

Kurumunuza özel fiyatlandırma ve üyelik için library@jove.com adresine ile iletişime geçin.






JoVE Sınırsız Erişim

A single license providing seamless access to JoVE ARAŞTIRMA (JoVE Journal and Encyclopedia of Experiments) and JoVE Education (JoVE Core, Science Education, and Lab Manual), encompassing over 24,000 videos. Unlimited Subscribers also gain automatic access to all new Research and Education content as it is released.

  • Provides access to common laboratory techniques as well as advanced methods, meeting diverse academic needs
  • Disiplinler arası araştırma konularını kapsama
  • Offers access to a comprehensive library of videos that align with academic curricula, explain key science concepts, and promote active learning in STEM
  • Offers the best value package with a simplified and streamlined pricing structure
  • Grants immediate access to newly published scientific methods and educational content


JoVE Education provides access to a comprehensive video library, proven to improve student engagement, enhance understanding and elevate learning outcomes:

JoVE Core: Growing collections of animated videos and scientist-in-action videos that explain concepts taught in undergraduate courses

JoVE Science Education: A video library dedicated to teaching the theory and practice of scientific experiments through engaging and easy-to-understand visual demonstrations

JoVE Lab Manual: An all-in-one solution for undergraduate lab courses that supports hands-on learning

Subscribers to JoVE Education automatically receive access to all new Education content as it is released.

  • New collections are added regularly, keeping resources up-to-date and relevant
  • An on-demand resource for students to master and review fundamental techniques and science concepts – accessible anytime, anywhere
  • Offers a single, subscription-based solution that supports STEM subjects


JoVE Research provides access to cutting-edge resources:

JoVE Journal: Peer-reviewed video articles spanning 13 scientific disciplines, indexed in Medline, PubMed, and Web of Science. Our flagship product combines high-quality video demonstrations of experiments with detailed text protocols.

Encyclopedia of Experiments: Comprehensive collections showcasing advanced research experiments, pairing animated concept videos with step-by-step protocol demonstrations to visualize complex procedures and enhance understanding.

Subscribers to JoVE Research automatically receive access to all new Research content as it is released.

  • Boost research productivity and knowledge transfer saving time, money and resources
  • Accelerate onboarding and streamline training of new lab members
  • Reinforce and standardize gold-standard practices and methods
  • Support scientific advancement at your institution by providing access to new articles published daily

JoVE Business

JoVE Business grants access to a growing collection of animated videos that explain concepts taught in undergraduate business courses, such as Marketing, Finance and Microeconomics, with more collections scheduled for release in 2025. Subscribers to JoVE Business automatically receive access to all new Business content as it is released.

  • A growing subscription with new titles added regularly
  • Animated videos combine undergraduate course concepts with real-world examples to enhance understanding
  • Offers a single, subscription-based solution that supports various business disciplines
  • Jove Business includes the following collections:
  • Marketing
  • Microeconomics
  • Finance
  • Subject-specific Bundles

    Tailored to specific fields of study, each subscription combines curated content from the JoVE Research and JoVE Education libraries. This flexibility allows you to provide resources that best suit your institution’s needs, improving student engagement and learning outcomes while also increasing research productivity.

    Select from the following options:

    JoVE Biomedical Sciences & Clinical Medicine

    JoVE Sınırsız Erişim

    A single license providing seamless access to JoVE ARAŞTIRMA (JoVE Journal and Encyclopedia of Experiments) and JoVE Education (JoVE

    Core, Science Education, and Lab Manual), encompassing over 24,000 videos. Unlimited Subscribers also gain automatic access to all new Research and Education content as it is released.

  • Provides access to common laboratory techniques as well as advanced methods, meeting diverse academic needs

  • Disiplinler arası araştırma konularını kapsama

  • Offers access to a comprehensive library of videos that align with academic curricula, explain key science concepts, and promote active learning in STEM

  • Offers the best value package with a simplified and streamlined pricing structure

  • Grants immediate access to newly published scientific methods and educational content

    JoVE Education provides access to a comprehensive video library, proven to improve student engagement, enhance understanding and elevate learning outcomes:

    JoVE Core: Growing collections of animated videos and scientist-in-action videos that explain concepts taught in undergraduate courses

    JoVE Science Education: A video library dedicated to teaching the theory and practice of scientific experiments through engaging and easy-to-understand visual demonstrations

    JoVE Lab Manual: An all-in-one solution for undergraduate lab courses that supports hands-on learning

    Subscribers to JoVE Education automatically receive access to all new Education content as it is released.

