Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have great potential for studying human embryonic development, for modeling human diseases in the dish and as a source of transplantable cells for regenerative applications after disease or accidents. Neural crest (NC) cells are the precursors for a large variety of adult somatic cells, such as cells from the peripheral nervous system and glia, melanocytes and mesenchymal cells. They are a valuable source of cells to study aspects of human embryonic development, including cell fate specification and migration. Further differentiation of NC progenitor cells into terminally differentiated cell types offers the possibility to model human diseases in vitro, investigate disease mechanisms and generate cells for regenerative medicine. This article presents the adaptation of a currently available in vitro differentiation protocol for the derivation of NC cells from hPSCs. This new protocol requires 18 days of differentiation, is feeder-free, easily scalable and highly reproducible among human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines as well as human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines. Both old and new protocols yield NC cells of equal identity.
Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) have shown immense potential, in particular for the investigation and future treatment of human diseases for which neither good animal models nor primary tissues are available. Application examples for the hESC/hiPSC technology are the following: Cells of particular interest can be generated from hESC/hiPSCs for regenerative medicine at unlimited quantity1. Cells can be produced from patients carrying a specific disease and used to establish in vitro disease models2,3. Such disease models can then be employed for large-scale drug screening in the quest for new drug compounds4 as well as testing of existing drugs for efficacy and toxicity5. In vitro disease models can lead to the identification of novel disease mechanisms. For all applications of the hESC/iPSC technology it is important to work with specific, well-defined cell types affected in the disease of interest. Thus, the availability of solid and reproducible in vitro differentiation protocols is crucial for all applications of the hESC/hiPSC technology. Protocols are desirable that show minimal variability, time expense, effort, difficulty and cost as well as maximal reproducibility among hESC/hiPSC lines and different researchers.
Neural crest (NC) cells emerge during vertebrate neurulation between the epidermis and the neural epithelium. They proliferate and migrate extensively throughout the developing embryo and give rise to an impressive diversity of progeny cell types, including bone/cartilage, the craniofacial skeleton, sensory nerves, Schwann cells, melanocytes, smooth muscle cells, enteric neurons, autonomic neurons, chromaffin cells, cardiac septum cells, teeth and adrenal/thyroid glandular cells6. Thus, NC cells are an attractive cell type for the stem cell field and important for the modeling of a variety of diseases, such as Hirschsprung’s disease7, Familial Dysautonomia8 as well as cancers such as neuroblastoma9. Furthermore, they offer the possibility to study aspects of human embryonic development in vitro.
The currently available and widely applied in vitro differentiation protocol for the derivation of NC cells from hESCs10,11 requires up to 35 days of differentiation and it involves neural induction on stromal feeder cells such as MS5 cells and is thus performed under poorly defined conditions. While it can be up-scaled to generate large quantities of NC cells, for example required for high-throughput drug screening4, this is labor and cost intensive. Furthermore, it involves manual passaging of neural rosettes, which can be difficult to reproduce and thus is subject to overall variability, in particular when it is applied to a large variety of hESC or hiPSC lines. Here, the stepwise derivation of NC cells in an 18-day protocol that is free of feeder cells is shown. This method is shorter and more defined than the currently used protocol. Furthermore, it is very robust in generating NC cells among different hiPSC lines. Importantly, it is shown that the NC cells yielded by both protocols emerge at the border of neural rosettes (hereafter termed rosette-NC or R-NC). The cells derived using either of the two protocols look morphologically identical, they express the same NC markers and cluster together in microarray analysis. NC cells derived using the new protocol (R-NC) are functional, similar to NC cells derived using the old protocol (MS5-R-NC) such that they can migrate and further differentiate into neurons. Therefore, the cells can be used concurrently with the MS5-R-NC cells. The R-NC cell protocol for the derivation of NC cells from hESC/iPSC will be useful for all applications of the hESC/iPSC technology involving the NC lineage.
1. Preparation of Culture Media, Coated Dishes and Maintenance of hPSCs
1.1 Media preparation
Note: Filter all media for sterilization and store at 4 °C in the dark for up to 2 weeks. Reagent names, company and catalog numbers are listed in the Materials Table.
