings). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Characteristic values of the extracted parameters for various hematocrits. (A) Variation of the extracted maximal sedimentation velocity Um as a function of the sample hematocrit Φ. Circles are individual measurements; different colors are related to different healthy donors. The continuous red line is the trend predicted by the model, obtained with the average values of Φm and γ. The corrected value of Um for a hematocrit of Φ = 0.45 is also shown, both as triangles for individual values and as a straight line for the predicted constant of the model. This corrected value has been computed according to the model as . (B) Values obtained for the parameter γ. (C) Values obtained for the parameter Φm. (D) Values obtained for the parameter t0. Error bars for individual data obtained from fit statistics are smaller than the symbol size. This figure has been adapted with permission from Darras et al.17. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Characteristic values of the extracted parameters for various fibrinogen concentrations. (A) Variation of the extracted maximal sedimentation velocity Um as a function of the sample fibrinogen concentration. Different colors are related to different healthy donors. (B) Values obtained for the parameter γ. (C) Values obtained for the parameter Φm. (D) Values obtained for the parameter t0. Error bars for individual data obtained from fit statistics are smaller than the symbol size. This figure has been reprinted with permission from Dasanna et al.16. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Movie 1: Example of a properly acquired image sequence. Various sample types are shown in these pictures from two different donors (same blood group). From left to right, all samples having duplicates: full blood from donor 1, suspension of RBCs from donor 1 in Dextran 70 kDa (55 mg/mL PBS) with controlled hematocrit at 45%, full blood from donor 2, suspension of RBCs from donor 2 in Dextran (45% hematocrit), suspension of RBCs from donor 1 in plasma of donor 2 (45% hematocrit), and suspension of RBCs from donor 2 in plasma of donor 1 (45% hematocrit). The samples have a wide range of sedimentation speeds, and the suspensions in Dextran also show some hemolysis. However, the provided code MatlabCodeImageAnalysisSampled.m efficiently analyzes all of them. Please click here to download this Movie.
Supplementary File 1: MatlabCodeImageAnalysisSampled.m. Main code used for the image analysis (step 2 of the protocol). In order to run the code on a specific device, line 8 should be modified. It should contain the path to the folder containing the pictures of the Westergren tubes to analyze, ending with the prefix of the pictures, if any. A set of compressed pictures is available for open-access download on Zenodo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7290177). The code, and in particular the properties of each sample (defined in lines 14-61), has already been adapted to analyze these pictures. For this picture set, the prefix used was 'IMG_'. Therefore, the string line 8 should end with 'IMG_' (or '/IMG_' on Linux systems). The last part of the code (lines 166-179) also automatically plots the extracted sedimentation curves for each sample. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary File 2: ShapeAnalyzerIntegrated.m. Main code used to fit the physical model (step 3 of the protocol). To run this code, simply copy and paste it into the folder containing the output text files from MatlabCodeImageAnalysisSampled.m, along with SedimFit.m. The names of the files to analyze (without the .txt extension) should be listed in line 9. The initial hematocrit and height of the tube should also be contained in lines 12 and 15, respectively. This code is already prepared to analyze the curves extracted from the open-access pictures on Zenodo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7290177). Once the aforementioned line codes have been modified, simply click on the 'Run' button in the Matlab Editor toolbar. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary File 3: SedimFit.m. Physical model adjusted by ShapeAnalyzerIntegrated.m. This file is a Matlab function, defining the functions that are fitted to the experimental curves to extract the physical parameters. It should be in the same folder as ShapeAnalyzerIntegrated.m when the analysis is run. Please click here to download this File.
For the automated protocol to work efficiently, it is important to have a clear background and proper illumination. A dark background might prevent the existence of an efficient binarization threshold. For samples with some hemolysis, which usually occurs (increases) over time, it is important to verify first that the chosen binarization threshold is relevant for both the initial and final pictures.
When it comes to the binarization process of the picture, the choice of the ROI and binarization threshold is the most sensitive step. It might be useful to manually test different threshold values on three different pictures (at the beginning, middle, and end of the sedimentation process) to ensure that the choice of the threshold indeed provides the relevant binarization for the whole process. If the sample experiences strong hemolysis, it might be necessary to restrict the analysis of the sample to the beginning of the process, when a clear interface can still be observed. As for any ESR measurement, it is also essential to avoid the presence of any bubbles in the tube. However, if some small bubbles are observed at the top of the tube, a ROI starting below the bubbles and right on top of the initial interface might still provide the relevant measurement. In this case, however, it is important to include some background space on the right and left of the tube so that the Otsu threshold can be determined while always considering a significant amount of pixels with the grey level of the background.
