Histotripsy-aided lytic delivery or lysotripsy is under development for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis. An in vitro procedure is presented here to assess the efficacy of this combination therapy. Key protocols for the clot model, image guidance, and assessment of treatment efficacy are discussed.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a global health concern. The primary approach to achieve vessel recanalization for critical obstructions is catheter-directed thrombolytics (CDT). To mitigate caustic side effects and the long treatment time associated with CDT, adjuvant and alternative approaches are under development. One such approach is histotripsy, a focused ultrasound therapy to ablate tissue via bubble cloud nucleation. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated strong synergy between histotripsy and thrombolytics for clot degradation. This report outlines a benchtop method to assess the efficacy of histotripsy-aided thrombolytic therapy, or lysotripsy.
Clots manufactured from fresh human venous blood were introduced into a flow channel whose dimensions and acousto-mechanical properties mimic an iliofemoral vein. The channel was perfused with plasma and the lytic recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator. Bubble clouds were generated in the clot with a focused ultrasound source designed for the treatment of femoral venous clots. Motorized positioners were used to translate the source focus along the clot length. At each insonation location, acoustic emissions from the bubble cloud were passively recorded, and beamformed to generate passive cavitation images. Metrics to gauge treatment efficacy included clot mass loss (overall treatment efficacy), and the concentrations of D-dimer (fibrinolysis) and hemoglobin (hemolysis) in the perfusate. There are limitations to this in vitro design, including lack of means to assess in vivo side effects or dynamic changes in flow rate as the clot lyses. Overall, the setup provides an effective method to assess the efficacy of histotripsy-based strategies to treat DVT.
Thrombosis is the condition of clot formation in an otherwise healthy blood vessel that obstructs circulation1,2. Venous thromboembolism has an annual healthcare cost of $7-10 billion, with 375,000-425,000 cases in the United States3. Pulmonary embolism is the obstruction of the pulmonary artery and is the most serious consequence of venous thromboembolism. The primary source of pulmonary obstruction is deep vein thrombi, primarily from iliofemoral venous segments4,5,6. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has inherent sequela besides pulmonary obstructions, with long term complications that result in pain, swelling, leg ulcerations, and limb amputations7,8,9. For critical obstructions, catheter directed thrombolytics (CDT) are the frontline approach for vessel recanalization10. The outcome of CDT depends on a number of factors, including thrombus age, location, size, composition, etiology, and patient risk category11. Moreover, CDT is associated with vascular damage, infections, bleeding complications, and long treatment time10. Next generation devices aim to combine mechanical thrombectomy with thrombolytics (i.e., pharmacomechanical thrombectomy)12,13. Use of these devices lower the lytic dosage leading to reduced bleeding complications, and shortened treatment time12,13,14 as compared to CDT. These devices still retain issues of hemorrhagic side-effects and incomplete removal of chronic thrombi15. An adjuvant strategy is thus needed that can remove the thrombus completely with lower bleeding complications.
One potential approach is histotripsy-aided thrombolytic treatment, referred to as lysotripsy. Histotripsy is a non-invasive treatment modality that uses focused ultrasound to nucleate bubble clouds in tissues16. Bubble activity is generated not via exogenous nuclei, but by the application of ultrasound pulses with sufficient tension to activate nuclei intrinsic to tissues, including clot17,18. The mechanical oscillation of the bubble cloud imparts strain to the clot, disintegrating the structure into acellular debris19. Histotripsy bubble activity provides effective degradation of retracted and unretracted blood clots both in vivo and in vitro20,21,22. Prior studies have23,24 demonstrated that the combination of histotripsy and the lytic recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) significantly increases treatment efficacy compared to lytic alone or histotripsy alone. It is hypothesized that two primary mechanisms associated with histotripsy bubble activity are responsible for the improved treatment efficacy: 1) increased fibrinolysis due to enhanced lytic delivery, and 2) hemolysis of red blood cells within the clot. The bulk of the clot mass is comprised of red blood cells24, and, therefore, tracking erythrocyte degradation is a good surrogate for ablation of the sample. Other formed clot elements are also likely disintegrated under histotripsy bubble activity but are not considered in this protocol.
