It is now acknowledged that the three-dimensional environment of cells can play an important role in their behavior, maturation and/or differentiation. This protocol describes a three-dimensional cell culture model designed to study the impact of physical containment and mechanical constraints on megakaryocytes.
The 3D environment leading to both confinement and mechanical constraints is increasingly recognized as an important determinant of cell behavior. 3D culture has thus been developed to better approach the in vivo situation. Megakaryocytes differentiate from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in the bone marrow (BM). The BM is one of the softest tissues of the body, confined inside the bone. The bone being poorly extensible at the cell scale, megakaryocytes are concomitantly subjected to a weak stiffness and high confinement. This protocol presents a method for the recovery of mouse lineage negative (Lin-) HSPCs by immuno-magnetic sorting and their differentiation into mature megakaryocytes in a 3D medium composed of methylcellulose. Methylcellulose is non-reactive towards megakaryocytes and its stiffness may be adjusted to that of normal bone marrow or increased to mimic a pathological fibrotic marrow. The process to recover the megakaryocytes for further cell analyses is also detailed in the protocol. Although proplatelet extension is prevented within the 3D milieu, it is described below how to resuspend the megakaryocytes in liquid medium and to quantify their capacity to extend proplatelets. Megakaryocytes grown in 3D hydrogel have a higher capacity to form proplatelets compared to those grown in a liquid milieu. This 3D culture allows i) to differentiate progenitors towards megakaryocytes reaching a higher maturation state, ii) to recapitulate phenotypes that may be observed in vivo but go unnoticed in classical liquid cultures, and iii) to study transduction pathways induced by the mechanical cues provided by a 3D environment.
Cells in the body experience a complex 3D microenvironment and are subjected to the interplay between chemical and mechanophysical cues including stiffness from the tissue and confinement due to neighboring cells and surrounding matrix 1,2,3. The importance of stiffness and confinement for cell behavior has only been recognized in the last decades. In 2006, the seminal work from Engler et al. 4 highlighted the importance of the mechanical environment for cell differentiation. The authors demonstrated that variation in cell substrate stiffness resulted in the orientation of stem cells towards various differentiation lineages. Since then, the impact of mechanical cues on cell fate and behavior has become increasingly recognized and studied. Despite it being one of the softest tissues of the organism, the bone marrow has a 3D structural organization that is confined inside the bone. Marrow stiffness, although technically difficult to measure precisely, is estimated to lie between 15 and 300 Pa 5, 6. Within the stroma, cells are tightly confined to one another. In addition, most of them are migrating toward the sinusoid vessels to enter the blood circulation. These conditions create additional mechanical constraints on adjacent cells, which have to adapt to these forces. Mechanical cues represent an important parameter whose consequences on megakaryocyte differentiation and proplatelet formation have just recently been explored. Although megakaryocytes can differentiate in vitro in traditional liquid culture, they do not reach the degree of maturation observed in vivo, in part due to the absence of the mechanical cues from the 3D environment 7. Growing progenitors embedded in hydrogel brings 3D mechanical cues that are lacking in liquid milieu.
Hydrogels have been widely used for several decades in the hematological field, notably to grow cells in colony forming assays to quantify hematopoietic progenitors. However, such hydrogels have seldom been used to explore the biological impact of the 3D mechanical environment on maturation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells. Over the past few years our laboratory has developed a 3D culture model using a methylcellulose-based hydrogel 8. This nonreactive physical gel is a useful tool to mimic the physical constraints of the native megakaryocyte environment. It is derived from cellulose by replacement of hydroxyl residues (-OH) by methoxide groups (-OCH3). Both the degree of methyl substitution and the methylcellulose concentration determine the hydrogel stiffness once it has jellified. During the development stage of this technique, it was demonstrated that a Young's modulus in the range of 30 to 60 Pa is the optimal gel stiffness for megakaryocyte growth 9.
