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Het verzamelen van speeksel en meten cortisol en Alpha-amylase in Frail Gemeenschap wonende ouderen via mantelzorgers

Published: December 18, 2013 doi: 10.3791/50815


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Salimetrics Children Swab (SCS) Salimetrics 5001.06 store at RT 50/pack
Swab storage tube (2 ml) Sarstedt 51.1534.004 100/pack
Barcode lables CISBR n/a contact CISBR to order
Color coded polypropylene vial caps (for SST) Sarstedt (see below)
White Sarstedt 65.793.517 1,000/pack
Blue Sarstedt 65.793.513 1,000/pack
Yellow Sarstedt 65.793.514 1,000/pack
Green Sarstedt 65.793.515 1,000/pack
Orange Sarstedt 65.793.516 1,000/pack
Red Sarstedt 65.793.518 1,000/pack
Black Sarstedt 65.793.519 1,000/pack
Violet Sarstedt 65.793.520 1,000/pack
Mixed Colors Sarstedt 65.793.999 1,000/pack
Salivary Cortisol Enzyme Immuno Assay Kit Salimetrics 1.3102 Diagnostic Kit
Salivary Alpha Amylase Enzyme Immuno Assay Kit Salimetrics 1.1902
Nitrile gloves VWR (see below)
X-Small VWR 82026-423 100/box
Small VWR 82026-424 100/box
Medium VWR 82026-426 100/box
Large VWR 82026-428 100/box
X-Large VWR 82026-43 100/box
Insulated Shipping Container ThermoFisher Varies based on size Visit VWR to select size and order
4 in Sample Storage Box (7 x 7) Sarstedt 95.064.949 1 box holds 49 SSTs



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Het verzamelen van speeksel en meten cortisol en Alpha-amylase in Frail Gemeenschap wonende ouderen via mantelzorgers
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Hodgson, N. A., Granger, D. A.More

Hodgson, N. A., Granger, D. A. Collecting Saliva and Measuring Salivary Cortisol and Alpha-amylase in Frail Community Residing Older Adults via Family Caregivers. J. Vis. Exp. (82), e50815, doi:10.3791/50815 (2013).

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