Here, a benchtop approach to treat DVT in vitro with lysotripsy is outlined. The protocol describes critical operating parameters of the histotripsy source, assessment of treatment efficacy, and image guidance. The protocol includes designing a flow channel to mimic an iliofemoral venous segment and manufacturing human whole blood clots. The experimental procedure outlines the positioning of the histotripsy source and imaging array to achieve histotripsy exposure along the clot placed in the flow channel. Relevant insonation parameters to attain clot disruption and minimize off-target bubble activity are defined. The use of ultrasound imaging for guidance and assessment of bubble activity is illustrated24. Metrics to quantify treatment efficacy such as clot mass loss, D-dimer (fibrinolysis), and hemoglobin (hemolysis) are outlined23,24,25,26,27. Overall, the study provides an effective means for executing and assessing the efficacy of lysotripsy to treat DVT.
For the results presented here, venous human blood was drawn to form clots after approval from the local internal review board (IRB #19-1300) and written informed consent provided by volunteer donors24. This section outlines a design protocol to assess lysotripsy efficacy. The protocol is based on a previous work by Bollen et al.24.
1. Clot modeling
NOTE: Prepare the clots within 2 weeks but more than 3 days prior to the day of the experiment to ensure clot stability and maximize retraction28. Prepare the clot following the approval from local institutional review board.
2. Water tank preparation
3. Preparation of plasma and rt-PA mixture
4. Setting up histotripsy source and imaging array
5. Clot preparation
6. Priming the flow channel
7. Experiment procedure
8. Post experiment procedure
9. Passive cavitation image analysis
The protocol outlined in this study highlights the details of venous clot modeling, lysotripsy for clot disruption, and ultrasound imaging in an in vitro setup of DVT. The adopted procedure demonstrates the steps necessary to assess clot disruption due to the combined effects of rt-PA and histotripsy bubble cloud activity. The benchtop setup was designed to mimic the characteristics of a venous iliofemoral vein. Figure 1A shows a model vessel that has the acoustic, mechanical, and geometrical properties of the iliofemoral vein. The clot is placed inside the model vessel to mimic a partially occlusive thrombus. The clot is perfused with plasma and rt-PA drawn from a reservoir at a rate of 0.65 mL/min. This rate is consistent with slow flow rate in a highly occluded vessel34.
An elliptically focused transducer of 1.5 MHz fundamental frequency with a 9 cm major axis, 7 cm minor axis, and 6 cm focal length (Figure 2A) is mounted on the positioning system as noted in Figure 1B. An imaging array covered with ultrasound gel and a latex cover (Figures 2B,C) is mounted coaxially with the transducer as shown in Figure 1A via an opening in the center of the histotripsy source. The motorized positioners were used to translate the therapy transducer/imaging array along the clot length within the model vessel (Figure 1). Upon application of sufficient voltage to the histotripsy source, a bubble cloud is generated in the focal region of the transducer and visualized via ultrasound imaging, as shown in Figure 3. The focal position is defined as the center of the bubble cloud using the imaging plane (steps 4.10-4.11).
Figure 4A shows perfusates collected for two different treatment conditions. The beaker labeled as control contains perfusate of a clot exposed to plasma alone. The second beaker labeled as treated contains the perfusate of the lysotripsy treated clot. The collected perfusates are used to assess the hemoglobin (metric of hemolysis) and D-dimer (metric of fibrinolysis) content through assays as specified in the protocol. The difference in color of the perfusates denotes variability in hemoglobin concentration, which can be quantified via optical absorbance. The relationship between absorbance value and hemoglobin concentration can be determined through a calibration curve. Solutions with known hemoglobin content ranging from 0 (blank measurement) to 180 mg/mL are placed in the well plate and absorbance is determined in triplicate using the plate reader (Figure 4B,C). The upper absorbance limit of the plate reader may vary and may not be known a priori to making the solutions in the well plate. As such, hemoglobin concentrations up to 180 mg/mL are made in the well plate, Figure 4B. However, the plate reader used here can read absorbance for concentrations up to 23 mg/mL only, Figure 4C.
Figure 5A shows visualization of the clot within the model vessel via B-mode imaging prior to histotripsy exposure as specified in step 7.2.3. This image is acquired to determine the clot position for segmentation of the passive cavitation image. Figure 5B shows the passive cavitation image co-registered with the B-mode image acquired prior to histotripsy exposure. This figure confirms that acoustic energy is contained primarily within the clot during histotripsy exposure.