The method, as with all ESR measurements, relies on the assumption that a clear interface between packed erythrocytes and cell-free plasma can be seen. If the sample experiences some significant amount of hemolysis, or if the hematocrit of the sample is too diluted (under 25%17), such an interface will not be observed anymore. An ESR measurement in these conditions is then impossible to perform.
As stated earlier, this method ensures to provide the relevant speed of the gel collapse Um, which can be corrected according to the initial hematocrit of the patient17. Figure 3A, along with the raw measurements of Um, also shows the corrected values for a normalized hematocrit of Φ0 = 0.45. It can be seen that the correction removes the overall dependency on Φ0, as well as most of the data dispersion. Determining Um based directly on the relevant physical model also implies that the technique is more objective than an arbitrary curve smoothing, with arbitrary choices of smoothing parameters. Amongst others, this method has been shown to be more robust in medical contexts where abnormally low ESR values are observed19,20.
Another intrinsic interest of this measurement is that it gives more robust and physically interpretable data. For instance, in the case of a lowered ESR, it allows distinguishing whether the delay time t0 of the collapse is prolonged, if the network of RBCs is unusually disordered through γ, or if the final compaction Φm of the cells is somehow hindered16,19,20.
Interestingly, the measurement of the maximum sedimentation velocity is also more robust and sensitive to fibrinogen levels, as already highlighted in previous studies13,14,15. This is an important feature, as the ESR is often used to monitor inflammation, which is associated with elevated levels of fibrinogen. This sensitivity essentially arises from uncoupling Um from the time of gel collapse, which is known to have an important random component34,35,36. More accurately, as highlighted in Figure 4D16, for higher concentrations of fibrinogen, the intrinsic random variation of the delay time (in which measurements above 150 mg/mL are between 12 min and 30 min, even among a single donor) has the same order of magnitude as its underlying dependency on this parameter (between 150 mg/dL and 300 mg/dL; the average trend of the measurements only decrease from 0.45 h to 0.4 h [i.e., 27 min to 24 min]). Since this delay time is actually included in the traditional height measurement at 30 min or 1 h (durations that this delay time can sometimes reach or exceed), extracting the maximum velocity Um (presenting a systematic and significant trend for each donor) then provides a more robust and meaningful parameter13,14,15,34,35,36.
Moreover, the parameter Um can efficiently be corrected for the initial hematocrit, according to the practical result described earlier17. When combining data for all the healthy donors in a previous study17, values of γ = 0.50 ± 0.06 and Φm = 0.86 ± 0.04 are obtained, which nicely reproduce the trend of Um as a function of the donor hematocrit Φ, as shown in Figure 3. However, in practical cases, it might be more rigorous to correct the ESR with the γ and Φm values obtained for a specific donor, since fibrinogen levels can also significantly change between donors and have a significant influence on these parameters (Figure 4).
Considering the points discussed and including them in routine medical procedures, the accuracy and versatility of the ESR as an in vitro clinical tool will further improve.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by the research unit FOR 2688 – Wa1336/12 of the German Research Foundation and by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860436-EVIDENCE. T. J. and C. W. acknowledge funding from French German University (DFH/UFA). A. D. acknowledges funding by the Young Investigator Grant of Saarland University.
Anticoagulant (EDTA or Heparin) tube (for blood sample) | SARSTEDT | 267001 or 265 | Anticoagulated blood sample to characterize |
Camera EOS M50 | Canon | Kit EF-M18-150 IS STM | Any camera should work, provided that sector alimentation, connection to computer for automated shooting and adapted objective are available |
Centrifuge | HERMLE | 302.00 V03 – Z 36 HK | Requirements: at least 3000 x g ofr 7 min. |
Micro-centrifuge | MLW | TH21 | or any other way to determine the hematocrit |
Micro-hematocrit capilaries | Fisher scientific | 11884040 | or other capillaries/containers for hematocrit determination |
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) | ThermoFisher | 10010023 | 1x PBS, pH 7.4, 298 Osm |
Pipettes (e.g. positive displacement pipette) | Gilson | FD10006 | Pipette required to manipulate blood and/or packed cells.Other models are of course suitable, but be careful to treat blood and pakced cells as highly viscous fluids. |
Wax sealing plate | Hirschmann | 9120101 | Sealing wax for the micro-hematocrit capillaries |
Westergren tubes | Praxindo | A9244560 | Any other standard Wetsergren tube should work too |
White background with illumination | / | / | White sheet(s) of paper behind the samples, with usual room light is perfcetly sufficient. |