1.2 Coating of culture dishes
1.3 Maintenance of hPSCs
Note: hPSCs are maintained on 0.1% gelatin and mitotically inactivated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) in HES-medium supplemented with 10 ng/ml FGF-2 as described previously 10,12. The cells should be split every 6-8 days.
2. Plating of hPSCs for Differentiation
Note: hPSCs should be split or plated for differentiation when the colonies are large, but still have sharp edges with as little as possible differentiating cells at their borders (see Figure 1B). When the cells are maintained using manual passaging the colonies should be large enough to easily be seen by eye. To get the right feel for this time point one can maintain a separate hPSC dish for two weeks without passaging and watch the cells reach and pass the ideal time point for passaging/differentiating them.
3. Induction of Neural Differentiation
Note: The differentiation can be initiated (day 0) when the cells are 90-100% confluent (see Figure 1C), usually the following day. If the accurate confluency is not reached yet, the cells can be fed daily with HES-medium until they are ready for differentiation. Alternatively, the initial number of cells plated can be increased.
4. Replating in Droplets for NC Specification
5. Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) of NC cells
Note: The preparation of the cells for FACS requires approximately 2 hr.
6. Replating of Sorted Cells, NC Maintenance and Expansion
Note: FACS sorted cells should be handled with special care to ensure optimal survival. Keep them on ice until replating them. Do not vortex or pipette them harshly. The cells can be resuspended by flicking the tube.
The two most important improvements of the R-NC protocol over the MS5-R-NC protocol 11 are the feeder-free, defined differentiation conditions and the overall shortening of the time requirement. MS5 feeder cells 13 are murine bone-marrow derived stromal cells that have been shown to support neural differentiation from hESCs 14. HESCs cultured on MS5 feeder cells at low density form epithelial structures and neural rosettes 15, at the periphery of which NC cells emerge 10, thus mimicking early human neural development. However, it is not clear what signaling molecules and growth factors are released from MS5 feeder cells. Therefore, the differentiation conditions are poorly defined, making it difficult to reproduce them in recurrent experiments and across hPSC lines. For adequate neural induction, hESCs have to be seeded at low density in small colonies onto MS5 feeder cells, complicating up-scaling and reaching high yields of differentiated cells. In 2009, a method was developed that aimed at neuralizing hPSCs very efficiently 12. In this method hPSCs are seeded at high density, in monolayers in the absence of MS5 feeder cells, achieving high yields of neural induction in 10 days. We followed the scheme of this method in adapting the MS5-R-NC differentiation protocol (Figure 1A). HPSCs cultured in colonies on MEFs (Figure 1B) are dispersed and seeded onto matrigel as single cells in a monolayer culture at high density (Figure 1C). At day 11 of differentiation, the majority of cells have successfully neuralized (pax6-positive, not shown 12). Replating the cells at high density in droplets allows the formation of condensed neural rosettes within the droplet (Figure 1D and Figure 2). NC cells emerge at the borders of neural rosettes (Figure 1D) and migrate out of the droplet (Figure 1E). After 7 days of further culture the NC cells can be isolated by FACS sorting. HNK-1/p75 double positive NC cells can be isolated at the efficiency of 20-40% (Figure 1F). This protocol requires 18 days, while the MS5-R-NC protocol requires up to 35 days, making the R-NC cell protocol more useful for a variety of downstream applications.
