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Labeling Neuronal Morphology Using Custom Diolistic Techniques

Lyon Hough1, Michael E. Brown2


Diolistic labeling is increasingly utilized in neuroscience as a highly efficient and reproducible method for the visualization and analysis of neuronal morphology. The use of lipophilic carbocyanine dyes, combined with particle-mediated biolistic delivery, allows for the non-toxic fluorescent labeling of multiple neurons, including their dendritic arbors and spines, in both living and fixed tissue. Since first described, this novel labeling method has been modified and adapted to fit a variety of research goals and laboratory settings. Diolistic labeling has traditionally relied on the use of a commercially available, hand-held gene gun for the propulsion of coated micro-particles into tissue sections. Recently, laboratory-built biolistic devices have been developed and allow for the increased availability and customization of this method. Here, we discuss one such custom biolistic device and provide a detailed protocol for its use in diolistic labeling. In addition to decreasing the associated costs, the laboratory-built device also overcomes many of the obstacles normally experienced with traditional diolistics, allowing for reliable and reproducible neuronal labeling. The versatility of this method allows for its adaptation to a variety of laboratory settings and neuroscience-related research goals.

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