Injection of An. stephensi Embryos to Generate Malaria-resistant Mosquitoes
JoVE 신문
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JoVE 신문 생물학
Injection of An. stephensi Embryos to Generate Malaria-resistant Mosquitoes

06:54 min

July 04, 2007

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  • 00:19Introduction
  • 00:41Preparing Egg Laying Chambers and Microinjection Needles
  • 01:19Dechorionation and Alignment of A. stephensi Embryos
  • 02:59Preparing for Injection of A. stephensi Embryos
  • 03:39Injection of Embryos
  • 06:16Conclusion
  • 06:36End Credits


자동 번역

Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes are vectors for malaria inhabiting India and throughout Asia. This video demonstrates the technique for performing microinjections of this species with transgenes that will confer resistance to the malaria to the mosquito. Much of the methodology demonstrated in this video is applicable to microinjection techniques of other mosquito species.

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