This protocol describes how to study all possible combinations that can be obtained between four drugs in one single experiment. This method is based on the standard 96-well plate micro dilution assay and the calculation of fractional inhibitory concentrations (FICs) to evaluate the results.
The concept of drug-combination therapy is becoming very important mainly with the drastic increase in resistance to drugs. The Quadruple checkerboard, also called the Q-checkerboard, aims at maximizing the number of possible combinations that can be obtained between four drugs in one experiment to minimize the time and work needed to accomplish the same results with other protocols. This protocol is based on the simple micro dilution technique where the drugs are diluted and combined together in several 96-well plates.
In the first set of 96-well plates, Muller-Hinton broth is added followed by the first required drug (e.g., Cefotaxime here) to serially dilute it. After the first step is done, another set of 96-well plates is used to dilute the second drug (e.g., Amikaci), which will be transferred by removing a specific volume of drug 2 and put in the corresponding wells in the first set of 96-well plates that contains drug one. The third step is done by adding the required concentrations of the third drug (e.g., Levofloxacin), to the appropriate plates in the initial set containing combination of drug 1 and 2. The fourth step is done by adding the required concentrations of the fourth drug (e.g., Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol) into the appropriate plates in the first set. Then, E. coli ESBL bacterial inoculum will be prepared and added.
This method is important to evaluate all the possible combinations and has a wider range of possibilities to be tested furthermore for in vivo testing. Despite being a tiring technique requiring a lot of focus, the results are remarkable and time saving where a lot of combinations can be tested in a single experiment.
With the increase in resistance due to the overuse and misuse of antibiotics1,2, the need to develop new drugs and agents to treat bacterial infections has become crucial. New approaches such as developing new drugs are very important to overcome the resistance crisis. However, the pharmaceutical industry is not interested in developing new antimicrobial agents. Moreover, if new drugs are developed, bacteria will keep on evolving and developing resistance against these new drugs3,4. Thus, the problem of resistance will not be solved, making the need for another approach a must that should be considered and studied to overcome bacterial resistance.
Drug combination is a very important concept for treating bacterial infections mainly those that are caused by multidrug resistant pathogens5,6. It decreases the course of treatment, decreases the dose given; thus, decreasing the toxicity of the given drug, helps in decreasing the rate of resistance development and, in a way, sensitizes the bacteria to the given drugs as described in the concept of collateral sensitivity5,7,8,9.
Resistance development to one drug requires a single mutation; however, resistance development to a combination of drugs targeting multiple pathways requires several independent mutations that are slowed down by this combination. An example to decreased resistance while using combination therapy is the decreased rate of resistance to Rifampin in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis10. Another example is a study done by Gribble et al. that showed the rate of emergence of resistant strains in patients taking Piperacillin alone to be higher than in those taking a combination of carboxypenicillin and aminoglycoside10. Studies have shown that resistance development to aminoglycosides in evolving bacteria made these strains sensitive to various other drugs5. The combination between the beta-lactam class drug amoxicillin and the lactamase inhibitor clavulanic acid showed success in treating resistant bacterial strains8.
Decreasing the time of treatment is a good advantage resulting from drug combinations. For example, a therapy of combined penicillin or ceftriaxone with gentamicin for 2 weeks will give the same efficacy given by penicillin or ceftriaxone alone when given for 4 weeks11. Combining drugs allows for the usage of lower dosages of drugs that are not effective when given alone such as the Sub-MICs. The example of sulfonamides can be given where the use of triple-sulfonamides minimizes, at lower doses, the toxicity produced which is crystal formation or crystalluria when using insoluble sulfonamides at full doses12.
Thus, decreasing the dosage given and the time of treatment will eventually decrease the toxicity of the drugs on the body. The idea of developing methods to assess the interaction between combined drugs is very important. In one study, the results showed that combination therapy is more effective for the treatment of resistant species of Acinetobacter and P. aeruginosa8.
Giving drugs in combination
There are different methods by which we can study drug combinations, such as the checkerboard method, the time-kill curve method, and the E-test method13. The checkerboard method can study all the possible combinations between the two drugs in question in one experiment itself. In addition, it was developed to study a combination of three drugs14. Now, we extend this to study a combination of four drugs mainly for the treatment of multidrug-resistant pathogens.
