This paper outlines basic methods to standardize important factors such as density, feed availability, hydration source, and environmental controls for the long-term rearing of laboratory cultures of the edible cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus.
Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer) is a large-bodied cricket distributed throughout Africa and Southern Eurasia where it is often wild-harvested as human food. Outside its native range, culturing G. bimaculatus is feasible due to its dietary plasticity, rapid reproductive cycle, lack of diapause requirement, tolerance for high-density rearing, and robustness against pathogens. Thus, G. bimaculatus can be a versatile model for studies of insect physiology, behavior, embryology, or genetics.
Cultural parameters, such as stocking density, within-cage refugia, photoperiod, temperature, relative humidity, and diet, all impact cricket growth, behavior, and gene expression and should be standardized. In the burgeoning literature on farming insects for human consumption, these crickets are frequently employed to evaluate candidate feed admixtures derived from crop residues, food-processing byproducts, and other low-cost waste streams.
To support ongoing experiments evaluating G. bimaculatus growth performance and nutritional quality in response to variable feed substrates, a comprehensive set of standard protocols for breeding, upkeep, handling, measurement, and euthanasia in the laboratory was developed and is presented here. An industry-standard cricket feed has proven nutritionally adequate and functionally appropriate for the long-term maintenance of cricket breeding stocks, as well as for use as an experimental control feed. Rearing these crickets at a density of 0.005 crickets/cm3 in screen-topped 29.3 L polyethylene cages at an average temperature of 27 °C on a 12 light (L)/12 dark (D) photoperiod, with moistened coconut coir serving both as hydration source and oviposition medium has successfully sustained healthy crickets over a 2-year span. Following these methods, crickets in a controlled experiment yielded an average mass of 0.724 g 0.190 g at harvest, with 89% survivorship and 68.2% sexual maturation between stocking (22 days) and harvest (65 days).
As typified by the iconic insect, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the use of insects as laboratory model organisms provides distinct advantages for studies in genetics, toxicology, and physiology1. The small size of insects reduces the space needed for cultures and the amount of feed and consumable materials required. Many insects reproduce quickly making them uniquely suited to the creation of specialized genetic lines and studies requiring the evaluation of multiple successive generations.
Many studies focus on holometabolous insects such as Drosophila, which exhibit complete metamorphosis and pupation. However, other models are available, including Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer), the two-spotted field cricket. G. bimaculatus is a paurometabolous insect that undergoes between 7 and 11 nymphal instars before reaching sexual maturity2. This cricket displays a wide range of behaviors related to sexual selection, including stridulation, territorial displays, and mate-guarding3. Immature crickets are unlike the larvae of holometabolous insect species in that they, similar to many paurometabolous juveniles, are able to regenerate lost and damaged limbs during ecdysis4. Additionally, the fully sequenced genome of G. bimaculatus was published in 20215. These characteristics make these crickets appealing as a target for basic research.
Two-spotted field crickets are widely reared for human food and animal feed. The scale of these operations is often much larger than for laboratory research6,7. Despite the difference in scale, the challenges faced by researchers overlap greatly with those encountered by commercial cricket farmers. These considerations converge in the context of lab-based research aiming to improve edible insect production. As the edible insect industry continues to evolve and grow, optimizing feed inputs and myriad other aspects of production is a primary goal8. Laboratory studies demonstrating measured improvements in rearing efficiency, survivorship, or generation time in these crickets have the potential to help increase the profitability of cricket farming operations long-term.
Standardized rearing protocols enable closer comparison between studies investigating rearing optimization. To-date, few in-depth protocols for rearing G. bimaculatus in the laboratory have been published. An ideal protocol would reflect conditions encountered in real-world cricket farming operations, while maintaining the strictly controlled conditions necessary to accurately measure changes in growth performance arising from experimental treatments and highlighting risk mitigation strategies. The methods described in this paper were developed based on published protocols, techniques, and apparatus used to rear a variety of cricket species at a broad range of laboratory and commercial production scales2,9,10,11,12. These methods are also informed by several non-peer reviewed sources, including unpublished technical bulletins and personal communication with commercial cricket farmers in North America. This protocol was developed with the intention of facilitating the establishment of laboratory cultures of G. bimaculatus specifically for use in trials related to insect agriculture.
