This protocol provides an experimental framework to document the physical impact of the cytoskeleton on nuclear shape and the internal membrane-less organelles in the mouse oocyte system. The framework can be adapted for use in other cell types and contexts.
A major challenge in understanding the causes of female infertility is to elucidate mechanisms governing the development of female germ cells, named oocytes. Their development is marked by cell growth and subsequent divisions, two critical phases that prepare the oocyte for fusion with sperm to initiate embryogenesis. During growth, oocytes reorganize their cytoplasm to position the nucleus at the cell center, an event predictive of successful oocyte development in mice and humans and, thus, their embryogenic potential. In mouse oocytes, this cytoplasmic reorganization was shown to be driven by the cytoskeleton, the activity of which generates mechanical forces that agitate, reposition, and penetrate the nucleus. Consequently, this cytoplasmic-to-nucleoplasmic force transmission tunes the dynamics of nuclear RNA-processing organelles known as biomolecular condensates. This protocol provides an experimental framework to document, with high temporal resolution, the impact of the cytoskeleton on the nucleus across spatial scales in mouse oocytes. It details the imaging and image analysis steps and tools necessary to evaluate i) cytoskeletal activity in the oocyte cytoplasm, ii) cytoskeleton-based agitation of the oocyte nucleus, and iii) its effects on biomolecular condensate dynamics in the oocyte nucleoplasm. Beyond oocyte biology, the methods elaborated here can be adapted for use in somatic cells to similarly address cytoskeleton-based tuning of nuclear dynamics across scales.
Nuclear positioning is essential for multiple cellular and developmental functions1,2,3,4,5. Mammalian female germ cells named oocytes remodel their cytoplasm to position the nucleus at the cell center despite undergoing an asymmetric division in size, which relies on subsequent chromosome off-centering6 (Figure 1). This centering of the nucleus predicts successful oocyte development in mice and humans7, 8, and thus, their embryogenic potential (Figure 1).
Cytoplasmic remodeling in mouse oocytes is driven primarily by the actomyosin cytoskeleton9 (Figure 2). Its activity generates mechanical forces that agitate, reposition, and penetrate the nucleus10 (Figure 2). Consequently, this cytoplasmic-to-nucleoplasmic force transmission tunes the dynamics of nuclear messenger RNA-processing organelles named nuclear speckles11, one of several membrane-less organelles in the nucleus known as biomolecular condensates12,13,14,15,16 (Figure 2).
Live imaging has been decisive in deciphering the functional implications of nuclear agitation. Movies of nuclear migration over hours, as well as high-temporal resolution movies of the actin mesh and the bulk cytoplasm, largely contributed to the elaboration of a theoretical model for nuclear positioning, linking different timescales9. Also, high temporal resolution movies of the cytoplasm, nuclear outline and nuclear components such as chromatin and nuclear condensates, highlighted the role of cytoskeleton-based agitation of the nucleus on RNA-processing and gene expression in mouse oocytes, bridging different spatiotemporal scales within the cell10,11. Altogether, such a scale-crossing approach based on live imaging provided the first rationale linking cytoskeletal agitation of the nucleus to the developmental success of oocytes.
The protocol provides the imaging and image analysis pipeline used to study the transmission of cytoplasmic forces (generated primarily by F-actin and partly by microtubules) to the nucleus and its internal components in mouse oocytes. The outcome of these experiments is to capture the continuum of forces across spatial scales, from the cytoskeleton in the cytoplasm to the nuclear interior via high temporal resolution movies as shown in two recent studies10,11, that established the link between cytoplasmic active movements, fluctuations of the nuclear outline, as well as movement and surface fluctuations of a single type of nuclear biomolecular condensates: nuclear speckles. The same approach may be applied to other model systems where cytoplasmic forces are expected to change, such as in the context of malignant cancer cells17.