The aim of this work is to generate NC cells in a shorter, more reproducible and cheaper protocol, yielding the same cells as the old NC protocol. We have used this new protocol to successfully differentiate at least 10 hESC and hiPSC lines derived from patients and healthy controls (data not shown), showing solid reproducibility of the protocol across different hPSC lines. The new protocol saves costs due to the use of LDN versus noggin, less use of SHH and the lack of MS5 production costs. The new protocol lasts 18 days compared to 35 days in the old protocol, which saves approximately 5 feedings and thus their associated media costs. To investigate whether the cells produced with the two protocols have similar identity, we show that NC cell development in both protocols follows the same differentiation pattern (Figure 2). The cells pass through a neural rosette stage and yield NC cells with identical morphology after FACS sorting. The smaller size of the neural rosettes in the new protocol compared to the old protocol is due to the high cell density after replating at day 11. In contrast, in the old protocol rosettes form within hPSC colonies, which are not as condensed. NC cells derived with the two protocols express the same biological NC markers, such as HNK-1, AP2 and nestin. We analyzed NC cells generated with the two protocols on a global gene expression level (Figure 3A) and found that NC cells generated with the two protocols cluster closely together. NC cells that were generated by activation of the wnt signaling pathway (wnt-NC) and were shown to have the potential of generating melanocytes 16, cluster separately when analyzed by global gene expression, indicating that this may be a different NC population. Indeed, we have been unable to generate melanocyte progenitor cells in vitro from R-NC or MS5-R-NC cells (data not shown). Similarly, neuroepithelial cells (LSB), differentiated for 10 days in LDN193189 and SB431542 only show a clearly distinct gene expression pattern. Neuroepithelial cells are early progenitors of the nervous system, and thus are less differentiated compared to NC cells and are included here as a negative control population. To assess if the R-NC cells generated here are similar to the cells made with the old protocol, we show their migration capacity in an in vitro scratch assay (Figure 3B). 48 hr after scratching a confluent well of sorted R-NC cells, the cells migrate into the scratch successfully. Lastly, we show that R-NC cells have the potential to differentiate into cells from the autonomic nervous system. The cells were spontaneously differentiated for 4 days post HNK1+/p75+ FACS and stained for Mash1 and Tuj1, genes that are expressed in autonomic neurons (Figure 3C).
Figure 1. Critical steps in the R-NC differentiation protocol. A. MS5-R-NC10,11 and R-NC differentiation protocol scheme. The specific differentiation steps of the two protocols are shown. MS5: feeder stromal cells, KSR: KSR-differentiation medium, N2: N2-differentiation medium, LDN: LDN193189, SB: SB431542, S: sonic hedgehog, 8: FGF8, A: ascorbic acid, B: BDNF. B. Shows undifferentiated hPSC colonies stained with Oct-4 and DAPI before induction of differentiation. C. Shows the cell density (90-100% confluency) on day 0 of differentiation, typically 1 day after plating hPSCs. D. Shows neural rosettes stained with Pax6 and emerging NC cells stained with HNK-1 within the droplet. E. Shows day 13 cells, replated at day 11 in droplets and NC cells emerging from the edge of the droplet. F. Representative FACS sorting plot, showing HNK-1/p75 double positive NC cells at day 18 of differentiation. The gates were chosen based on the unstained and single stained controls (not shown). FACS sorting plots may differ between experiments, hPSC lines and the use of the old or new protocol in terms of the percentage of double positive and single positive cells. Thus, it is important to isolate the double positive population to ensure the proper NC cells are extracted. Images C to F were generated using the new R-NC protocol. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Comparable neural crest cell identity of the cells derived with the MS5-R-NC or the R-NC protocol. In both protocols the cells pass through a neural rosette stage. Sorted NC cells look identical by morphology and by expression of NC markers such as HNK-1 and AP2. NC cells are nestin-positive, showing that they are progenitor cells. Scale bar: 200 µm. All fluorescence pictures are counterstained for DAPI. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. NC cells generated with the old and the new protocol have similar identity. A. Unsupervised clustering of Illumina microarray gene expression data comparing NC cells derived with the MS5-R-NC and the R-NC protocol. NC cells derived with the MS5-R-NC or the R-NC protocol at day 35 or day 18 respectively were analyzed in triplicates by hybridization to a Illumina human 12 Oligonucleotide array. Data analysis was conducted using the Partek Genomic Suite software. Significant differences were defined as those with a fold change greater than 2 and FDR less than 0.05. 