The current protocol establishes a rigorous and reproducible method for quantification of morphological joint changes that accompany osteoarthritis. Application of this protocol can be valuable in monitoring disease progression and evaluating therapeutic interventions in osteoarthritis.
One of the most prevalent joint disorders in the United States, osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by progressive degeneration of articular cartilage, primarily in the hip and knee joints, which results in significant impacts on patient mobility and quality of life. To date, there are no existing curative therapies for OA able to slow down or inhibit cartilage degeneration. Presently, there is an extensive body of ongoing research to understand OA pathology and discover novel therapeutic approaches or agents that can efficiently slow down, stop, or even reverse OA. Thus, it is crucial to have a quantitative and reproducible approach to accurately evaluate OA-associated pathological changes in the joint cartilage, synovium, and subchondral bone. Currently, OA severity and progression are primarily assessed using the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) or Mankin scoring systems. In spite of the importance of these scoring systems, they are semiquantitative and can be influenced by user subjectivity. More importantly, they fail to accurately evaluate subtle, yet important, changes in the cartilage during the early disease states or early treatment phases. The protocol we describe here uses a computerized and semiautomated histomorphometric software system to establish a standardized, rigorous, and reproducible quantitative methodology for the evaluation of joint changes in OA. This protocol presents a powerful addition to the existing systems and allows for more efficient detection of pathological changes in the joint.
One of the most prevalent joint disorders in the United States, OA is characterized by progressive degeneration of articular cartilage, primarily in the hip and knee joints, which results in significant impacts on patient mobility and quality of life1,2,3. Articular cartilage is the specialized connective tissue of diarthrodial joints designed to minimize friction, facilitate movement, and endure joint compression4. Articular cartilage is composed of two primary components: chondrocytes and extracellular matrix. Chondrocytes are specialized, metabolically active cells that play a primary role in the development, maintenance, and repair of the extracellular matrix4. Chondrocyte hypertrophy (CH) is one of the principal pathological signs of OA development. It is characterized by increased cellular size, decreased proteoglycan production, and increased production of cartilage matrix-degrading enzymes that eventually lead to cartilage degeneration5,6,7. Further, pathological changes in the subchondral bone and synovium of the joint play an important role in OA development and progression8,9,10,11,12. To date, there are no existing curative therapies that inhibit cartilage degeneration1,2,3,13,14. Thus, there is extensive ongoing research that aims to understand OA pathology and discover novel therapeutic approaches that are able to slow down or even stop OA. Accordingly, there is an increasing need for a quantitative and reproducible approach that enables accurate evaluation of OA-associated pathological changes in the cartilage, synovium, and subchondral bone of the joint.
Currently, OA severity and progression are primarily assessed using the OARSI or Mankin scoring systems15. However, these scoring systems are only semiquantitative and can be influenced by user subjectivity. More importantly, they fail to accurately evaluate subtle changes that occur in the joint during disease or in response to genetic manipulation or a therapeutic intervention. There are sporadic reports in the literature describing histomorphometric analyses of the cartilage, synovium, or subchondral bone16,17,18,19,20,21. However, a detailed protocol for rigorous and reproducible histomorphometric analysis of all these joint components is still lacking, creating an unmet need in the field.
To study pathological changes in OA using histomorphometric analysis, we used a surgical OA mouse model to induce OA via destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM). Among the established models of murine OA, DMM was selected for our study because it involves a less traumatic mechanism of injury22,23,24,25,26. In comparison to meniscal-ligamentous injury (MLI) or anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACLI) surgeries, DMM promotes a more gradual progression of OA, similar to OA development in humans22,24,25,26. Mice were euthanized twelve weeks after DMM surgery to evaluate changes in the articular cartilage, subchondral bone, and synovium.
The goal of this protocol is to establish a standardized, rigorous, and quantitative approach to evaluate joint changes that accompany OA.
Twelve-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Jax Labs. All mice were housed in groups of 3–5 mice per micro-isolator cage in a room with a 12 h light/dark schedule. All animal procedures were performed according to the National Institute of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of Pennsylvania State University.
1. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) surgical model
2. Mouse euthanasia and sample collection
3. Microtome sectioning and slide selection
4. Hematoxylin, Safranin Orange, and Fast Green staining
5. Slide imaging
6. Osteoarthritis research society international (OARSI) scoring15
7. Histomorphometric analysis
NOTE: Live images of the knee joint are viewed on a touchscreen monitor using a microscope camera, and a stylus is used to manually trace the ROIs. Built-in algorithms of the histomorphometry software quantify the specified parameters (see Protocol below) in the defined ROIs. Importantly, the same Safranin-O and Fast Green stained sections used in OARSI scoring are used for histomorphometric analysis.
8. Statistical analysis
DMM-induced OA results in articular cartilage degeneration and chondrocyte loss
DMM-induced OA resulted in an increased OARSI score compared to sham mice, distinctly characterized by surface erosion and cartilage loss (Figure 1A,D). The histomorphometry protocol detailed here detected several OA-associated changes, including a decrease in total cartilage area and in the uncalcified cartilage area (Figure 1A,B,E,G); reduction in the total chondrocyte number; and, importantly, loss of matrix producing chondrocytes (Figure 1H,I). Changes to the articular surface, indicative of the severity of erosion, were evaluated using the cartilage fibrillation index. Overall, the fibrillation index increased in DMM mice (Figure 1C,K,L). However, it is also important to note that the fibrillation index may decrease in end-stage OA due to complete erosion of the cartilage surface, as discussed in the Protocol. An increase in the fibrillation index signifies degeneration of the articular cartilage surface during OA development and progression. These results highlight the ability of the histomorphometric analysis program to detect and quantify pathological cartilage changes that characterize OA progression.
Assessment of other joint changes in DMM-induced OA
OA affects joint tissues other than the cartilage, and pathological changes in these tissues play a crucial role in disease progression. Here, the described histomorphometric analysis method revealed an increase in the subchondral bone area and a reduction in the area of the bone marrow space in DMM mice (Figure 2A–D), indicating subchondral bone sclerosis29,30. Both anterior and posterior osteophyte areas also increased in DMM mice (Figure 2E,F), suggesting an ongoing subchondral bone remodeling that acts as a compensatory mechanism to handle changes in joint loading at the site of injury29,30.
Histomorphometric analysis of the synovium showed increased synovial thickness in DMM mice (Figure 3A–C), which is a typical outcome of OA-associated synovial inflammation and the diffusion of inflammatory cytokines into the joint space11,12,31,32,33,34.
Analysis of interuser variability between OARSI scoring versus histomorphometry
Figure 4A shows no significant interuser variability of both histomorphometric analysis of the uncalcified cartilage area (Figure 4A) and the OARSI score (Figure 4B). However, the histomorphometric analysis showed an extremely low mean difference in between observers ranging from -0.0001179–0.00120, leading to an almost complete overlap of the results obtained by the three observers, while the mean difference between observers was higher in the OARSI score ranging from -0.3–0.3 with a clear deviation of O1 values from O2 and O3 values.