1. Preparing the oviposition substrate
NOTE: Coconut coir is an ideal oviposition substrate for G. bimaculatus. For detailed methods on how to separate coir from compressed coir brick and a note on respiratory safety, see Supplemental Materials step 1.1.
2. Caring for instars three to adult
Data demonstrating successful cricket rearing from hatching to 65 days old were collected during a September 2021 feed trial. Crickets were grown from eggs following steps 1.1.1-2.6.1 of these protocols, and six replicate cages were stocked with 24 random 22-day-old (third instar) crickets following step 2.7 above. Crickets were then reared in ambient room conditions; however, due to a malfunctioning facility air handling unit, the average room temperature was 25 ± 1 °C at 20% relative humidity rather than the suggested 27 °C. Cricket mass was measured twice weekly between 22 and 65 days post hatching. The results from this experiment are outlined below and are presented as means plus or minus standard deviation.
Data shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 represent the six replicate cages administered the standard feed described in this protocol. Crickets were stocked from a population with mean mass of 21 ± 9 mg. At the end of the experiment, the mean mass of all combined juvenile and adult crickets was 0.724 g ± 0.190 g (Figure 1). As G. bimaculatus is sexually dimorphic, we also report adult mass by sex. Sex ratio at harvest was 51% female. Of 30 adult males present at 65 days of age when the experiment ended, the mean mass was 0.721 g ± 0.123 g. Of the 58 adult females present at 65 days of age, the mean mass was 0.841 g ± 0.112 g (Figure 2). Survivorship between stocking and harvest was 89% and was measured weekly by total counts of all individual crickets in all cages. At day 65, 68.2% of all crickets had reached the adult instar (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Mean mass of individual crickets 22-65 days post hatching. Bars represent quartiles of mean cricket mass by cage, n = 6 cages. All crickets were counted and weighed 2x per week, except in 1 week of the experiment, in which they were weighed only once. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Mean adult cricket mass by sex at the end of the experiment. Male crickets n = 30, female crickets n = 58. Bars represent quantiles of mean mass; 'x' represents mean cricket mass by sex. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Materials: (1) Coconut Coir and Respiratory safety, (2) Removing coconut coir material, (3) Calibration of mist delivery, (4) Screened lid construction, (5) Experimental cage stocking, (6) Randomizing crickets to cages, (7) Methods used for feed analysis. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S1: Side view of cricket cage containing correct arrangement of cardboard carton refugia, feed, and coconut coir. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S2: Top view of Petri dishes containing coconut coir and cricket feed positioned at the bottom of the cage. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S3: Crickets being transferred from the bottom of a cage into a new cage by slowly tilting as described in steps 2.2.11-2.2.13. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S4: Cages containing crickets positioned on lighted rearing racks. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Table S1: (1) Nutritional analyses of commercial feed, (2) Manufacturer's list of feed ingredients. Please click here to download this Table.
The simplicity of this approach to cricket rearing can benefit a range of research areas and represents a generic template for successful cricket husbandry, easily adaptable to a variety of experimental needs. Compared to several other studies of G. bimaculatus, the individual body adult size is smaller and maturation is slower14, which we attribute to sub-optimal rearing temperature imposed on us by circumstance. The methods described above have been used and refined over the course of 2 years. Robust cultures have been maintained without evidence of problems sometimes observed in commercial cricket farming, including widespread mortality from pathogens with classical clinical signs (e.g., internal liquification due to densoviruses in Acheta domesticus) or excessive cannibalism15. It is likely that the lack of cricket introductions following colony establishment greatly reduced the likelihood of disease burden.