All animal experiments were performed in accordance with the guidelines of the European Community and were approved by the French Ministry of Agriculture (authorization No. 75-1170) and by the Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l'Innovation (DGRI; GMO agreement number DUO-5291). Mice were housed in the animal facility on a 12 h light/dark cycle, with an ambient temperature of 22-24 °C and humidity of 40%-50%. Mice used here include female OF1 (Oncins France 1, 8 to 12 weeks old) and female C57BL/6 (10 to 14 weeks old).
1. Oocyte collection and preparation
2. Oocyte microinjection
NOTE: To capture cytoskeleton-based activity in the cytoplasm, brightfield live-imaging is used. Microinjection of fluorescent markers is therefore not necessary, and the protocol can be resumed at step 3. To image the nuclear outline, Rango, a probe displaying YFP tag at its N-terminus and a CFP tag at its C-terminus21,22, was used. When imaged in oocytes at 488 nm, it labels the whole nucleus, except for the nucleolus23, and displays a very sharp nuclear outline. To visualize nuclear speckles, SRSF2-GFP (NM_011358), a marker of nuclear speckles11, was used. The same medium is used for oocyte collection, microinjection, complementary RNA translation, and live cell imaging.
3. Live cell imaging
NOTE: Live mouse oocytes were examined with an inverted confocal microscope equipped with a Plan- APO 40x/1.25 NA oil immersion objective, a motorized scanning deck, an incubation chamber (37 °C), a CCD camera coupled to a filter wheel, and a spinning-disk. High temporal resolution images are acquired using Metamorph (hereafter referred to as the imaging software) in stream acquisition mode.
4. Image analysis: Cytoplasmic stirring
NOTE: The cytoplasmic stirring which reflects intensity of actin-based cytoskeletal activity in oocytes is determined by image correlation analyses using a software from a previous publication of the lab9 and available on27. The software measures how much pixel intensities are conserved between consecutive images. The output is the loss of correlation between images in time, starting at 1 and decreasing exponentially with time, as in9.
5. Image analysis: Cytoplasmic vector maps
NOTE: Mouse oocyte cytoplasmic vector maps were generated by the Spatiotemporal Image Correlation Spectroscopy (STICS) plugin30 previously implemented for detecting cytoplasmic flows in mouse oocytes31 on Fiji 32 and available on 33. The maps show cytoplasmic flow velocity magnitude and direction, as in9 and11.
6. Image analysis: Nuclear outline fluctuations
NOTE: Nuclear outline fluctuations which reflect nuclear membrane agitation can be determined from movies of nuclei labelled with YFP-Rango (Figure 4A,C). Image analysis for nuclear outline fluctuations requires Fiji and the installation of plugins StackReg (enable the BIG-EPFL update site29 to gain access to the StackReg plugin), PureDenoise34 and Ovocyte_nucleus. The StackReg plugin performs images registration to correct for possible global motion. The PureDenoise plugin removes noise of multidimensional images corrupted by mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise and smoothens the nuclear outline. The Ovocyte_nucleus plugin thresholds the signal and fills the hole corresponding to the nucleolus in order to create a binary nucleus mask, realign it with StackRreg and calculate the distance r from the centroid of the nucleus mask to the circumference of the mask for all θ angles (θ° from 0° to 360° by 1° increment), as in Figure 4. All codes for these plugins can be found at 35.
7. Image analysis: Nuclear speckle movements (diffusive dynamics)
NOTE: Nuclear speckle movement analysis allows to deduce the type of dynamics (driven, diffusive, or confined) of those organelles from their tracks.
8. Image analysis: Nuclear speckle surface fluctuations
NOTE: Nuclear speckle contour evolution in time, a read-out of active force transmission onto these organelles, was measured with a custom-built plugin Radioak36 for use in Fiji and available on37. The plugin extracts the values of radii of a given selection for all angles around the selection center. Shape variation over time was measured by comparing the value of the radius relative to its average value for each angle. The plugin allows to quantify the shape fluctuations and offers an option to visualize these dynamics. To install it, download the Radioak_.jar file and place it in the plugins folder of Fiji. Restart Fiji. This plugin is an updated version of the plugin used to analyse nuclear outline fluctuations above and implement a comparable pipeline.