The time-kill curve assay is usually performed to test for the bactericidal effect of a certain drug. It was also used to test for the effect of drug combinations where several drugs are combined at specific concentrations. This protocol requires the preparation of several sterile tubes or cups where in each cup we add the broth, combination of drugs, and the required bacterial strain. After incubation and recording of the optical density at several time points, the results are compared with the normal growth rate of the used strain to see whether the growth rate increased, decreased, or did not change13.
E-test method is usually done to test for the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) where a strip containing a gradient concentration of the drug in question is put on an inoculated plate. It was also used to test the combination between two drugs where two strips are added to the plate in a perpendicular manner intersecting at their MICs13.
According to literature, there is no gold standard to define and study synergy; thus, it is difficult to assess which one of the methods used to study combination is better and which one produces better and more reliable results mainly13. However, Time-kill assay is labor intensive, time consuming, and expensive15,16, while the E-test method is developed to study a combination between two drugs only. Checkerboard can study all the possible combinations between the two drugs tested and this is why this technique has been chosen to be developed.
1. Preparation steps
2. Panel preparation
3. Drug 1, Cefotaxime, serial dilution
4. Drug 2, Amkacin, serial dilution
5. Transfer of drug 2 to the four panels
6. Drug 3, Levofloxacin, addition
7. Drug 4, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, addition
8. Preparation and addition of bacterial inoculum E. coli ESBL
9. Protocol for the FIC template (Supplemental File)
10. MIC determination using the microdilution assay for the four drugs
Figure 2A represents the results obtained by combining Cefotaxime and Amikacin with specific concentrations of Levofloxacin and Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. We can see in the left part of the figure the four plates that are schematically presented with the concentrations of the drugs in the right part of the figure. The arrows represent the wells on the Growth/no Growth interface. The colored wells are the wells that contain growth. We notice that the fourth plate does not contain growth in the quadrant containing the combination. This is because in this plate we have the MIC of Levofloxacin that will inhibit the growth. In this figure, we can see that the MIC of the Cefotaxime is obtained in the well A8, which is equal to 32 μg/mL. The MIC of Amikacin is obtained in the well E1, which is equal to 16 μg/mL. An inhibition effect is seen in the row containing 1/2 MIC of Amikacin (row D) in addition to several subMICs of Cefotaxime and Levofloxacin in addition to 1/8 MIC of Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. This inhibition of bacterial growth in wells containing subMIC concentrations might be a form of synergism between these concentrations of the four drugs.
Figure 2B represents the results obtained by combining Cefotaxime and Amikacin with specific concentrations of Levofloxacin and Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. We can see in the left part of the figure the four plates that are schematically presented with the concentrations of the drugs in the right part of the figure. The arrows represent the wells on the Growth/no Growth interface. The colored wells are the wells that contain growth. Follow the same interpretation for the fourth plate. In the panel represented by this figure, we can see that the inhibition pattern of bacterial growth occurred in row D also, where the wells contain subMICs of Cefotaxime and levofloxacin, 1/2 MIC of Amikacin and 1/4 MIC of Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
Figure 2C represents the results obtained by combining Cefotaxime and Amikacin with specific concentrations of Levofloxacin and Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. We can see in the left part of the figure the four plates that are schematically presented with the concentrations of the drugs in the right part of the figure. The arrows represent the wells on the Growth/no Growth interface. The colored wells are the wells that contain growth. Follow the same interpretation for the fourth plate. As for the inhibition pattern in this panel, we can see that in rows C and D growth is not seen. This means that in the wells contain several subMICs of Cefotaxime and Levofloxacine in addition to 1/2 MIC of Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and 1/4 MIC and 1/2 MIC of Amikacin.
Figure 2D represents the results obtained by combining Cefotaxime and Amikacin with specific concentrations of Levofloxacin and Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. We can see in the left part of the figure the four plates that are schematically presented with the concentrations of the drugs in the right part of the figure. The arrows represent the wells on the Growth/no Growth interface. Follow the same interpretation for the fourth plate. We can see that only in row A and column 1 we have colored wells meaning growth. This is because in this panel we have the MIC of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole that will totally inhibit the growth.