Preventing crowding is important to ensure cricket health. Wild G. bimaculatus are solitary, and males defend their territories through aggressive displays and fighting16. Successful captive care requires keeping colony density within an appropriate range to reduce antagonistic behavior and overall stress responses13. This is accomplished by providing crickets with abundant within-cage refuge and by thinning breeding stocks of crickets to 150 individuals per 29.3 L cage at 20 days after hatching when they reach an average size of 0.01 g, during the third or fourth juvenile instar. This rearing density is identical with that used in the G. bimaculatus feed optimization trials of Sorjonen et al.14. A consideration of particular relevance during the transfer of crickets from one container to another is the high degree of escape risk. Secondary containment, controlled movements, preparation to apprehend escapees, and vigilance are crucial tools to prevent cricket escape during this process. Such measures reflect the United States Department of Agriculture designation of Gryllus spp. crickets as potential crop pests, requiring federal and state permits for rearing in the United States17.
Environmental controls and feed quality during egg and early nymphal stages are important to the health of all captive cricket cultures, including G. bimaculatus. To lay viable eggs, female G. bimaculatus require a moist substrate in which to oviposit18. Coconut coir is widely used in the commercial cricket production industry as a medium for oviposition. These methods rely on coconut coir moistened with DI water as a substrate for both oviposition and hydration of crickets throughout their life cycle. Similarly, the use of damp paper towels in juvenile cages to absorb excess water droplets and provide humidity gradients within the natal environment has proven highly effective in reducing the number of <1-week-old crickets succumbing to either dehydration or drowning, as indicated by the presence or absence of deceased juvenile crickets in cage bottoms. Juvenile nutrition is known to play an outsized role in predicting successful growth performance in crickets. Ensuring that fresh full-nutrition feed is of a particle size suitable for <0.01 g crickets will lead to higher survivorship, as younger crickets will be more susceptible to the impacts of variability in feed quality19.
The commercially available cricket feed used in this study was selected due to its widespread use in the North American cricket farming industry. First, from personal communications with three commercial cricket farmers, two in the Upper Midwest US, and one in the Southern US it is clear that this feed (Mazuri) is widely applied in the edible insects industry to-date. Cricket farmers find it amenable for desirable growth performance, fecundity, development, and weight gain metrics. Second, for technicians tasked with administering feed to large numbers of crickets in laboratory settings, utilizing one powdered pre-mixed feed throughout the insects' lifespan is convenient. Third, protein demand is known to be an important factor in cricket development and although many other specific nutritional needs for G. bimaculatus are not fully understood, this preformulated mix contains a crude protein percentage, which falls within the reported optimum range of 22%-30%14,20.
Space in incubators is often limited. Cricket farms typically start their early-instar crickets in incubators and transfer more mature stock to open-air environments, where facility-wide air handling systems regulate temperature and humidity. For these reasons, these methods are designed to emulate such arrangements on a smaller scale. After 20 days inside the incubator, the density is reduced, and crickets are transferred either to experimental treatments or to ambient conditions for use as breeding stock. When air handling systems function properly, rearing facility temperature should be a stable 27 ± 1 °C with relative humidity between 20% and 25%. Crickets are allowed ad libitum access to water and feed. The feed referenced throughout these methods is Mazuri Cricket Feed used widely by cricket farmers in North America. For full nutritional analysis, see Supplemental TableS1.
Per the methods of Donoughe and Extavour (2016), cotton wool may be used in lieu of coconut coir as an oviposition medium or as a casing material atop the coir to prevent particles of frass or feed from contaminating the surface of the oviposition medium18. They recommend a thin layer of cotton wool be placed over the substrate during the oviposition period and subsequently removed once oviposition is complete, along with the accumulated frass and detritus. Although data measuring the impact of substrate contamination on egg viability or cricket development are not available, the protocols outlined here yield satisfactory results in both production of juvenile crickets and growth. This may be attributable to the putative antimicrobial qualities of coconut coir and is grounds for future research in the arena of edible insect production21.
