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JoVE Monthly Highlights: April 2017

Published: April 4, 2017 doi: 10.3791/5834
1JoVE Content Production


Experience is Instrumental in Tuning a Link Between Language and Cognition: Evidence from 6- to 7- Month-Old Infants' Object Categorization

Danielle Perszyk, Sandra Waxman

Psychology Department, Northwestern University

At 3-4 months, listening to human and nonhuman primate vocalizations boosts infants' cognition; by 6 months, only human vocalizations exert this cognitive advantage. We describe an exposure manipulation that reveals the powerful shaping role of experience as infants specify which sounds to link to cognition and which to tune out.

Live Confocal Imaging of Developing Arabidopsis Flowers

Nathanaël Prunet

Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology

Live confocal imaging provides biologists with a powerful tool to study development. Here, we present a detailed protocol for the live confocal imaging of developing Arabidopsis flowers.

Evaluating the Effect of Environmental Chemicals on Honey Bee Development from the Individual to Colony Level

Chong-Yu Ko, Yue-Wen Chen, Yu-Shin Nai

Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

Herein we present a method to feed pesticide contaminated food to both an individual honey bee and a beehive colony. The procedure evaluates the pesticide effect on individual honey bees by in vivo feeding of basic larval diet and also on the natural condition of beehive colony.

Synthesis of Hydrogels with Antifouling Properties As Membranes for Water Purification

Thien N. Tran, Sankara N. Ramanan, Haiqing Lin

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York at Buffalo

This paper reports practical methods to prepare hydrogels in freestanding films and impregnated membranes and to characterize their physical properties, including water transport properties.


No conflicts of interest declared.


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JoVE Monthly Highlights: April 2017
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Chamberlain, N., Kolski-Andreaco, A. More

Chamberlain, N., Kolski-Andreaco, A. JoVE Monthly Highlights: April 2017. J. Vis. Exp. (122), e5834, doi:10.3791/5834 (2017).

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