The following protocol describes a method to grow mouse megakaryocytic progenitors in a 3D methylcellulose hydrogel. It has been previously shown that compared with standard liquid culture, this hydrogel culture increases the degree of megakaryocyte polyploidization, improves the maturation and intracellular organization, and increases the capacity of megakaryocytes to extend proplatelets once resuspended in a liquid medium 9. This manuscript describes in detail the protocol for the isolation of mouse bone marrow Lin− cells and their embedding in a methylcellulose hydrogel for 3D culture as well as the quantification of their capacity to produce proplatelets and the recovery of the cells for further analyses.
All experiments should be performed in compliance with institutional guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. All protocols displayed in the video were carried out in strict accordance with the European law and the recommendations of the Review Board of the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS). A first version of this protocol was originally published in 2018 in Methods in Molecular Biology 8.
NOTE: Figure 1 presents a schematic view of the whole process. This process includes 1) bone dissection, marrow retrieval, and mechanical isolation of marrow cells, 2) magnetic sorting of lineage negative (Lin-) cells, 3) seeding in liquid or methylcellulose hydrogel, and 4) resuspension of megakaryocytes grown in 3D gel for examination of proplatelet formation in liquid medium.
1. Bone collection from adult mice
NOTE: In this section, it is important to minimize microbial contamination.
2. Marrow dissociation and Lin- cells isolation
NOTE: This part of the protocol is performed under a laminar flow hood. For one culture, all the wells are part of the same experiment and cannot be considered as independent biological replicates. The cells from all mice are pooled together to ensure the homogeneity of all the wells and to be able to compare them to each other while eliminating possible inter-individual variability. For independent biological replicates, the culture must be repeated.
3. Cell embedding in methylcellulose hydrogel
NOTE: Please note that the following protocol describes the method to obtain a single well of hydrogel cell culture, adapt to the number of wells needed.
4. Cell Resuspension for Proplatelet Analysis
NOTE: Analysis of the capacity to form proplatelets has to be performed under comparable conditions between liquid and methylcellulose grown megakaryocytes. The physical constraints exerted by the methylcellulose hydrogel inhibit proplatelet extension. Therefore, methylcellulose-grown cells are resuspended in fresh liquid medium on day 3 of culture to allow them to extend proplatelets. Methylcellulose hydrogel is a physical hydrogel that is easily diluted upon liquid medium addition. Importantly, to avoid artifacts from resuspension and centrifugation, cells in the control liquid medium condition have to be treated simultaneously in the same way as methylcellulose-grown cells. Refer to the schematic representation of the experiment (Figure 1).
5. Cell fixation and retrieval for future analyses
CAUTION: This protocol uses fixatives which must be handled under a fume hood, wearing protective equipment.
NOTE: The aim is to maintain intact the gel constraints applied on the cells until they are fully fixed. Therefore, and regardless of the fixative used, it must be added in the well on top of the methylcellulose, without disturbing the gel. The same protocol is applied to liquid cultures.
Data obtained using this protocol were originally published in Blood in 20169.
According to the protocol, the cells were seeded in either liquid or methylcellulose hydrogel medium. Cells in liquid medium have all sedimented at the bottom of the well, in contact with the stiff plastic surface and sometime with other cells. In contrast, cells embedded in methylcellulose hydrogel are distributed homogeneously in the gel and are isolated from neighboring cells (Figure 3A). Methylcellulose gel at a final concentration of 2% very slightly increases the mean megakaryocyte diameter compared to the liquid culture (Figure 3B), in accordance with the higher reported ploidy9. By contrast, increasing methylcellulose concentration by 0.5% impairs megakaryocyte differentiation as shown by a smaller mean diameter (Figure 3B).
A noticeable difference in megakaryocyte ultrastructure is observed between megakaryocytes differentiated in liquid culture and those differentiated in vivo within the bone marrow. A characteristic feature of mature megakaryocytes is a complex intracytoplasmic membrane network, the DMS (Demarcation Membrane System) which serves as a reservoir for the membrane of the future platelets. In mature megakaryocytes the DMS organizes to form intertwined membrane sheets which occupy most of the cytoplasm. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM), they appear to be closely apposed and delineate cytoplasmic territories (Figure 3C upper panel) (for the TEM procedure, see the paper method "In situ exploration of the major steps of megakaryopoiesis using transmission electron microscopy" in this same JOVE Issue). In liquid culture, DMS membranes have mostly the appearance of small round, oval, or elongated vesicles without delimitation of cytoplasmic territories (Figure 3C middle panel). By contrast, 2% methylcellulose culture promotes the organization of the DMS in a majority of megakaryocytes, with membranes closely apposed and delimiting cytoplasmic territories, resembling the one in situ (Figure 3C lower panel). This result indicates that the 2% methylcellulose hydrogel culture allows for better megakaryocyte differentiation due to the mechanical constraints of the environmental medium.