Image panels in Figure 3 show examples of a typical fully grown oocyte (Figure 3A), the nucleoplasm in a fully grown oocyte expressing YFP-Rango (Figure 3B), the nucleoplasm in a fully grown oocyte expressing a correct (left panel; Figure 3C) or an excessive (right panel; Figure 3C) dose of SRSF2-GFP cRNA, and an immunostaining of nuclear speckles in a fully grown oocyte using the SC35 antibody (Figure 3D). The correct dose of SRSF2-GFP cRNA to microinject was defined based on visual comparisons between expression profiles of SRSF2-GFP with endogenous profiles of nuclear speckles.
Cytoplasmic stirring forces in oocytes, as shown by previous work from the lab using STICS vector maps and image correlation analysis (see9 and11), can be decreased by cytoskeletal perturbations, both genetic (e.g., FMN2-mutant mouse) and chemical (e.g., Cytochalasin D). STICS maps of control oocytes display numerous vectors, with colors indicating high flow velocities, whereas maps of oocytes with disrupted cytoskeletal forces display less vectors, with colors indicating low flow velocities. Similarly, image correlation is lost very fast in control oocytes compared to oocytes with disrupted cytoskeletal forces. This is observable on correlation curves, with a faster decrease of the curve for control oocytes compared to oocytes with disrupted cytoskeletal forces9 or a faster increase when the curve is inverted11.
Cytoskeletal forces agitate the nucleus and its interior organelles, in particular nuclear condensates like nuclear speckles10,11. In Figure 4A, the nucleus of control oocytes is subjected to important peripheral fluctuations, which is visible using the nuclear probe YFP-Rango. Nucleus shape in oocytes with disrupted cytoskeletal forces is stable during time (Figure 4C). Analysis of nuclear outline fluctuations is key to precisely quantify the agitation. By determining the variance of the distance from the nucleus centroid to its periphery, (r-R)2 (Figure 4B), fluctuations could be quantified, showing that nuclear agitation is 6 times higher in control oocytes than in oocytes with disrupted cytoskeletal forces10. In Figure 5A-B, nuclear speckles (SRSF2-GFP+ droplets) are shown in control and disrupted contexts of cytoplasmic forces at high temporal resolution. In controls, the droplet surface fluctuates significantly more than droplet surfaces in oocytes with disrupted cytoplasmic forces, which can be visualized and quantified using the Radioak32 plugin. Visually, green and red colors (Radioak output seen on bottom images of Figure 5A-B) indicate angles where the plugin detected surface changes between consecutive images and white indicates a lack of surface changes.
Figure 1: Illustration of late mouse oogenesis and early embryogenesis. Illustration of nucleus centering that occurs in late oocyte growth, chromosome off centering that occurs during oocyte division, and early steps (1-cell and 2-cell stages) of embryogenesis. The female genomes (oocyte nucleus and female pronucleus) are in pink, the male pronucleus is in blue. The embryo nuclei (after fusion of parental genomes) are purple. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Illustration of cytoplasmic and nuclear remodeling across scales in growing mouse oocytes. This figure summarizes key findings from9,10,11. Illustration of actomyosin-based remodeling of the cytoplasm, nuclear agitation, and functional nuclear biomolecular condensate remodeling across spatiotemporal scales. The scale-crossing remodeling of nuclear speckles enhances biomolecular reactions associated with their function (i.e., splicing of pre-mRNA). Note that this protocol allows the assessment of nuclear agitation only across spatial scales but not temporal ones, since all imaging is done with the same temporal resolution of 0.5 s between image frames. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Sample images of the fully grown oocyte and the nucleoplasm. (A) Bright-field image of a fully grown oocyte showing chromatin (cyan) that encircles the nucleolus. A dotted white circle outlines the nucleus. (B) Live oocyte nucleus expressing YFP-Rango; note the absence of fluorescence in the nucleolus. (C) Example of live oocyte nucleus expressing SRSF2-GFP after microinjection of correct doses of cRNA (left panel) or high doses of cRNA (right panel); note the condensed (droplet) and dissolved phases on the left and their absence in the condition on the right. (D) Nuclear speckle immunostaining in a fixed oocyte; note the endogenous expression profile that is comparable to the one in C (left panel). Scale