Figure 1: Schematic of the Q-checkerboard setup and panels and a map of how the drugs are added. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: The experimental results obtained in trial 1 for certain combinations tested. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental File. Please click here to download this File.
The Quadruple Checkerboard method resembles the checkerboard and the three dimensional checkerboard in its protocol. However, certain crucial steps should be taken into consideration to avoid errors during the experiment.
Make sure to test for the MIC of each drug against the tested isolate before starting the protocol to know what are the concentrations that are needed to start the dilutions with for drug 1 and drug 2 that need to be serially diluted in the plates. Concerning drug 3 and drug 4, MIC should also be known to calculate the concentrations needed to be tested (1/8 MIC, 1/4 MIC, 1/2 MIC, and MIC). There are a lot of methods to determine the MIC, yet the best is to determine it with the microdilution technique since the Q-checkerboard protocol also uses the microdilution assay for serial dilution.
In the first step, while taping the plates, make sure the bench is clean and cover the plates with sterile covers to avoid contamination. It is important to note that this protocol can be done using four 96-well plates representing the four panels, where each plate is divided into four smaller quadrants. However, the number of dilutions will be minimized for the first and second drug. In addition, one can also use deep well 384-well plates instead of taping four plates together. However, it was not available when we did the experiments. Note that when choosing the plate to be used, make sure to check the capacity of each well since the final volume in the well will be 250 µL.
Moreover, the number of plates in each panel and the number of panels depends on the number of dilutions that are required for the third and fourth drug. For example, in this experiment, four dilutions of the third drug and four dilutions of the fourth drug were required (1/8 MIC, 1/4 MIC, 1/2 MIC, and MIC); thus, we had four plates in each panel and four panels.
The dilution of the first drug occurs in the plates of the panels according to the columns. However, the dilution of the second drug occurs in separate plates according to the rows. The third and fourth drugs are not serially diluted. However, each concentration used is prepared in a separate tube and added to each well in a specific volume. It is important to note that the wells containing the four drugs are present in the quadrant between rows G and B and columns 2 and 12 only. The checkerboard and the three-dimensional checkerboard protocols were not filmed or written in this manuscript because they are known protocols and the purpose of this manuscript is to talk about the Q-checkerboard protocol. In the checkerboard technique, row A contains only drug 1; thus, showing the MIC of drug 1. Column 1 contains only drug 2; thus, showing the MIC of drug 2.
This concept is kept in the Q-Checkerboard protocol where MIC of drug 1 is still shown in row A and MIC of drug 2 is still shown in column 1. In addition to this, the two added drugs present their MIC in the experiment. Drug 3 has the P4 plate in each panel where the MIC of drug 3 is added to all the wells so we should not observe growth in this plate. Similarly, drug 4 has A4 panel where the MIC of drug 4 is added to all the wells in all the plates in panel 4 so no growth should be observed in this panel.
The growth in the plates is recorded based on the turbidity in the wells, where the turbid wells are considered to have growth. In addition to the turbidity, 50 µL of Iodotetrazolium is added and left for few minutes. A change in color to pink means that there is growth.
This method has certain limitations. It requires hard work and focus. Pipetting errors could occur since this technique is based mainly on pipetting. The FIC calculations are considered a limitation in this case since we are dealing with four values not two or three. Adding a value will increase the value of the FIC in the well; thus, the values of FIC that determine synergism, indifference, and antagonism must be reconsidered.
FIC values can change between several references concerning the standards by which synergism, antagonism, and indifference are defined. Certain references state that an FIC of 0.5 and less is considered synergism13, while others state that an FIC less than 0.8 is considered synergism16. Another reference states that an FIC less than 1 is considered synergism17. Due to the instability and conflict in defining a unified standard FIC of synergism, we considered 1 to be our reference.
