

Published: November 03, 2016




Arterial vasodilation to increases in wall shear rate is indicative of vascular endothelial function. In humans, the non-invasive measurement of endothelial function can be achieved by employing the flow-mediated dilation technique, typically performed in the brachial or superficial femoral artery. Briefly, a blood pressure cuff placed distal to an ultrasound probe is inflated to a suprasystolic pressure, which results in limb ischemia. After 5 min of occlusion the cuff is deflated, resulting in reactive hyperemia and increases in wall shear rate that signal vasodilatory molecules to be released from the endothelium eliciting vasodilation. Despite the thousands of studies performing flow-mediated dilation in humans, surprisingly, no studies have performed this technique non-invasively in living rats. Considering the recent shift in focus to translational research, the establishment of guidelines for non-invasive measurement of flow-mediated dilation in rats and other rodents would be extremely valuable. In the following article, a protocol is presented for the non-invasive measurement of flow-mediated dilation in brachial and superficial femoral arteries of rats, as those sites are most commonly measured in humans.



内皮功能障碍可以在利用血流介导的舒张(FMD)技术4,5-人类非侵入性进行评估。口蹄疫已经提出来表示一个功能生物测定内皮衍生在人类中NO的生物利用度,且通常评估在下列一〜5分钟肢闭塞6响应于反应性充血肱或股浅动脉。反应性充血增加了被转导至内皮细胞的7层的剪切力,信令NO 8的释放。虽然近年来,血管舒张由NO释放发起的比重一直争论不休9,10,口蹄疫表明内皮依赖性扩张,并一直被证明预测心血管事件11-13。



所有动物的程序符合指南实验动物14的管理和使用以及犹他州大学和盐湖城的退伍军人医疗中心动物护理和使用获得批准。 1.动物的制备将动物含100%氧气3%异氟醚麻醉诱导室。留在感应室中的动物,直到它响应外部刺激。 从感应腔室取出动物,并将其放置在配备有心电图(ECG)电极加热的检查表。维持在100%的氧气3%异氟醚麻醉。肱动脉和股浅动脉…

Representative Results

于8 Wistar大鼠的肱动脉和股浅动脉进行血流介导的扩张。的大鼠的定位,如图1所示。 股浅动脉的代表超声图像示于图2。 图1. 鼠和超声定位。 大鼠的定位臂丛(A)的测量和?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


All animal imaging was performed at the Small Animal Imaging Core Facility, University of Utah.

This study was funded in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R21 AG043952, R01 AG040297, K01 AG046326, K02 AG045339, and R01 DK100505).


Vevo 2100 High Resolution Micro-Ultrasound Imaging System VisualSonics, Toronto, ON, CAN
MicroScan Ultra-High Frequency Linear Array Transducer – MS-700 30-70 MHz VisualSonics, Toronto, ON, CAN
Vevo Imaging Station VisualSonics, Toronto, ON, CAN
Thermasonic gel warmer Parker Laboratories, Fairfield, NJ, USA 82-03 Optional
Signacreme electrode cream Parker Laboratories, Fairfield, NJ, USA 17-05
Transpore surgical tape 3M, Maplewood, MN, USA 1527-1
Depilatory cream (e.g., Nair) General supply
Cotton swabs General supply
Ultrasound gel General supply
Standard vascular occluder, 10 mm lumen diameter Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA, USA 62-0115
10 ml syringe with Luer-Lok tip General Supply Used for occlusion cuff apparatus
Paperclip General Supply Used for occlusion cuff apparatus
Hypodermic needle – 18 gauge  General Supply Used for occlusion cuff apparatus
Medium binder clip General Supply Used for occlusion cuff apparatus


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Machin, D. R., Leary, M. E., He, Y., Shiu, Y., Tanaka, H., Donato, A. J. Ultrasound Assessment of Flow-Mediated Dilation of the Brachial and Superficial Femoral Arteries in Rats. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54762, doi:10.3791/54762 (2016).

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