Typical clot disruption due to histotripsy and lytic are indicated in Figure 6. Figure 6A,B show the untreated and lysotripsy treated clot images, respectively. For samples exposed to histotripsy, disruption is primarily restricted to the clot center, consistent with the observed locations of bubble activity tracked with passive cavitation imaging (Figure 5B). However, with addition of lytic, mass loss also occurs in regions closer to the periphery of the clot. It is hypothesized that this additional mass loss is due to enhanced fluid mixing of the lytic under bubble activity. Fluid mixing increases the distribution and penetration depth of the lytic into the clot. Since the lytic is responsible for fibrinolysis40, the mass loss increases. Fibrinolysis can be quantified by measuring the D-dimer content in the perfusate41.
Figure 1: Experimental setup for lysotripsy of human blood clot. (A) The components of the setup are (1) focused histotripsy source with elliptical geometry, (2) latex-covered imaging array, (3) model vessel attached to flow channel, (4) flow channel, (5) reservoir, (6) acoustic absorbing material, (7) heating element, and (8) water tank filled with degassed and heated reverse osmosis water. The azimuth dimension of the imaging plane is perpendicular to the elevational and range dimensions (into the page). (B) The histotripsy source mounted on the motorized positioning system. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Ultrasound source and imaging components. Individual zoomed images of (A) focused histotripsy source, (B) imaging array, and (C) imaging array with ultrasound gel and latex cover. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Histotripsy bubble cloud visualized using imaging array. A bubble cloud is generated in the focal zone of the histotripsy source and imaged using an imaging array. The designated focus, shown as a cross, is saved for treatment planning. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Quantification of hemoglobin released due to clot lysis. (A) Perfusate samples collected following control study with plasma alone (no histotripsy or lytic), and treatment arm, histotripsy (e.g., 35 MPa peak negative pressure, 5 cycle pulse duration, 1.5 MHz fundamental frequency), and 2.68 µg/mL lytic exposure. (B) Well plate containing dilutions of known hemoglobin concentrations ranging from 180 mg/mL (top row, left-most corner) to 0 mg/mL (bottom row, right-most corner). The arrowhead points toward decreasing hemoglobin concentration. (C) These samples are used to create a standard curve to quantify hemoglobin produced due to histotripsy exposure via spectrophotometry. Absorbance curve for hemoglobin concentrations ranging from 0 to 23 mg/mL is obtained due to limitation of the plate reader in analyzing higher concentrations. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Images of the clot during treatment. (A) B-mode image acquired before the start of treatment pulse showing the clot position within the model vessel. (B) Post-hoc visualization ofacoustic energy emission calculated from passive cavitation imaging shown in hot colormap co-registered with B-mode image of the clot acquired prior to application of the histotripsy pulse. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Histology of the ablated clot under different treatment conditions. (A) Control clot without treatment. (B) Clot treated with lysotripsy (e.g., 35 MPa peak negative pressure, single cycle pulse duration, 1.5 MHz fundamental frequency). The histotripsy pulse propagated from top to bottom in this image. The path for the histotripsy source along the length of the clot (i.e., perpendicular to the plane of the image shown here) is defined in step 7.2.3. The scale of the micrographs is 2 mm. Note that the degree of clot disruption achieved here would be reduced compared to insonation schemes with longer pulse duration24. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The proposed protocol presents a model to quantify treatment efficacy of lysotripsy. While the key details have been discussed, there are certain critical aspects to consider for the success of this protocol. The enzymatic activity of rt-PA has an Arrhenius temperature dependence30. Temperature is also a contributing factor to the speed of sound in water and tissue, and variations in temperature can cause minor alterations of the focal zone geometry. Thus, the water temperature should be carefully regulated at 37 ˚C. The dose of rt-PA used in the protocol (2.68 µg/mL) is consistent with that employed clinically for other pharmacomechanical thrombectomy strategies42. In step 5.8, 30 mL of plasma is transferred to the reservoir whereas a 35 mL aliquot is noted in step 3.1.3. This additional plasma accounts for loss in plasma due to evaporation over the course of hours when warmed to 37 ˚C for equilibration to atmospheric pressure.