The final FIC is calculated by adding the FIC values of each plate (9 FICs) and dividing it by the number of plates which is 9. It is important to note that panel 4 is not considered in the results since it contains the MIC of the fourth drug so the inhibition will be the work of a single drug. Additionally, plate 4 in each panel is also not considered since it contains the MIC of drug 3 where the inhibition in this plate will be the act of drug 3 alone. Thus, we end up with 9 plates (16 – (4 + 3)).
For each plate, the FICs are calculated for the wells on the Growth/no Growth interface according to the following formula: (MIC of drug 1 in combination / MIC of drug 1 alone) + (MIC of drug 2 in combination / MIC of drug 2 alone) + (MIC of drug 3 in combination / MIC of drug 3 alone) + (MIC of drug 4 in combination / MIC of drug 4 alone). Then, the number obtained is divided by 4. This formula is done for each well on the Growth/no Growth interface in the same plate. Then, all the FICs of the same plate are summed together to obtain the FIC of this plate. Finally, as mentioned before, the 9 final FICs of each plate are added and divided by 9 to obtain the final FIC that will be interpreted.
An FIC less than 1 is considered synergistic where it has a certain degree of synergism: it is either slightly synergistic (close to one) or more synergistic (when it moves toward 0.5 and less). This calculation and interpretation are simply done using an FIC template that we developed. We just enter the concentrations, pick the wells on the Growth/no Growth interface to calculate the FICs, and we will obtain the final FIC that is interpreted according to the criteria mentioned.
This method allows the testing of all possible combinations that can be done using four drugs in one experiment which can be done in one day. The results are obtained the next day. Whereas, by the time kill curve assay, more time, work materials, and lab workers are needed to test the same number of combinations, since each set of combinations is tested alone in a single tube or cup making it time consuming. This method can be used not only to test antibacterial drug combinations, but to test all types of drugs used to treat diseases and needs to be tested in combination. It can be used also to test a combination of drugs and plant extracts or even a combination of only plant extracts. The point is that this method can be used to test not only specific drugs, but everything that can be combined.
Several limitations accompany this method. Pipetting skills are very important while performing this assay and any error that may occur while pipetting and serial dilution can negatively affect the results and might lead to false negative or false positive results. Thus, any technological advances regarding pipetting machines and robots will be of a great help in performing this assay. This method requires a lot of calculations and dilutions so any single error might change the outcome of the results. This technique provides insights on the inhibition effect only and not the killing effect. This technique studies the inhibition at a single time point and not over time.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
1000 µL tips | Citotest | 4330000402 | |
200 µL tips | Citotest | 4330-0013-17 | |
50 mL centrifuge tube | corning | 430828 | For drug 3 and 4 preparation |
5 mL polysterene round-bottom Tube | Falcon | 352058 | For 0.5 MacFarland bacterial inoculum preparation |
90mm petri dishes | JRZ Plastilab | As bed for the solutions to be added using the multichannel pipette | |
96-well plates | corning | 3596 | For serial diltuion and combining drugs |
Bactrim 200, 40 mg (Trimethoprim-sulamethoxazole | By CRNEXI SAS Fontenay-sous-Bois, France | 10177403 | Drug 4 |
Ceforane, 1 g (Cefotaxime) | PHARCO Pharmaceuticals | 24750/2006 | Drug 1 |
Densitometer | |||
E. Coli ESBL strain | Retreived as a medical strain from the Saint-George Hospital Lebanon | Bacterial strain | |
Mac Conkey + crystal violet agar | BIO-RAD | 64169508 | For making agar plates used for subculturing |
Miacin 500 mg/2 mL (Amikacin) | HIKMA Pharmaceuticals | 2BXMIA56N-AEF | Drug 2 |
Muller-Hinton Broth | BIO-RAD | 69444 | For making bacterial media |
Multichannel Pipette | Thermo Scientific | GJ54761 | For serial dilution and addition of media, bacteria and drugs |
Paper Tape | |||
Single Channel pipettes | Thermo Scientific | OH19855 HH40868 | For the addition of media, bacteria and drugs |
Tavanic, 500 mg (Levofloxacin) | sanofi aventis | 221937/2009 | Drug 3 |