  • New collections are added regularly, keeping resources up-to-date and relevant
  • An on-demand resource for students to master and review fundamental techniques and science concepts – accessible anytime, anywhere
  • Offers a single, subscription-based solution that supports STEM subjects

    JoVE Research provides access to cutting-edge resources:

    JoVE Journal: Peer-reviewed video articles spanning 13 scientific disciplines, indexed in Medline, PubMed, and Web of Science. Our flagship product combines high-quality video demonstrations of experiments with detailed text protocols.

    Encyclopedia of Experiments: Comprehensive collections showcasing advanced research experiments, pairing animated concept videos with step-by-step protocol demonstrations to visualize complex procedures and enhance understanding.

    Subscribers to JoVE Research automatically receive access to all new Research content as it is released.

  • Boost research productivity and knowledge transfer saving time, money and resources
  • Accelerate onboarding and streamline training of new lab members
  • Reinforce and standardize gold-standard practices and methods
  • Support scientific advancement at your institution by providing access to new articles published daily
  • JoVE Business

    JoVE Business grants access to a growing collection of animated videos that explain concepts taught in undergraduate business courses, such as Marketing, Finance and Microeconomics, with more collections scheduled for release in 2025. Subscribers to JoVE Business automatically receive access to all new Business content as it is released.

  • A growing subscription with new titles added regularly
  • Animated videos combine undergraduate course concepts with real-world examples to enhance understanding
  • Offers a single, subscription-based solution that supports various business disciplines
  • Subject Specific

    Tailored to specific fields of study, each subscription combines curated content from the JoVE Research and JoVE Education libraries. This flexibility allows you to provide resources that best suit your institution’s needs, improving student engagement and learning outcomes while also increasing research productivity.

    Select from the following options:

    JoVE Biomedical Sciences & Clinical Medicine

    Kurumunuza özel fiyatlandırma ve üyelik için library@jove.com adresine ile iletişime geçin.






    JoVE Sınırsız Erişim

    A single license providing seamless access to JoVE ARAŞTIRMA (JoVE Journal and Encyclopedia of Experiments) and JoVE Education (JoVE Core, Science Education, and Lab Manual), encompassing over 24,000 videos. Unlimited Subscribers also gain automatic access to all new Research and Education content as it is released.

    • Provides access to common laboratory techniques as well as advanced methods, meeting diverse academic needs
    • Disiplinler arası araştırma konularını kapsama
    • Offers access to a comprehensive library of videos that align with academic curricula, explain key science concepts, and promote active learning in STEM
    • Offers the best value package with a simplified and streamlined pricing structure
    • Grants immediate access to newly published scientific methods and educational content


    JoVE Education provides access to a comprehensive video library, proven to improve student engagement, enhance understanding and elevate learning outcomes:

    JoVE Core: Growing collections of animated videos and scientist-in-action videos that explain concepts taught in undergraduate courses

    JoVE Science Education: A video library dedicated to teaching the theory and practice of scientific experiments through engaging and easy-to-understand visual demonstrations

    JoVE Lab Manual: An all-in-one solution for undergraduate lab courses that supports hands-on learning

    Subscribers to JoVE Education automatically receive access to all new Education content as it is released.

    • New collections are added regularly, keeping resources up-to-date and relevant
    • An on-demand resource for students to master and review fundamental techniques and science concepts – accessible anytime, anywhere
    • Offers a single, subscription-based solution that supports STEM subjects


    JoVE Research provides access to cutting-edge resources:

    JoVE Journal: Peer-reviewed video articles spanning 13 scientific disciplines, indexed in Medline, PubMed, and Web of Science. Our flagship product combines high-quality video demonstrations of experiments with detailed text protocols.

    Encyclopedia of Experiments: Comprehensive collections showcasing advanced research experiments, pairing animated concept videos with step-by-step protocol demonstrations to visualize complex procedures and enhance understanding.