Figure 1: Histomorphometry of tibial articular cartilage and articular chondrocyte phenotypes from sham surgery and DMM mice. (A) Tibial articular surface stained with Safranin-O/Fast Green. (B) Histomorphometric analysis was used to trace the total cartilage area and the calcified cartilage area (orange). The cartilage superior to the tidemark area was calculated as the uncalcified cartilage (green). Matrix producing chondrocytes (white) and matrix nonproducing chondrocytes (magenta) were counted within the uncalcified cartilage area. (C) The tibial articular surface perimeter was measured by tracing the articular surface (blue line) followed by the tidemark (purple line) to determine the fibrillation index. (D) The OARSI score increased in DMM mice. (E–L) Graphical representation of the quantified cartilage areas and chondrocyte counts from sham and DMM mice. Compared to sham mice, DMM mice had decreased total tibial cartilage area (E), tibial calcified cartilage area (F), tibial uncalcified cartilage (G), tibial total chondrocyte number (H), tibial matrix producing chondrocytes, (I) and tibial matrix nonproducing chondrocytes (J). Compared to sham mice, DMM mice had increased tibial articular surface perimeter (K) and increased tibial articular surface fibrillation index (L). Images were taken using 10x magnification. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001 using unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, values are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 5/group. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Histomorphometry of subchondral bone marrow area and subchondral bone area from sham surgery and DMM mice. (A) Tibial articular cartilage and subchondral bone stained with Safranin-O/Fast Green. (B) The subchondral bone marrow areas (green), subchondral bone area (magenta), anterior osteophyte area (yellow), and posterior osteophyte area (gray) were traced with computed histomorphometry software. (C–F) Graphed histomorphometric areas between the sham and DMM mice. Compared to the sham mice, DMM mice had an increased tibial subchondral bone area (C) and tibial anterior and posterior osteophyte areas (E–F), as well as decreased tibial subchondral bone marrow area compared to sham mice (D). Images were taken using 4x magnification. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 using unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 5/group. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Histomorphometry of synovium from sham surgery and DMM mice. (A) Synovium stained with Safranin-O/Fast Green. (B) The synovial thickness was measured by tracing the anterior meniscofemoral synovial membrane across the anterior aspect of the tibiofemoral joint (green). (C) Graphical representation of synovial thickness measurements using computed histomorphometry software. DMM mice had an increased synovial thickness compared to sham mice. Images were taken at 20x magnification. ***P < 0.001 using unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, values are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 5/group; S = synovium; F = femur; and M = meniscus. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Interuser variability in OARSI scoring versus histomorphometric analysis. (A) Uncalcified cartilage area measurements obtained using histomorphometry by three blinded observers (O1, O2, O3). (B) OARSI scores for sham and DMM mice obtained from the three blinded observers. The dotted lines denote the mean value for each group. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Figure 1: Histological analysis of Safranin-O and Fast Green stained mouse tibiofemoral joint sections. (A) A 4x magnification image of the tibiofemoral joint. Areas of focus are labeled. (B) A 10x magnification image of the tibiofemoral joint ROI. The tibial and femoral surfaces as well as the anterior and posterior meniscal horns are visualized. The menisci are approximately the same size and the imaging ROI is centered on the joint compartment. (C) A 40x magnification image of the proximal tibial surface. The tidemark line is labeled as the line between the uncalcified and calcified cartilage zones. The osteochondral junction is labeled between the end of the calcified cartilage and beginning of the subchondral bone. Please click here to download this figure.
Supplementary Figure 2: Histomorphometry system setup and camera white balance calibration. (A) Mouse tibiofemoral joint visualized at 4x magnification in the software window with white balance not set. Note the camera settings tab at the top of the screen and the selection in the dropdown menu to set the white balance. (B) Mouse tibiofemoral joint at 4x magnification with white balance set. Note the change in the coloration and staining of the sample, increasing the user’s ability to distinguish certain areas of the tibiofemoral joint when performing measurements. Please click here to download this figure.
Supplementary Figure 3: Setup of histomorphometric software prior to histomorphometric analysis measurements. Representative screenshot of the histomorphometric software window. Note the stained mouse knee section is centered in the measurement region (yellow grid) and the correct magnification scale for the region is selected to match the objective being used on the microscope (circled in red in the top right hand corner of the screen). The list of parameters is displayed in the column to the right of the imaging and measurement area. Selecting a parameter will highlight the parameter, hence Tibial Fibrillation is currently selected to be measured. The Summary Data tab at the bottom of the window is where measurements for each parameter for each sample will be organized and saved to be exported following completion of each parameter measurement for each section. Please click here to download this figure.
