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JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments
Encyclopedia of Experiments: Biology

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Calcification Assay to Measure Calcium Concentration in Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells


Calcification Assay to Measure Calcium Concentration in Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells



Before beginning the assay, clean the biosafety hood with 70% ethanol, and warm the DMEM medium to 37 degrees Celsius. Next, seed 100,000 cells per condition into 6-well plates in complete DMEM, and culture at 37 degrees Celsius.

After 24 hours, replace the supernatant medium with the calcifying medium, and incubate the cells for 7 days at 37 degrees Celsius, replacing the medium on the third day.

After 7 days, measure the calcium concentration in a 96-well plate by using the Arsenazo III reagent, and recording the absorbance at 650 nanometers.

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