After cell transfer into liquid medium at day 3, megakaryocytes begin to extend proplatelets after 4 h 9. Figure 4 shows the quantification of the proportion of megakaryocytes having extended proplatelets 24 h after resuspension in liquid milieu. Ten images were randomly acquired per well, using bright field microscopy and the 20× objective (Figure 4A). The quantification was performed blindly and manually using the cell counter plugin on Fiji (ImageJ) (Figure 4B). Because these are primary cell cultures, there is an inter-experiment variability but the protocol remains robust and offers a good reproducibility. In the liquid pre-culture condition, the proplatelet proportion should be between 10% and 20% whereas this proportion is doubled for the hydrogel pre-culture.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the whole process. Bones are dissected out, marrow is flushed out and cells mechanically dissociated. Stem and progenitor cells of interest (Lin- cells) are isolated by an immunomagnetic negative sorting procedure and seeded in either liquid or hydrogel medium (day 0). At day 3 of culture (which in total represents a duration of 4 days), both conditions are resuspended in separate fresh liquid culture milieu. This second culturing step is carried out from day 3 until day 4 of culture. The proportion of MKs extending proplatelets is measured at day 4 of culture. For visual clarity, one cell is schematized per well. The blue circle is depicting a single cell with its nucleus in purple. In the final step, both MKs are represented with proplatelet. The proportion of MKs forming proplatelets varies depending on liquid or methylcellulose pre-culture. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Cell embedding in methylcellulose hydrogel. After pre coating the syringes wall, (A) draw the appropriate volume of methylcellulose; (B, C) disconnect the needle and screw a connector onto the syringe; (D) push the methylcellulose halfway through the connector and attach a second syringe; (E) distribute equally the methylcellulose between the two syringes and disconnect them; (F) add the cell suspension to the syringe bearing the connector; (G) reconnect the two syringes; (H) homogenize by pushing the whole volume from one syringe to the other a few times; (I) seed the cells by expelling the whole volume into a culture dish. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Megakaryocyte characteristics according to culture condition. (A) Representative images of megakaryocytes at day 3 of culture in liquid (left panel) or 2% methylcellulose hydrogel medium (right panel). Scale bar = 50 µm (B) Mean diameter of megakaryocytes grown in liquid medium, or in 2% or 2.5% methylcellulose hydrogel. Results are expressed as the mean ± SD in 3 independent cultures, with a total of at least 100 megakaryocytes examined. *, P<0.05, ***P < 0.0001, using 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni's multiple comparison test. (graph adapted from Aguilar et al. 2016) (C) Schematic view (left) and representative electronic microscopy images (middle) of murine megakaryocytes; right panels, close up views from the white squares (scale bar = 5 µm for the middle electronic microscopy images and 2 µm for close up views). Upper panels are in situ megakaryocytes, middle represents megakaryocytes grown in vitro in liquid culture and lower panels are megakaryocytes grown in 3D methylcellulose hydrogel. These data were originally published in Blood Journal, DOI10.1007/978-1-4939-8585-2_95. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. Representative results of proplatelet quantification. (A) representative images of megakaryocytes at day 4 of culture. Cells were incubated three days in liquid (left) or 2% methylcellulose hydrogel medium (right) followed by one day of resuspension in liquid medium. Black arrows indicate megakaryocytes extending proplatelets. (Scale bar = 50 µm). (B) Representative quantification data of proplatelet formation. Proplatelet formation quantified at day 4 for megakaryocytes previously pre-cultured from day 0 to day 3 in liquid or 2% methylcellulose hydrogel medium. Results are expressed as the% of megakaryocytes extending proplatelets (mean ± SD) and are from 3 independent experiments, with a total number of megakaryocytes examined per condition >750 (t-test, p = 0.0023). The mean proportion of megakaryocytes extending proplatelets is 16% in liquid condition and 39% for the methylcellulose hydrogel pre-culture. This result corresponds to the previously demonstrated and published effect of hydrogel pre-culture that increases proplatelet formation compared to liquid condition. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