    Subscribers to JoVE Research automatically receive access to all new Research content as it is released.

    • Boost research productivity and knowledge transfer saving time, money and resources
    • Accelerate onboarding and streamline training of new lab members
    • Reinforce and standardize gold-standard practices and methods
    • Support scientific advancement at your institution by providing access to new articles published daily

    JoVE Business

    JoVE Business grants access to a growing collection of animated videos that explain concepts taught in undergraduate business courses, such as Marketing, Finance and Microeconomics, with more collections scheduled for release in 2025. Subscribers to JoVE Business automatically receive access to all new Business content as it is released.

    • A growing subscription with new titles added regularly
    • Animated videos combine undergraduate course concepts with real-world examples to enhance understanding
    • Offers a single, subscription-based solution that supports various business disciplines

    Subject-specific Bundles

    Tailored to specific fields of study, each subscription combines curated content from the JoVE Research and JoVE Education libraries. This flexibility allows you to provide resources that best suit your institution’s needs, improving student engagement and learning outcomes while also increasing research productivity.

    Select from the following options:

    JoVE Biomedical Sciences & Clinical Medicine

    JoVE Sınırsız Erişim

    Mevcut ve gelecekteki tüm JoVE video kaynaklarını kapsayan tek bir lisans. JoVE her yıl JoVE Video Dergi'sinin 13 farklı başlığı altında 1.200'den fazla video yayınlamakta ve JoVE Bilim Eğitimi Kütüphanesi'ne yılda birkaç kaç kez yeni konular ve koleksiyonlar eklemektedir. JoVE Sınırsız Erişim üyeleri yayınlandıkları anda tüm yeni içeriklere erişim sağlayabilirler.

    • Kullanıcıların hem yaygın laboratuvar tekniklerinin temel yapı taşlarına hem de en yeni, en ileri deneylere erişmesini sağlar
    • En iyi fiyat paketi; basitleştirilmiş ve modern fiyatlandırma yapısı
    • Tüm yeni bilimsel tekniklere ve metodolojilere anında erişim
    • Disiplinler arası araştırma konularını kapsama


    JoVE Video Dergisi aboneleri, laboratuvar verimliliğinde hızlı bir artış görür ve zamandan, paradan ve kaynaklardan tasarruf eder. Tekrarlanabilirliği ve verimli bilgi aktarımını artırarak bilimi ilerletmeyi hedefleyen ilk bilimsel video dergisidir. Amiral gemisi ürünümüzdeki makaleler, deneylerin yüksek kaliteli video gösterimlerini ayrıntılı bir metin protokolü ile birleştirir. Tüm içeriklerimiz hakem değerlendirmesinden geçer ve Medline, PubMed, Web of Science ve diğer ilgili veritabanlarında taranır.

    • 13 farklı bilimsel alanda, en son bilimsel teknikleri içeren 18.000'den fazla video makalesi
    • Araştırma ve öğretimde üretkenliği ve verimliliği artırır
    • Yeni laboratuvar üyelerinin işe alımını hızlandırır ve eğitimlerini kolaylaştırır
    • Reinforces and standardizes gold-standard practices & methods
    • Her gün yeni makaleler eklenir


    JoVE Bilim Eğitimi Kütüphanesi aboneleri, öğrencilerin temel STEM kavramlarını daha hızlı öğrendiklerini görüyor. Videolara her an her yerden erişilebildiğinden, öğrenciler laboratuvar dışında da temel kavramları tekrar izleyip gözden geçirebilir ve böylece eğitimciler değerli laboratuvar zamanlarını bilime ayırabilirler.

    • Yılda birkaç kez eklenecek yeni koleksiyonlar
    • Öğrencilerin bilim, tıp ve mühendislik alanlarında temel yöntemleri öğrenmeleri ve incelemeleri için, istedikleri zaman kullanabilecekleri bir kaynak
    • Öğrenme eğrisini düzleştirir ve STEM bilgisinin korunmasını geliştirir, laboratuvar kaynaklarının, ekipmanlarının ve zamanının daha iyi kullanılmasına olanak sağlar
    • Fakültenin laboratuvar temelleri eğitimine daha az, gelişmiş konseptlere daha fazla vakit ayırmasına izin verir

    JoVE'u kurumunuza getirin

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