Due to a malfunction of the unit regulating the temperature of the cricket rearing facility in which these methods were developed, the trial for which we are reporting data was conducted at 25 °C at 20% relative humidity, which is 2° cooler than these protocols dictate. Furthermore, these narrowly feed-based research aims result in limited availability of data on certain metrics of interest such as fecundity, endocrine responses, pathogen load, and gene expression. Once breeding crickets were consistently producing abundant viable cricket eggs and juvenile mortality was observed to be negligible, efforts were focused primarily on experimentation directly relevant to research questions. Thus, this report offers only anecdotal accounts of the long-term growth performance impacts of these methods across >10 generations. Finally, the use of plant-derived materials such as coir and cardboard in experimental cages likely leads to incidental ingestion by crickets. This is acceptable within the design of these studies but may compromise the validity of study designs where findings rely on precise measurements of total ingested biomass.
The protocol described here is intended to be both basic and thorough, with clear and easy-to-follow steps for feasibly rearing crickets in a laboratory setting fed with a commercially available standard feed. Utilizing such a standardized procedure with optimal cleaning, stocking density, and environmental controls allows for maintenance of uniform and healthy cricket colonies long-term; moreover, it will contribute to the growing research on G. bimaculatus as a farmable edible insect with implications for human health. It may also be useful for studies on insect physiology, growth optimization, and genetics.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Funding for this project was made possible through University of Wisconsin-Madison internal grants. Sincerest thanks to Kevin Bachhuber of Bachhuber Consulting Inc. for access to his unpublished guide for commercial cricket rearing and to Michael Bartlett Smith for his assistance in refining and troubleshooting these methods.
31-qt (29.3 L) Snap-lid tote bin with lid | HOMZ | 3430CLBL | Used to house breeding stock |
3-tier/12-tray Grow Light Stand | Fischer Scientific | NC1938548 | |
50-gal (189.27L) tote bin with lid | Sterilite | #14796603 | Used as secondary containment when handling crickets |
50 mL polypropylene graduated cylinder | Fischer Scientific | S95171 | |
7.5-qt (7.1 L) snap-lid tote bin with lid | HOMZ | 3410CLBL | Used to house exprimental stock |
Accuris 500 g x 0.01 g Balance | Manufactured by Accuris, a subsidieary of Benchmark Scientific | W3300-500 | Purchased from Dot Scientific through University of Wisconsin system purchasing service "ShopUW+" |
Ace Premier 1 Inch Flat Chip Brush | Ace Hardware | #1803261 | |
Bel-Art SP Scienceware deionized water wash bottle | Fischer Scientific | 03-421-160 | |
Bright aluminum window screen | Phifer | UNSPSC# 11162108 | Mesh size 18 x 16" |
Clear Disposable Plastic Portion Cups 5.5 oz w/ lids | Wal-Mart | N/A | |
Deionized water | |||
Diablo 4-4/8" x 13 TPI Ultra Fine Finish Bi-Metal Jigsaw Blade | Home Depot | #313114935 | |
Egg Filler Flats-Paper, 12 x 12" | Uline | S-5189 | |
Fisherbrand Petri Dishes with Clear Lid 100 x 15mm | Fischer Scientific | FB0875714 | |
Fisherbrand Petri Dishes with Clear Lid 60 x 15mm | Fischer Scientific | FB0875713A | |
Georgia-Pacific Envision Brown Paper Towels | Home Depot | #205675843 | |
Infinity Tough Guy high performance hot-melt glue sticks | Infinity Bond | Infinity IM-Tough-Guy-12 | |
Mazuri Cricket Diet | Land O' Lakes International | SKU# 3002219-105 | |
Stanley TimeIt Twin 2-outlet Grounded Mechanical 24 Hour Timer | Wal-Mart | N/A | |
Vermont Organics Reclamation Soil 11 lb Coir Block | Home Depot | #300679904 |