In the previous decade, mechanobiology has raised more and more interest in many areas of biology. It is now commonly acknowledged that the mechanical environment surrounding the cells does play a role in their behavior, emphasizing the importance to study how megakaryocytes sense and respond to extracellular mechanical cues. It is challenging to accurately measure the stiffness of the bone marrow tissue in situ11, especially if we consider the hematopoietic red marrow as it is located inside trabecular bones in large mammals while the more easily accessible marrow from the diaphysis is composed essentially of adipocytes (yellow marrow)12. In the case of an isolated marrow from mice, where diaphysis contains essentially red marrow, another issue is that, once extracted from the bone, the tissue does not remain cohesive. However, Shin and collaborators managed to measure mouse diaphysis marrow stiffness using atomic force microscopy and found a value of Emarrow = 0.3 ± 0.1 kPa, which places the marrow among the softest tissues6.
The interest of the procedure described here is to compare megakaryocyte behavior in liquid medium to that in the hydrogel. In liquid milieu, cells have all sedimented at the bottom of the well, in contact with the stiff plastic surface and sometime with other cells. In contrast, cells embedded in methylcellulose hydrogel are distributed homogeneously in the gel and are fully isolated from the other cells (Figure 3A). Hence they are submitted essentially to mechanical cues provided by the confinement, excluding juxtacrine communication. Paracrine stimulation cannot be totally excluded. Nonetheless, the cells embedded in the methylcellulose hydrogel are distant from one another contrary to the situation in the bone marrow and we can thus assume that if secreted substances reach neighboring cells, they might be very diluted.
The method is easy to set up and does not require specific skills. Methylcellulose is a physical gel whose polymer chains form non-covalent cross-linkages. Being liquid at low temperature, it jellifies when increasing the temperature (please see the article from Aguilar et al. 20169 for more information about the characterization of the mechanical properties of the gel). This gel state can be easily reversed following dilution in aqueous solution, which enables an easy recovery of the cells, whether fixed in gel or as live cells.
A critical factor here is the stiffness of the hydrogel. The appropriate methylcellulose volume should be very precisely dispensed as even a small change in the hydrogel concentration can have an important impact on the stiffness of the milieu and therefore on megakaryocyte maturation. For instance, it was previously shown that increasing methylcellulose concentration from 2 to 2.5% increased gel stiffness (Young's modulus) by 10 fold. One possible pitfall is that there is no easy quality control to verify precise rheological properties of the methylcellulose in each experimental well once it has been seeded with cells. Nonetheless, an essential criterion that will reassure about a correct gel concentration is the proper maturation of the megakaryocytes within the hydrogel, as reflected by their large size roughly similar to that in liquid medium. A decrease in their mean diameter could reflect a defective differentiation similar to what occurs when increasing stiffness with 2.5% methylcellulose (Figure 3B).
Another limitation of the method is that cell recovery from the hydrogel takes more time than in the classical culture as it is necessary to first dilute the gel before centrifugation. If methylcellulose needs to be totally removed, for instance to obtain cell lysate for further western blot or RNA isolation procedure, an additional washing step may be required, during which time modifications may occur in proteins or RNA (protein dephosphorylation, RNA degradation…).
A critical point to consider in the procedure is the cell count that has to be equal in each conditions. This is not that trivial since in the liquid culture, cells tend to sediment at the bottom of the well and some of them adhere on the plastic surface, which is not the case for cells in suspension in hydrogel. One pitfall is an incomplete collection of the cells in the liquid condition, resulting in a different cell content between "liquid" and "hydrogel" condition after suspension in liquid medium at day 3. Such a difference may lead to discrepancies in the final data. As a checkpoint, a cell numeration can be done at this stage before reseeding the cells. It is preferable to do it manually using a Nageotte hemocytometer as it is especially appropriate for larger cells such as megakaryocytes.