bars = 5 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Plugin outputs of control and disrupted nuclear outline fluctuations. (A) Time-lapse of a control oocyte nucleus expressing YFP-Rango (top) and its corresponding binary mask generated by the Ovocyte_nucleus plugin (bottom). (B) Principle of nuclear outline fluctuations measurements over time and in a given direction. Directions are defined by a revolving angle θ of 1° increment from 0° to 360°. Two representative shapes at t=0 s (yellow) and t=135 s (purple) are represented. The blue shape corresponds to the mean shape over time. (C) Nuclear outline fluctuations of a nucleus in an oocyte with decreased cytoskeletal forces due to disruption of both F-actin (FMN2-mutant mouse) and microtubules (Nocodazole treatment; as in10). Scale bars = 5 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Plugin outputs of control and disrupted droplet surface fluctuations. (A) Crop of a control SRSF2-GFP nuclear droplet imaged at 500 ms per frame and shown in Ice Look Up Table (LUT) (top); binary mask of the same droplet generated by Fiji (center); and Radioak plugin outputs after analysis of surface fluctuations of the droplet (bottom), with green and red indicating angles where the plugin detected surface changes between consecutive images and white indicating a lack of surface changes. (B) Surface fluctuations of a nuclear droplet in oocytes with decreased cytoskeletal forces due to disruption of both F-actin and microtubules (as in11). Scale bars = 5 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Table 1: Example of Ovocyte_nucleus plugin analysis output. The same nucleus analyzed as the one shown in Figure 4A. Theta (θ) is the angle in degrees and t1 to t600 correspond to the frame number, which can be converted in time. The radii are in µm. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table 2: Sample spreadsheet used to calculate nuclear outline fluctuations. The same nucleus analyzed as the one shown in Figure 4A. Theta (θ) is the angle in degrees and t1 to t600 correspond to the frame number, which can be converted in time. Tab Raw and average: The radii are in µm. Tab r-R: The r-R distances are in µm. Table (r-R)2: The fluctuation values are in µm2. Tabs x and y correspond to the Cartesian coordinates of the radii from the Raw and average tab. They allow to draw the mean shape of the nucleus over time in the mean shape tab. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table 3: Example of Radioak plugin analysis output. The same droplet analyzed as the one shown in Figure 5A. The measured radii at distinct timepoints and angles are shown. The radii are in µm. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table 4: Sample spreadsheet used to calculate nuclear droplet surface fluctuations. The same droplet analyzed as the one shown in Figure 5A. Theta (θ) is the angle in degrees and t1 to t600 correspond to the frame number, which can be converted in time. Tab Raw and average: The radii are in µm. Tab r-R: The r-R distances are in µm. Table (r-R)2: The fluctuation values are in µm2. Tabs x and y correspond to the Cartesian coordinates of the radii from the Raw and average tab. Please click here to download this File.
Key steps in this protocol include proper microinjection of oocytes without affecting their survival or normal function9,10,11, as well as microinjecting predefined amounts of cRNA that would allow correct visualization of relevant structures, like nuclear speckles.
Establishing the link between cytoplasmic and (intra)-nuclear dynamics is essential when studying how the cytoskeleton agitates the nucleus or its interior. This protocol, with slight modifications, allows that by correlating cytoplasmic stirring intensities to nuclear YFP-Rango or SRSF2-GFP droplet dynamics (as in11). To proceed, oocytes should first be filmed for 120 s in bright-field mode to capture cytoplasmic stirring, prior to being immediately filmed for 120 s with a 491 nm laser to capture nuclear outline or droplet dynamics. In case of nuclear SRSF2-GFP droplets, the correlation can simply be assessed by comparing their effective diffusion coefficients (see step 7 in this protocol) to the inverted maximal intensity values of cytoplasmic stirring obtained using image correlation analyses (see step 4 in this protocol). Another important point is the size of condensates chosen for analyses of droplet surface fluctuations. Droplets of a similar diameter should be selected for comparative analyses to prevent bias, as size modulates intensity of surface fluctuations.