Recent osteoarthritis research has enhanced our understanding of the crosstalk between the different tissues within the joint and the role each tissue plays in disease initiation or progression8,9,10,35,36. Accordingly, it has become obvious that the assessment of OA should not be limited to analysis of the cartilage but should also include analysis of the subchondral bone and synovium. In spite of that, the articular cartilage has been the primary focus of semiquantitative scoring of OA15,37,38. Although computed histomorphometry has already been applied to various areas of musculoskeletal research39,40,41,42,43,44, there is an unmet gap in describing a protocol to accurately and reproducibly analyze discrete changes to the multitude of tissues within the knee joint compartment during OA. The application of histomorphometric analysis measurements to quantify changes to the cartilage, subchondral bone, and synovium provides a more holistic assessment of the primary and secondary changes in OA joints.
Here, we describe for the first time a detailed protocol that utilizes a computerized and semiautomated histomorphometric analysis software to quantify pathological changes in different joint compartments and evaluate OA development, progression, or regression. Care should be taken during sample preparation, as clear and consistent Safranin-O and Fast Green stains are essential to limit ambiguity when tracing and taking measurements with histomorphometric software. Using fresh staining solutions for each batch of slides is advisable. In addition, slide selection for staining must occur at consistent levels between blocks. The first slide must be taken at a similar level between samples, ideally as soon as the anterior and posterior meniscal horns start separating.
During OA, total cartilage and uncalcified cartilage areas decrease due to cartilage fibrillation and degeneration. In severe OA, complete degeneration of the calcified cartilage may also occur. The protocol highlights the significance of determining the chondrocyte phenotype as an assessment of OA progression for the evaluation of anabolic versus catabolic signaling in cartilage. The total number of chondrocytes and the number of matrix producing chondrocytes (anabolic) are high in normal cartilage and low in OA cartilage, where the majority of existing chondrocytes in OA are matrix nonproducing (catabolic). Importantly, this essential parameter in the field of OA therapeutic discovery is not evaluated by OARSI or Mankin’s scoring systems. Certain interventions that not only preserve the cartilage area and the number of chondrocytes but also promote chondrocyte anabolic phenotype may be more effective therapeutic approaches.
The protocol detailed here also provides a method to quantitatively measure the subtle changes in cartilage surface fibrillations present in mild to moderate OA. A greater number of fibrillations means an increased perimeter measurement due to the presence of indentations in the articular surface. Thus, the tibial articular surface perimeter and fibrillation index are low in normal cartilage, intermediate in mild OA due to some fibrillations, high in moderate OA due to more fibrillations, but again low in severe OA due to complete cartilage degeneration and loss.
Subchondral bone remodeling and sclerosis are characteristic pathological signs of OA, resulting in reduced subchondral marrow space area and increased subchondral bone area8,9,10,29,30. Quantification of changes in the subchondral bone area and subchondral marrow space area described in the protocol demonstrate the importance of understanding multi-tissue changes as a driving component for the complex nature of OA disease development and progression. Measurement of the anterior and posterior osteophyte areas provides important insight into the scale of bone remodeling occurring within the joint. The osteophyte area is extremely small in sham-operated knees and is increased due to osteophyte formation in OA. Measurement of the anterior osteophyte area differed slightly from the measurement of the posterior osteophyte area due to the severe nature of bone remodeling occurring at the medial region of the knee, near the site of DMM injury.
Finally, this protocol outlines a quantifiable assessment of changes in the synovial membrane. Synovial thickness is low in sham joints and increases in OA. Inflammation in OA leads to thickening of the synovial membrane to increase delivery of inflammatory cytokines and other factors to the joint space10,11,1231,32. Thus, it is essential to evaluate joint inflammation as a modulating factor of OA disease progression.
Use of the histomorphometry software is limited by the availability of the hardware: touchscreen monitors or tablets with a stylus are absolutely necessary given the amount of manual tracing required for taking accurate measurements. Attempting to measure small areas with the histomorphometry software can also be limiting, as the pen size is restricted to one diameter. While this inability to measure small areas may be inconvenient, the joint areas measured are easily defined with the area tool, and the low discrimination of the software makes a negligible difference in the final measurement.