1,421 genes were analyzed. Default settings, such as Euclidean sample dissimilarity, average linkage cluster method and 25 for dendrogram length were used. NC cells induced by activating wnt signaling (wnt-NC) were included (the cells were differentiated in LDN193189 day 0-3, SB431542 day 0-4, CHIR99021 day 0-11 and FACS sorted at day 11 for sox10) 16. These cells cluster separately from R-NC cells, indicating that wnt-NC cells and R-NC cells are distinct populations. Cells differentiated for 11 days in LDN193189 and SB431542 were included as a neuroepithelial control (LSB). R-NC and MS5-R-NC cells cluster closely together compared to the control cells. Raw gene expression data are available on GEO ( accession #: GSE50643. B. Migration assay. HNK1+/p75+ FACS sorted R-NC cells were plated on PO/Lam/FN in 96-wells and scratched manually 24 hr later. The 0 hr picture was taken immediately after scratching and post staining with Hoechst. The remaining wells were allowed to migrate for 48 hr before the second picture was taken. Scale bar: 200 µm C. Sorted R-NC cells were allowed to spontaneously differentiate for 4 days and were stained for Mash1, Tuj1 and DAPI. Scale bar: 500 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
For the successful differentiation of R-NC cells from hESC/hiPSCs the following considerations should be made. It is critical to work under sterile culture conditions at all times. In particular, it is important to test hPSC cultures for mycoplasma contamination regularly, since this contamination will hinder successful differentiation, but cannot readily be detected visually in hPSC cultures. The R-NC differentiation should be initiated at 90-100% cell density; lower cell density affects cell survival and efficiency of R-NC differentiation. It is critical to empirically validate optimal concentrations and lot numbers of some of the reagents, in particular KSR for supporting efficient NC differentiation. When the cells are replated at day 11 in droplets, the cell density within the 10 µl droplet should be high and is best empirically determined. Proper rosette- and NC-formation depends on the appropriate cell density within the droplet. We empirically observed increased cell survival when the cells are washed at least twice after treatment with accutase. For the successful isolation of R-NC cells by FACS the proper experimental controls, such as unstained, single antibody stained and secondary antibody only stained cells are crucial. Dead cells can be excluded by DAPI, 7-AAD or Propidium Iodide staining. Furthermore, antibody dilutions should be empirically determined for each specific antibody lot. It is important to FACS purify R-NC cells by double staining with HNK-1 and p75, since single staining may lead to contamination of the NC population with unwanted cell types, such as p75-positive CNS cells, early mesoderm or placode. In our experience percentages of double versus single stained populations can vary between hPSC lines and differentiation experiments. R-NC cell survival post FACS can be increased by avoiding harsh pipetting of the cells, instead flicking of the tube to re-suspend the cells is advisable. Also, plating R-NC FACS isolated cells in conditioned medium (filtered medium the cells grew in before FACS) has been shown to improve survival 11. It is advisable to carry out a smaller scale differentiation in parallel that can be stained with the neural epithelial marker Pax6 at day 11 and day 14 to ensure efficient neutralization and rosette formation. NC markers, such as HNK-1 or AP2 at the rosette stage for proper NC differentiation should be assessed as well. Furthermore, isolated R-NC cells should be validated by morphology and staining for NC markers, such as AP2, HNK-1 and nestin (Figure 2).
The derivation of MS5-R-NC cells from hPSC has been described in 2007 by Lee et al. 10. It was shown that this precursor population can be propagated and further differentiated in vitro into derivatives of the NC lineage. MS5-R-NC cells can be spontaneously differentiated using the neural sphere method 10,17 or by directed in vitro differentiation. It was established that MS5-R-NC cells can give rise to cells of the peripheral nervous system (autonomic and sensory neurons), peripheral glia (Schwann cells), myofibroblasts, mesenchymal stem cells and their progeny and smooth muscle 10. Transplantation into chick and mice showed that MS5-R-NC cells migrate and differentiate in vivo 10. MS5-R-NC cells have further been implicated in the modeling of human diseases. The characteristic phenotype of the genetic disease Familial Disautonomia (FD) was modeled in vitro using patient specific hiPSC-derived MS5-R-NC cells 2. NC characteristic phenotypes, such as dysfunctional NC cell development and migration were shown in cells derived from FD patients but not in healthy control cells. MS5-R-NC cells have also been utilized to establish toxicological testing of compounds affecting neural crest migration during human embryonic development, with the potential to avoid the release of future drugs that could negatively affect neurodevelopment 5. An exciting application of the hPSC technology is high-throughput screening and testing of pharmaceutical treatment options for human diseases. MS5-R-NC cells were used to accomplish the first such screen in an iPSC-based disease model, i.e. Familial Dysautonomia 4. This screen led to the identification of new compounds that may be further evaluated in clinical trials.