There are some limitations for this protocol. Analyses of nuclear outline fluctuations rely on full intra-nuclear staining, such as YFP-Rango or NLS-GFP. For analyses on nuclear speckles, microinjection of excessive amounts of SRSF2-GFP cRNA can lead to apparent alterations in phase separating properties of this condensate marker (Figure 3C), as previously reviewed by others26. Verifying that exogenous protein expression profiles are comparable to the endogenous ones is therefore critical. Moreover, relatively small droplets (<2 µm radius) should be excluded from surface fluctuation analysis pipelines due to limitations of spatial resolution with the tools defined here. This resolution issue can usually be solved by the use of more resolutive microscopes which, for instance, could be necessary to probe surface fluctuations of smaller condensates in the oocyte nucleus or in the significantly smaller nucleus of somatic cells.
Overall, this protocol allows the capture of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton-based agitation of the mouse oocyte nucleus across scales. Specifically, it allows the documentation of cytoskeleton-based mobilization of the cytoplasm, nuclear outline fluctuations, together with liquid-like nuclear speckle displacements and surface fluctuations. Although some studies in other cell types address some of these matters38,39,40 via distinct protocols of varying complexity at individual spatial scales, this simple protocol provides the tools necessary to address the mentioned cellular dynamics across multiple scales in a single work pipeline for the first time. Moreover, data generated from this approach, when complemented with biophysical modeling as in10,11, enable a minimally invasive evaluation of: i) changes in nuclear mechanics10; ii) the transmission of cytoskeleton-based active forces in the cytoplasm to condensates in the nucleus11; and iii) the dissipation of this active energy across different cellular compartments10,11. Importantly, this protocol is versatile, as it may be adapted not only to other nuclear condensates like the nucleolus23, but also to other cell types like cancer cells, where changes in both cytoskeletal and nuclear condensate behaviors were documented17,41.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
A.A.J. and M.A. co-wrote the manuscript and all co-authors commented on the manuscript. M. A. is supported by CNRS and "Projet Fondation ARC" (PJA2022070005322).A.A.J. is supported by Fondation des Treilles, Fonds Saint-Michel, and Fondation du Collège de France.
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) | Sigma | A3311 | |
CSU-X1-M1 spinning disk | Yokogawa | ||
DMI6000B microscope | Leica | ||
Femtojet microinjector | Eppendorf | ||
Fiji | |||
Filter wheel | Sutter Instruments Roper Scientific | ||
Fluorodish | World Precision Instruments | FD35-100 | |
Metamorph software | Universal Imaging, | version | |
Mineral oil | Sigma Aldrich | M8410-1L | |
NanoDrop 2000 | Thermo Scientific | ||
OF1 and C57BL/6 mice | Charles River Laboratories | ||
Poly(A) Tailing kit | Thermo Fisher | AM1350 | |
Retiga 3 CCD camera | QImaging | ||
RNAeasy kit | Qiagen | 74104 | |
SC35 antibody | Abcam | ab11826 | Nuclear speckle antibody; mouse IgG1 anti-SRSF2/SC35 (1:400) |
SRSF2-GFP plasmid | OriGene Technologies | MG202528 | NM_011358 |
Stripper Micropipette | XLAB Solutions | specialized for oocyte collection | |
T3 mMessage mMachine | Thermo Fisher | AM1384 | |
T7 mMessage mMachine | Thermo Fisher | AM13344 | |
Thermostatic chamber | Life Imaging Service | ||
Windows Excel | Windows |