It should also be noted that interuser variability is always an area of concern regarding implementation of a reliable and reproducible quantitative protocol. Establishing an effective, reproducible, and rigorous histomorphometry protocol requires limiting potential compounding variables within the experimental analysis, including reducing interuser variability. However, following a short training session (about 30 min) with the software, lab members were able to generate highly consistent and reproducible measurements, where the distribution of measurements between users reflects more of a direct overlay representing almost no interuser variability. Importantly, this histomorphometry protocol demonstrates an efficient method to quantify even discrete differences between sham samples in a highly reproducible manner.
The OARSI scoring system is a commonly used measure of assessment for cartilage damage in OA patients and experimental murine models15. The scoring system is based on a whole-number scale primarily focused on the extent of clefts/erosion or the articular surface. Although we found no significant interuser variability with the OARSI scores in our experiment, there still was a higher mean difference in between observers, versus almost none in the described histomorphometry protocol. Thus, establishing this reproducible protocol for histomorphometric analysis of defined parameters allows for highly consistent measurements of each sample, even between multiple users, removing some of the subjective nature of sample analysis.
The OARSI standardized scoring system is a benchmark for OA research. However, the limited score-based nature of the system does not allow for quantification of subtle changes occurring within the joint. The expanded joint evaluation described in this manuscript using histomorphometry software provides an enhanced and less subjective characterization of the severity of OA. This protocol is optimized for mice that have undergone a surgical induction of OA. The procedures and techniques can be applied for evaluation of OA within other models and hypotheses, however.
In summary, the protocol detailed here provides a clear guide for a rigorous and reproducible semiautomated quantitative approach to investigate OA pathology or evaluate therapeutic interventions.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Department of Comparative Medicine staff and the Molecular and Histopathology core at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Funding sources: NIH NIAMS 1RO1AR071968-01A1 (F.K.), ANRF Arthritis Research Grant (F.K.).
10% Buffered Formalin Phosphate | Fisher Chemical | SF100-20 | For sample fixation following harvest |
Acetic Acid, Glacial (Certified A.C.S.) | Fisher Chemical | A38S-212 | For Decalcification Buffer preparation and acetic acid solution preparation for staining |
Cintiq 27QHD Creative Pen Display | Wacom | | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging |
Cintiq Ergo stand | Wacom | | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt dihydrate, 99% | Acros Organics | AC446080010 | For Decalcification Buffer preparation |
Fast Green stain | SIGMA Life Sciences | F7258 | For sample staining |
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | Fisher | 12-550-15 | For sample section collection |
HistoPrep Xylene | Fisherbrand | HC-700-1GAL | For sample deparrafinization and staining |
Histosette II Tissue Cassettes – Combination Lid and Base | Fisher | 15-182-701A | For sample processing and embedding |
HP Z440 Workstation | HP | Product number: Y5C77US#ABA | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging |
Manual Rotary Microtome | Leica | RM 2235 | For sample sectioning |
Marking pens | Leica | 3801880 | For sample labeling, cassettes and slides |
OLYMPUS BX53 Microscope | OLYMPUS | | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging |
OLYMPUS DP 73 Microscope Camera | OLYMPUS | | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging (discontinued) |
ORION STAR A211 pH meter | Thermo Scientific | STARA2110 | For Decalcification Buffer preparation |
OsteoMeasure Software | OsteoMetrics | | For histomorphometric measurement and analysis |
Perfusion Two Automated Pressure Perfusion system | Leica | Model # 39471005 | For mouse knee harvest |
PRISM 7 Software | GraphPad | Institutional Access Account | Statistical Analysis |
Safranin-O stain | SIGMA Life Sciences | S8884 | For sample staining |
ThinkBoneStage – Rotating Microscope Stage | Think Bone Consulting Inc. – OsteoMetrics (supplier) | | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging |
Wacom Pro Pen Stylus | Wacom | | For histomorphometric analysis and imaging |
Weigerts Iron Hematoxylin A | Fisher | 5029713 | For hematoxylin staining |
Weigerts Iron Hematoxylin B | Fisher | 5029714 | For hematoxylin staining |