The focal length, aperture width, and frequency of the therapy transducer dictate the size and depth of the focal region. Therefore, the transducer should be chosen such that these characteristics align with the diameter and the depth of the target vessel (e.g. femoral vein: 2-4 cm in depth and 0.6-1.2 cm in diameter)43. The extent of mechanical ablation is restricted to the extent of the bubble cloud. Thus, an understanding of the role insonation parameters play in modifying histotripsy bubble cloud behavior is critical33,44,45. The frequency and the strength of acoustic field should also be chosen noting the magnitude of attenuation due to medium and intermediary materials (e.g., model vessel). To ensure confinement of bubble activity with the target vessel, an appropriate imaging window should be chosen to monitor the focal zone. The operating parameters of the transducer should be chosen to avoid off target effects while maximizing mechanical clot disruption. In this protocol, mass loss was considered a primary metric of treatment efficacy. Increases in mass loss have been observed as the peak negative pressure or the duration of the histotripsy pulse are increased24,46, with a maximum observed mass loss of 94%. The presence of residual clot for investigated treatment arms facilitates comparison of therapeutic efficacy. However, insonation schemes to ensure total removal of the thrombus can also be devised.
The acoustic impedance (approximately 1.58 MRayl47,48) and the geometrical properties (0.6-1.2 cm in diameter43) of the model vessel should be representative of the iliofemoral venous vasculature (see Table of Materials for details). Polydimethylsiloxane and polyurethane are some of the other materials suitable to model the venous system based on their acousto-mechanical properties. In step 7, it is important to remove all the air bubbles from the model vessel to avoid shielding the clot from histotripsy exposure. For a model vessel of hydrophobic material, bubble clouds may form preferentially near the vessel wall instead of the center of the clot. Therefore, continuous monitoring of the bubble cloud should be done during the treatment via ultrasound imaging, and the transducer should be repositioned if necessary. Pilot studies should be conducted to determine histotripsy insonation parameters (e.g., pulse duration and peak pressure) that achieve the final intended clot disruption.
The imaging array is used to capture B-mode images and passive cavitation images for treatment visualization and to quantify bubble activity. B-mode imaging allows visualization of the model vessel and the clot, and passive cavitation imaging gauges the energy of the bubble activity associated with clot ablation24,49. The bandwidth of the imaging array should align with the desired bubble cloud activity with a high signal-to-noise ratio. For obtaining purely broadband signals associated with the inertial collapse of bubbles within the cloud, the bandwidth of the array should not coincide with the fundamental frequency of the transducer50,51. Histotripsy pulses are highly nonlinear52, and it is likely that harmonics of the fundamental frequency will be present in the received signal. The imaging system should be programmed to trigger on based on the known time of flight of the histotripsy pulse from the source to the focal zone to ensure collection of complete passive cavitation imaging data throughout the insonation. These signals should then be processed post hoc as discussed in steps 7.2.3 and 9 of the protocol.
It should be noted that the amount of hemolysis is sensitive to the handling of the clot. Therefore, care should be taken to minimize damage to the clot before treatment. To ensure reproducibility, clot modelling (step 1) and pre-treatment time (steps 6 and 7.1) should be same for all the clots treated with or without histotripsy exposure. In the post-treatment step of hemolysis assessment, it should be noted that plasma has its own absorbance. Therefore, the diluent used to form standard curves (e.g., optical absorbance vs. hemoglobin) should be formed using the same fluid used as the perfusate in the flow channel (e.g., in this study, plasma was used as the diluent to form standard curves).