For all applications of the hPSC field it is critical to have accurate, reproducible, defined and specific in vitro differentiation protocols available. In this report, we show the adaptation of an established in vitro differentiation protocol for the derivation of R-NC cells from hPSCs. The reported protocol yields the same cells as previously reported 10 in more defined culture conditions and a shorter time frame. This protocol can be employed to generate R-NC cells for human diseases affecting cells from the NC lineage, for compound screening, toxicology testing and the further development of directed differentiation protocols to cell types derived from the NC lineage.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by a fellowship for advanced researchers from the Swiss National Science Foundation and through grants from NYSTEM (C026446; C026447) and the Tri-institutional stem cell initiative (Starr Foundation).
Regents | company | cataloge number | comments |
DMEM | Gibco-Life Technologies | 11965-092 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) | Atlanta Biologicals | S11150 | |
DMEM/F12 | Gibco-Life Technologies | 11330-032 | |
Knockout Serum Replacement | Gibco-Life Technologies | 10828-028 | Lot should be tested |
L-Glutamine | Gibco-Life Technologies | 25030-081 | |
Penicinlin/Streptomycin | Gibco-Life Technologies | 15140-122 | |
MEM minimum essential amino acids solution | Gibco-Life Technologies | 11140-050 | |
β-Mercaptoethanol | Gibco-Life Technologies | 21985-023 | toxic |
Recombinant human FGF basic (FGF2) | R&D Systems | 233-FB-001MG/CF | |
Knockout DMEM | Gibco-Life Technologies | 10829-018 | |
DMEM/F12 powder | Invitrogen | 12500-096 | |
Glucose | Sigma | G7021 | |
Sodium Bicarbonate | Sigma | S5761 | |
APO human transferrin | Sigma | T1147 | |
Human insulin | Sigma | A4034 | |
Putriscine dihydrochloride | Sigma | P5780 | |
Selenite | Sigma | S5261 | |
Progesterone | Sigma | P8783 | |
Matrigel matrix | BD Biosciences | 354234 | |
Poly-L Ornithin hydrobromide | Sigma | P3655 | |
Mouse Laminin-I | R&D Systems | 3400-010-01 | |
Fibronectin | BD Biosciences | 356008 | |
Dispase in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution 5U/ml | Stem Cell Technologies | 7013 | |
Trypsin-EDTA | Gibco-Life Technologies | 25300-054 | |
Y-27632 dihydrochloride | Tocris-R&D Systems | 1254 | |
LDN193189 | Stemgent | 04-0074 | |
SB431542 | Tocris-R&D Systems | 1614 | |
Accutase | Innovative Cell Technologies | AT104 | |
Ascorbic Acid | Sigma | A4034 | |
BDNF | R&D Systems | 248-BD | |
FGF8 | R&D Systems | 423-F8 | |
Mouse recombinant sonic hedgehog (SHH) | R&D Systems | 464SH | |
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) | Atlanta Biologicals | S11150 | |
HBSS | Gibco-Life Technologies | 14170-112 | |
HEPES | Gibco-Life Technologies | 1563-080 | |
Human recombinant EGF | R&D Systems | 236EG | |
gelatin (PBS without Mg/Ca) | in house | ||
Antibodies: | |||
Anti HNK-1/N-Cam (CD57) mIgM | Sigma | C6680-100TST | lot should be tested |
Anti-p75 mIgG1 (Nerve Growth factor receptor) | Advanced Targeting Systems | AB-N07 | lot should be tested |
APC rat anti-mIgM | BD Parmingen | 550676 | lot should be tested |
AlexaFluor 488 goat anti-mouse IgG1 | Invitrogen | A21121 | lot should be tested |
Anti Oct4 mIgG2b (used at 1:200 dilution) | Santa Cruz | sc-5279 | lot should be tested |
Material/Equipment: | |||
Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (7 million cells/vial) | GlobalStem | GSC-6105M | |
Cell culture dishes: 10cm and 15 cm plates, centrifuge tubes, FACS tubes, pipetts, pipet tips | |||
Glass hematocytometer | |||
Cell culture centrifuge | |||
Cell culture incubator (CO2, humidity and temperature controlled) | |||
Cell culture laminar flow hood with embedded microscope | |||
Cell culture biosafety hood | |||
Cell sorting machine, i.e. MoFlo | |||
Inverted microscope | |||
1 ml TB syringe 27Gx1/2 | BD Biosciences | 309623 | |
Cell lifter Polyethylene | Corning Incorporated | 3008 |