As for any primary cell culture, there is a possible risk of contamination. Contamination is the most probable explanation to an unusually low proplatelet proportion in methylcellulose pre-culture condition, as a small contamination appears more difficult to detect than in liquid medium. Therefore, it can go unnoticed until proplatelet quantification, leading to misleading results. Good laboratory practices must be strictly observed especially during methylcellulose cell encapsulation that requires numerous and precise manipulations of syringes and connectors. The megakaryocyte viability should also be checked with Trypan blue using a Nageotte cell chamber for manual counting before reseeding at day 3.
Overall, the protocol provided here describes an in vitro model for comparison between classical liquid culture and a 3D culture using methylcellulose hydrogel. Of note, this culture protocol is described for mouse primary Lin– cells and has not yet been adapted to human cells. This 3D model is a useful tool to investigate the impact of the mechanical environment on megakaryocyte behavior and maturation9. It is also possible to add compounds in the culture (even on the gel) to study the influence of drugs on megakaryocyte behavior/maturation and proplatelet formation. Finally, by reproducing the mechanical constraints that cells may encounter in the bone marrow, this culture system allows for the investigation of abnormal phenotypes that could not be observed in classical liquid cultures as previously showed for Myh9 knockout megakaryocytes9,13,14.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors would like to thank Fabien Pertuy and Alicia Aguilar who initially developed this technique in the lab, as well as Dominique Collin (Institut Charles Sadron – Strasbourg) who characterized the viscoelastic properties of the methylcellulose hydrogel. This work was supported by ARMESA (Association de Recherche et Développement en Médecine et Santé Publique) and by an ARN grant (ANR-18-CE14-0037 PlatForMechanics). Julie Boscher is a recipient from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM grant number FDT202012010422).
18-gauge needles | Sigma-Aldrich | 1001735825 | |
21-gauge needles | BD Microlance | 301155 | |
23-gauge needles | Terumo | AN*2332R1 | |
25-gauge neeldes | BD Microlance | 300400 | |
4-well culture dishes | Thermo Scientific | 144444 | |
5 mL syringes | Terumo | SS+05S1 | |
Cytoclips | Microm Microtech | F/CLIPSH | |
Cytofunnels equiped with filter cards | Microm Microtech | F/JC304 | |
Cytospin centrifuge | Thermo Scientific | Cytospin 4 | |
Dakopen | Dako | ||
DMEM 1x | Gibco, Life Technologies | 41 966-029 | |
DPBS | Life Technologies | 14190-094 | Sterile Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline |
EasySep magnets | Stem Cell Technologies | 18000 | |
EasySep Mouse Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell isolation Kit | Stem Cell Technologies | 19856A | biotinylated antibodies (CD5,CD11b, CD19, CD45R/B220, Ly6G/C(Gr-1), TER119,7–4) and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads |
EDTA | Invitrogen | 15575-020 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum | Healthcare Life Science | SH30071.01 | |
Luer lock 1 mL syringes | Sigma-Aldrich | Z551546-100EA | or 309628 syringes from BD MEDICAL |
Luer lock syringes connectors | Fisher Scientific | 11891120 | |
MC 3% | R&D systems | HSC001 | |
Polylysin coated slides | Thermo Scientific | J2800AMNZ | |
PSG 100x | Gibco, Life Technologies | 1037-016 | 10,000 units/mL penicillin, 10,000 μg/mL streptomycin and 29.2 mg/mL glutamine |
Rat serum | Stem Cell Technologies | 13551 | |
Recombinant hirudin | Transgène | rHV2-Lys47 | |
Recombinant human trombopoietin (rhTPO) | Stem Cell Technologies | 2822 | 10,000 units/mL |
Round bottomed 10 mL plastique tubes | Falcon | 352054 | |
Round bottomed 5 mL polystyrene tubes |