This protocol aims to provide a benchtop setup to gauge the efficacy of lysotripsy to treat human whole blood clots. There are certain limitations that arise due to the in vitro nature of the set up. The acute clots used for this protocol consisted mainly of red blood cells and fibrin, making the approach of lysotripsy effective for DVT. However, later stages of thrombus may develop a stiff collagenous network53 that may resist the lysotripsy treatment due to the fibrin-specific nature of rt-PA. When treating in vivo, the primary clinical endpoint for treatment efficacy is restoration of flow. Mass loss was a primary metric for treatment efficacy in the in vitro protocol described here. Although flow was not assessed in this protocol, color Doppler imaging can be additionally incorporated along with passive cavitation imaging in step 7.2.4 to monitor flow restoration. The setup in this protocol uses a fixed flow rate, mimicking the flow rate in a highly occluded vessel, during the entire treatment in step 7.2. In vivo, vascular flow will increase as the clot disintegrates during the treatment. The additional shear stresses associated with increased flow will accentuate the clot degradation profile54. In vivo off-target effects cannot be ascertained in this setup, such as bleeding due to systemic administration of lytic55, vessel wall damage or vasospasm due to bubble cloud activity22. The in vitro nature of this study also limits the ability to assess long-term outcomes, such as vessel patency or re-thrombosis after treatment. The administration of lytic in this study mimicked systemic thrombolytics, whereas catheter-directed lytics is the preferred intervention for venous thrombosis7,14. Tissue attenuation can affect the histotripsy field and the imaging quality for in vivo studies, whereas here the acoustic path is primarily through degassed water. Processing of cavitation emission data with the robust Capon beamformer (step 9 of the protocol) is computationally expensive and was conducted off-line for post hoc analysis. Other beamformers (e.g., delay-and-sum35 or angular spectrum56) can be operated alternatively to provide real-time feedback, albeit with reduced range resolution.
In summary, this protocol presents a non-invasive approach to achieve deep vein thrombolysis of human blood clots. The protocol establishes a convenient and easy-to-replicate procedure for modeling of blood clots, treating them with lysotripsy, and simultaneous imaging during treatment. The protocol steps specifying histotripsy bubble cloud generation, treatment planning, and image guidance can be further used to investigate in vitro treatments of breast tumor, pancreatic tumor, and benign prostatic hyperplasia, where histotripsy has been shown to be more effective as compared to standard procedures57,58. The use of rt-PA in this protocol can be generalized to other drugs or drug carriers that are used for treating such tumors, along with histotripsy to increase the lytic efficacy.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health, Grant R01HL13334. The authors would like to thank Dr. Kevin Haworth for assisting with Drabkin's assay and Dr. Viktor Bollen for his support in designing the protocol. The authors are also thankful to Dr. Adam Maxwell for his guidance on designing the histotripsy source.
Absorbing sheets | Precision acoustics | F28-SMALL-M | 300mm x 300 mm x 10 mm |
Borosilicate Pasteur pippettes | Fisher Scientific | 1367820A | 14.6 cm length, 2 mL capacity |
Centrifuge tubes | Eppendorf | 22364111 | 1.5 mL capacity |
Drabkin's assay | Sigma Aldrich | D5941-6VL | |
Draw syringe | Cole-Parmer | EW-07945-43 | 60 mL capacity |
Filter bags | McMaster-Carr | 5162K111 | Remove particle size upto 1 microns |
Flow channel tubing | McMaster-Carr | 5154K25 | Polyethylene-lined EVA plastic tubing (Outer diameter: 3/8", Inner diameter: 1/4" |
Heating elements | Won Brothers | HT 300 Titanium | Titanium rods placed at the bottom of tank |
Imaging array | Verasonics | L11-5v | 128 element with sensitivity from -55 to -49 dB |
Low gelling agarose | Millipore Sigma | A9414 | |
Model vessel | McMaster-Carr | 5234K98 | 6.6 cm length, 0.6 cm inner diameter, 1 mm thickness |
Nanopure water | Barnstead | Nanopure Diamond | ASTM type I, 18 Mohm-cm resistivity |
Plasma | Vitalant | 4PF000 | Plasma frozen within 24 hours |
Plate reader | Biotek | Synergy Neo HST Plate Reader | For haemoglobin quantification |
Probe cover | Civco | 610-362 | |
Programming platform | MATLAB (the Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) | ||
Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) | Genentech | Activase | |
Reservoir | Cole-Parmer | EW-07945-43 | 60 mL capacity |
Syringe pump | Cole-Parmer | EW-74900-20 | pump attached to the syringe to draw the flow in the flow channel at a pre-determined fized rate |
Transducer | In-house customized | Eight-element, elliptically-focused transducer (9 cm major axis, 7 cm minor axis and 6 cm focal length), powered by custom designed and built class D amplifier and matching network | |
Ultrasound scaning system | Verasonics | Vantage Research Ultrasound System | |
Water tank | Advanced acrylics | C133 | 14 x 14 x 12, 1/2" |